azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<Degi> Interestingly on 2.5 V IO the output pins go a tiny bit faster than on 3.3 V, though at 1.5 V somehow I only get half the frequency?
<tnt> Not entirely surprising. IIRC that's also reflected in the io timing when you run stuff in diamond. There are probably antagonistic effects resulting in some "optimum" voltage.
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<pie_> I don't know anything about BLE; how hard is it to sniff BLE?
<pie_> I imagine OTA it may be encrypted so passive sniffing may not be the best.
<pie_> I'd need to do it between an android app and a BLE device.
<pie_> Android emulators don't seem to support bluetooth, but maybe running it in a VM with android-x86 and USB passthrough of a dongle may also work?
<pie_> in that case I wouldn't have to sniff OTA but I would have to figure out how to get some sort of useful information out of the above chain
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<pie_> apparently android-x86 is pretty old
<pie_> maybe the normal emulators have usb passthrough?
<Hoernchen> android has builtin "hci snoop" function that will give you a pcap for wireshark..