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<abradd> Using "prep; flatten; tribuf -formal" seems to resolve the error I was seeing
<abradd> I noticed that when traces are generated they don't display the tristate port as 'z even when the input conditions mean they should
<abradd> Is that expected or do I have some other issue?
<abradd> I saw this in my own code, but started using https://gist.github.com/jix/6ccf5b58f10ce77cf40d9f13ed15db86 as a reference for testing. In it I also see that the tristate port goes to '0 instead of 'z when "en" is low
<jix> that's expected, the verification infrastructure doesn't actually support 'z so "tribuf -formal" converts it into equivalent logic + assertions to detect drive conflicts
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<abradd> Ok that makes sense. If I set any signal to 'z or it would otherwise have evaluated to 'z, is it always converted to '0 in the equivalent logic?
<abradd> I've been testing the code at https://gist.github.com/jix/6ccf5b58f10ce77cf40d9f13ed15db86 and it behaves as expected given your description above, but I have another simple module that seems to be ignoring my "en" signal and I cannot figure out why
<abradd> It basically boils down to
<abradd> assign tri_inout = en ? in : 1'bz;
<abradd> assign out = tri_inout;
<abradd> with a formal verification section that runs a counter, counts to 3 and covers ( out == 1 && count == 3)
<abradd> I can also provide the testcase if that is preferred
<abradd> but it seems the "en" is removed in the design.il file:
<abradd>   connect \out \tri_inout
<abradd>   connect \tri_inout \in
<abradd> which is what I see if the traces, "out" goes high as soon as "in" does irrespective of "en"
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