yep, i read that. the problem is that build runs without errors and user is created in core-image-full-cmdline/rootfs/etc/passwd, but it is not there when I boot the image. image is a genericx86-64 linux
ewi: define "is not there"
on installed os
ewi: how did you implement it?
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ewi: how did you test user is created?
I looked at the contents of tmp...etc/passwd and shadow
in the build environment
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mckoan: it is implemented as in documentation you linked
ewi: so it will work
no, because it is getting default passwd file from somewhere else
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hi, need to remove hostapd from the kirkstone image, i tried PACKAGECONFIG:remove = "hostapd", no way
i think, you should do IMAGE_INSTALL:remove += "hostapd" in image recipe.
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alperak: tried that too, same, still built
maybe it's a dependence of some other package ?
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Depends what you have in your local.conf
Or layer you use
ok. How can i check who needs hostapd ?
Either by manually looking at layer files with tool like ripgrep to find hostapd or there's probably some info flag to bitbake, recipetool or something else
ok thanks
Sorry for not exactly answering, I'm still learning Yocto for a project :)
anyway, if i remove also hostapd-example, still hostapd is built :(
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Maybe some feature triggers it to build?
thanks, grepping around :)
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does anyone have an intel board and use genericx86-64 that would be willing to test that a small change I have boots?
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rburton: they burn if you look at them now? :)
i genuinely have one x86 machine in the study and that's the NAS
rburton: I'm not sure what I have outside my build machine and laptop. I don't have much hardware now :/
actually alex is going out in an hour, i can borrow his gaming pc. that should be able to boot a normal efi stick.
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let's say i wrote a recipe and i can get it built with gcc. what other tests do i need to do before submitting it to oe or poky? in short, what tests are done after a recipe is written to get it accepted?
check that it works with sysvinit and systemd if it has an init script, check that it builds with musl, check that it builds with at least one other arch (say qemux86-64 and qemuarm64)
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also check that it's important enough to go in the layer you propose. the bar for new recipes in oe-core/poky is _high_.
meta-oe has a lower bar but does group recipes by high level function
rburton: which test?
alperak: the tests done by the oe-core maintainers involve running it through the autobuilder, autobuilder.yoctoproject.org
so that's qemuarm/ppc/mips/x86 for systemd/sysvinit for glibc/musl
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thanks for the explanations. i would like to keep the maintainers less hassle possible :D
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I’m busy with the installation of “network-manager”. I add this line to my local.conf: IMAGE_INSTALL += " networkmanager networkmanager-nmtui networkmanager-bash-completion"
But the packet is not found in my image, what do I wrong or is needed to configure?
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Nonkel: do IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " etworkmanager networkmanager-nmtui networkmanager-bash-completion"
I missed the n at the beginning :) but you get the point, use append instead of +=
yes, thanks i gone try this!
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my systemd+openssh distro is failing ptests a lot of them with this error - http://sprunge.us/MEqtAC
when i use REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES, if the person has not added 'foo' to DISTRO_FEATURES, the recipe build will give an error. what i wanted to do was this: if 'foo' is not added to DISTRO_FEATURES, the recipe should automatically add 'foo' itself. :)
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thats not how it is supposed to work.
distro features are global policy which drives the recipes not other way around
so you provide knobs in recipes which can be triggered based upon a DISTRO_FEATURE
Nonkel: the networkmanager package is a "meta package". It's empty. But it pulls in many other networkmanager-* packages. Just adding IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " networkmanager" should add a bunch of packages. The IMAGE_INSTALL:append can be set in the image recipe or e.g. the local.conf file. network-manager is probably nothing.
Also note the space after the ". It's important.
khem JPEW thanks!
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my application needs network-manager
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this is the ubuntu package network-manager named
if your app demands the NM daemon to be running then RDEPENDS:${PN} = "networkmanager-daemon" seems like the right thing
or just networkmanager
if you need the libraries at build time then DEPENDS = "networkmanager"
i van add this to my local,conf?
the recipe
for your application
can you give me more information please where a need to add this? i'm not yet familiar with Yocto.
you said "my application needs network-manager"
what is "your application"? is it a recipe you wrote?
not my application, for now i install this by hand when my image is created
so just add network-manager to your image's IMAGE_INSTALL
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " network-manager" is the easiest way to do that, without seeing your image recipe
you can do it in local.conf if you've not written your own image recipe yet
(but you should write your own image recipe)
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after adding this i got the error: Nothing RPROVIDES 'systemd-journal-remotenetwork-manager'
you left out the space that I carefully included before "network"