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<yocton> RP: I guess we worked on your patch at the same time T_T. You can drop what I've sent
<RP> yocton: I was thinking I could just use yours :)
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<RP> yocton: I sent it as I checked and you hadn't sent one and I was trying to clear our my patch backlog!
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<RP> khem: great! :)
<yocton> Your patch and you're the maintainer, I'm just a messenger ;-)
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<RP> yocton: well, the patch was more written to give an idea of where the changes were needed, as you'd gather from the typos in it :/
<RP> sorry about those, I thought it better to share the idea at the time...
<yocton> It was definitely better. It saved me a lot of time, thanks!
<RP> yocton: ok, good, I was hoping it might help
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<yocton> RP: Patchtest does complain (rightfully) about a long line. Is it worth a v2?
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<khem> C-o-r-E: we do not actively test nios2 architecture so I am not surprised if it is not working but we can certainly help fixing it
<khem> Firstly I would suggest to post the full log.do_compile for glib somewhere
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<khem> It might be some missing patch to support it
<khem> In meson or in glib
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<rburton> C-o-r-E: did the glib failure not tell you exactly what to do? I'd have expected it to fail in https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/tree/meta/recipes-devtools/meson/meson/0001-Make-CPU-family-warnings-fatal.patch
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<JaMa> RP: hopefully quick question, with https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/diff/meta/classes/image-artifact-names.bbclass?id=abb0671d2cebfd7e8df94796404bbe9c7f961058 merged, should I move the SDE to IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX directly? I was refreshing and retesting my changes for artifacts and this function now seems unnecessary
<RP> JaMa: yes, probably
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<rburton> right, it needs to be added
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<speeder> out of curiosity: any yocto maintainer or regular developer hangs out here? (I don't need help, just asking because I am curious)
<rburton> yeah, most of them are here
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<RP> speeder: quite a few of us!
<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<LetoThe2nd> heh i'm very regular but neither maintainer nor developer ;-)
<RP> LetoThe2nd: when are you sending a patch? :)
<LetoThe2nd> RP: hmmmm
<LetoThe2nd> maybe once I figure out how to leave vim?
<LetoThe2nd> *exit
* RP likes mcedit
<LetoThe2nd> RP: is that as unhealthy as mcdonalds?
<RP> LetoThe2nd: some would probably say so!
<Rich_1234> Can I send in a patch adding one line to .gitignore to brag to my friends
<Rich_1234> certified developer :)
<RP> Rich_1234: send, absolutely. Will we accept it? Only if it makes sense :)
<rburton> LetoThe2nd: killall vim, obviously
<RP> That said, you must be able to find some python parameter whitespace cleanup somewhere, or the (object) change someone mentioned on list recently
<Rich_1234> I might actually try and contribute something one day
<rburton> there's always plenty of low-hanging fruit
<rburton> running pylint over bitbake and fixing up any obvious errors would be useful.
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<Rich_1234> I've made a note of it (y)
<rburton> default pylint is _incredibly_ moany about style but if you turn all those off there might be some actual errors in there
<rburton> speaking of
<rburton> RP: should tinfoil.py:set_event_mask() return that ret variable?
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<RP> rburton: yes, probably
<RP> rburton: Although it looks like it only returns True/False
<RP> so no, not useful
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<C-o-r-E> rburton: yes, I did get the "UnkownCPU" error.
<C-o-r-E> I am just surprised because I thought that core-image-minimal would be working
<C-o-r-E> but this suggests nothing with meson is capable of building on nios today
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<rburton> C-o-r-E: only in yocto because we don't like the silent failures that warning gives
<rburton> but yeah, you're obviously the first person to try nios+yocto+meson
<rburton> (or the first to not just work around the problem and not tell anyone)
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<ewi> hello any gurus present?
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<LetoThe2nd> ewi: i think have a bunch of guru meditations left in a drawer somewhere.
<ewi> i am building an image with EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS. It is adding the user to passwd and shadow but it is not found in final image.
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<ewi> yep, i read that. the problem is that build runs without errors and user is created in core-image-full-cmdline/rootfs/etc/passwd, but it is not there when I boot the image. image is a genericx86-64 linux
<mckoan> ewi: define "is not there"
<ewi> on installed os
<mckoan> ewi: how did you implement it?
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<mckoan> ewi: how did you test user is created?
<ewi> I looked at the contents of tmp...etc/passwd and shadow
<ewi> in the build environment
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<ewi> mckoan: it is implemented as in documentation you linked
<mckoan> ewi: so it will work
<ewi> no, because it is getting default passwd file from somewhere else
<ewi> ./genericx86_64-poky-linux/core-image-full-cmdline/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/passwd
<ewi> It is found in this file, where else might it be getting it?
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<bhstalel> Hello Everyone, I am told that I need to upload my presentation to the pretalx website for Yocto summit, can anyone clarify this for me ?
<rburton> that's usual, yes
<rburton> you can login to the schedule site and then upload
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<bhstalel> You mean I upload in "Resources" ?
<ewi> halt
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<ad__> hi, need to remove hostapd from the kirkstone image, i tried PACKAGECONFIG:remove = "hostapd", no way
<alperak> i think, you should do IMAGE_INSTALL:remove += "hostapd" in image recipe.
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<ad__> alperak: tried that too, same, still built
<ad__> maybe it's a dependence of some other package ?
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<KhazAkar> Depends what you have in your local.conf
<KhazAkar> Or layer you use
<ad__> ok. How can i check who needs hostapd ?
<KhazAkar> Either by manually looking at layer files with tool like ripgrep to find hostapd or there's probably some info flag to bitbake, recipetool or something else
<ad__> ok thanks
<KhazAkar> Sorry for not exactly answering, I'm still learning Yocto for a project :)
<ad__> yeah, np, help appreciated
<ad__> it is
<ad__> bitbake -g your-image
<ad__> oe-depends-dot --why --key hostapd task-depends.dot
<ad__> so isee
<ad__> my-image-dev -> packagegroup-tdx-cli -> hostapd-example -> hostapd
<KhazAkar> Thanks :)
<ad__> anyway, if i remove also hostapd-example, still hostapd is built :(
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<KhazAkar> Maybe some feature triggers it to build?
<ad__> thanks, grepping around :)
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<rburton> does anyone have an intel board and use genericx86-64 that would be willing to test that a small change I have boots?
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<RP> rburton: they burn if you look at them now? :)
<rburton> haha
<rburton> i genuinely have one x86 machine in the study and that's the NAS
<RP> rburton: I'm not sure what I have outside my build machine and laptop. I don't have much hardware now :/
<rburton> actually alex is going out in an hour, i can borrow his gaming pc. that should be able to boot a normal efi stick.
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<alperak> let's say i wrote a recipe and i can get it built with gcc. what other tests do i need to do before submitting it to oe or poky? in short, what tests are done after a recipe is written to get it accepted?
<rburton> check that it works with sysvinit and systemd if it has an init script, check that it builds with musl, check that it builds with at least one other arch (say qemux86-64 and qemuarm64)
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<rburton> also check that it's important enough to go in the layer you propose. the bar for new recipes in oe-core/poky is _high_.
<rburton> meta-oe has a lower bar but does group recipes by high level function
<mckoan> rburton: which test?
<rburton> alperak: the tests done by the oe-core maintainers involve running it through the autobuilder, autobuilder.yoctoproject.org
<rburton> so that's qemuarm/ppc/mips/x86 for systemd/sysvinit for glibc/musl
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<alperak> thanks for the explanations. i would like to keep the maintainers less hassle possible :D
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<Nonkel> Hello
<Nonkel> I’m busy with the installation of “network-manager”. I add this line to my local.conf: IMAGE_INSTALL += " networkmanager networkmanager-nmtui networkmanager-bash-completion"
<Nonkel> But the packet is not found in my image, what do I wrong or is needed to configure?
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<khem> Nonkel: do IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " etworkmanager networkmanager-nmtui networkmanager-bash-completion"
<khem> I missed the n at the beginning :) but you get the point, use append instead of +=
<Nonkel> yes, thanks i gone try this!
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<khem> my systemd+openssh distro is failing ptests a lot of them with this error - http://sprunge.us/MEqtAC
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<khem> it seems some recently regression
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<khem> but did not seem to help
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<Nonkel> khem: i tried without success, package is still not available
<Nonkel> is network-manager the same as networkmanager?
<alperak> If a recipe has a dependency on a distro_feature, how should I specify this in the recipe?
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<alperak> REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES = "foo" or {@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'foo', '', 'foo', d)}
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<JPEW> alperak: That's redundant.... it's saying "foo" is required if "foo" is enabled
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<JPEW> Err, or the opposite
<JPEW> Anyway, REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES = "foo" is sufficient
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<alperak> {@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'foo', '', 'foo', d)}
<alperak> It means, If there is foo in DISTRO_FEATURES, don't do anything. If there is no foo, add foo. right?
<JPEW> alperak: REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES is a check; if "foo" isn't in DISTRO_FEATURES, you can't build the recipe
<JPEW> There is no need to make it conditional like that
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<alperak> when i use REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES, if the person has not added 'foo' to DISTRO_FEATURES, the recipe build will give an error. what i wanted to do was this: if 'foo' is not added to DISTRO_FEATURES, the recipe should automatically add 'foo' itself. :)
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<khem> thats not how it is supposed to work.
<khem> distro features are global policy which drives the recipes not other way around
<khem> so you provide knobs in recipes which can be triggered based upon a DISTRO_FEATURE
<adrianf> Nonkel: the networkmanager package is a "meta package". It's empty. But it pulls in many other networkmanager-* packages. Just adding IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " networkmanager" should add a bunch of packages. The IMAGE_INSTALL:append can be set in the image recipe or e.g. the local.conf file. network-manager is probably nothing.
<adrianf> Also note the space after the ". It's important.
<alperak> khem JPEW thanks!
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<Nonkel> my application needs network-manager
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<Nonkel> this is the ubuntu package network-manager named
<rburton> if your app demands the NM daemon to be running then RDEPENDS:${PN} = "networkmanager-daemon" seems like the right thing
<rburton> or just networkmanager
<rburton> if you need the libraries at build time then DEPENDS = "networkmanager"
<Nonkel> i van add this to my local,conf?
<rburton> the recipe
<rburton> for your application
<Nonkel> can you give me more information please where a need to add this? i'm not yet familiar with Yocto.
<rburton> you said "my application needs network-manager"
<Nonkel> yes
<rburton> what is "your application"? is it a recipe you wrote?
<Nonkel> not my application, for now i install this by hand when my image is created
<rburton> so just add network-manager to your image's IMAGE_INSTALL
<rburton> IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " network-manager" is the easiest way to do that, without seeing your image recipe
<rburton> you can do it in local.conf if you've not written your own image recipe yet
<rburton> (but you should write your own image recipe)
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<Nonkel> after adding this i got the error: Nothing RPROVIDES 'systemd-journal-remotenetwork-manager'
<rburton> you left out the space that I carefully included before "network"
<rburton> append doesn't add whitespace for... reasons
<rburton> put that on the list of "things we'd do differently if it didn't break literally everything"
<Nonkel> the package is not available? Nothing RPROVIDES 'network-manager'?
<rburton> oh sorry, remove the hyphen
<Nonkel> i installed this already with this line: IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " networkmanager networkmanager-nmtui networkmanager-bash-completion"
<Nonkel> but for some reason my application needs network-manager for installing
<rburton> what specifically does it need though?
<rburton> the daemon to be running? headers?
<Nonkel> i trays this already on a ubuntu machine and there is the package named network-manager and my application is running.
<rburton> its hard to help when your entire description of the problem is "my application needs network-manager for installing"
<rburton> you might want to look at
<Nonkel> the only package that i need is network-manager the other package are available in mu build
<rburton> so i'd say the easiest thing is to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just use the meta-homeassistant layer
<rburton> but if you want to use the installer then _tell us what the error is_
<alperak> what error does your application print? maybe there's something here.
<alperak> there
<rburton> i also note that installer assumes you've got docker running too. have you got docker?
<Nonkel> Unpacking homeassistant-supervised (1.5.0) ...
<Nonkel> dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of homeassistant-supervised:
<Nonkel>  homeassistant-supervised depends on network-manager; however:
<Nonkel>   Package network-manager is not installed.
<Nonkel> dpkg: error processing package homeassistant-supervised (--install):
<Nonkel>  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
<Nonkel> Errors were encountered while processing:
<Nonkel>  homeassistant-supervised
<rburton> erm the readme quite clearly says the only supported distro is "Debian Linux Debian 12 aka Bookworm (no derivatives)"
<rburton> yocto is not debian
<rburton> so that won't work
<rburton> "Only the above-listed version of Debian Linux is supported for running this installation method"
<rburton> if you want HA there's a perfectly good layer that has done the integration work already. use that.
<Nonkel> this is only the CORE and not the supervised version
<rburton> its trying to install debian packages
<rburton> it won't work
<rburton> " Package network-manager is not installed."
<rburton> that's because our NM package is called networkmanager
<rburton> because yocto is not debian
<rburton> it won't work on fedora, or suse, or gentoo. it's a debian installer.
<Nonkel> it is not possible to change this? This is the only packets that is need to install this thing, the other errors are solved.
<rburton> this is just the tip of the iceberg
<Nonkel> it is running in RPI i need to run this one industrial hardware
<rburton> if you're even thinking about doing this in production then definitely use https://github.com/meta-homeassistant/meta-homeassistant and don't try to bodge the _debian_ installer into a _yocto_ system
<Nonkel> ok thanks
<rburton> always check layers.openembedded.org before writing a recipe or running an installer. and running installers is a terrible idea.
<alperak> good night everyone!
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<dvergatal> rburton: I have sent v2 for curl-native and ca-certificates-native and now you should be able to understand the issue
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<C-o-r-E> Update: I have patched meson to now recognize nios2
<C-o-r-E> but I have found a new problem: messon.cross seems to think my host and target are both nios2 (host is x86_64)
<C-o-r-E> any ideas how meson gets this idea?
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<KhazAkar> C-o-r-E: probably from meson config file,which can have special config for cross-compilation
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