@adrianf: also I guess as a first attempt one could just check out latest and greatest whatever is there and give it a try with qemux86-64?
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Hi everyone. I added an sstate mirror to my BitBake configuration, but since then I have the following "WARNING: You are using a local hash equivalence server but have configured an sstate mirror. This will likely mean no sstate will match from the mirror. You may wish to disable the hash equivalence use (BB_HASHSERVE), or use a hash equivalence
server alongside the sstate mirror.". I am not interested into setting up a hash equivalence server, so how do I disable its use? I tried setting BB_HASHSERVE to "0", "" and "none" but it seems they are all interpreted as host names
@egueli: Why don't you want to use a hash equivalence server?
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because it means maintaining yet another web server and we'd rather spend that time doing actual development
setting up the sstate mirror took enough of our time already
(sorry for the rant)
@egueli: hehe ;)
@egueli: I believe you can not use OEEquivHash and an an sstate mirror without a Hash Equivalence server.
well the warning explicitly mentions "disable the hash equivalence use" as an option
@egueli: Try to use OEBasicHash instead.
@egueli: also I think if you set BB_HASHSERVE = "auto" and leaving BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM = "" it will run a hash equivalence server locally
Even with BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEBasicHash" I get the same warning
@egueli: Looking again at the warning you get it says, that you run a local hash equivalence server, but use an SSTATE mirror, so they probably won't be syncronized.
it seems it's impossible to get rid of the warning without setting up an equivalence server
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rber|res Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. For the moment we'll keep the current behavior and the warning
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@egueli I would try at least some performance tests just to see how much worse it is without a hash equivalent server - and also watch also unnecessary "parsing"
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hello everyone,
am getting an error which is: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory. I know that I need to included x11 somewhere, where should I do that?
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helloworld: in a recipe build?
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rburton would it be a DEPEND function?
yes DEPENDS="libx11"
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rburton adding DEPENDS="libx11" gives this error: libx11 was skipped: missing required distro feature 'x11' (not in DISTRO_FEATURES)
how would i add it as a distro feature?
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helloworld: your custom distro turned it off
you add it to DISTRO_FEATURES in your distro.conf. note that it's on by default, so you have a custom distro somewhere which explicitly doesn't enable it.
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rburton sorry I do not have a file called distro.conf
helloworld: the conf file for whatever your DISTRO is set to. you might want to read the getting started guide.
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Hi, I know about task depends graphs, is there also a way to only create a graph for dependencies between layers. To have a high level view only
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simonew: not afaik but it shouldn't be too hard to grab all the LAYERDEPENDS for a setup and generate a dot file
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rburton Yes this is basically what I do, I was just wondering if there is more sophisticated tooling, like say I get an interactive svg where I have an high-level overview on layer basis and then could go deeper into certain layers/areas.
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simonew: you should totally write that :)
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I was thinking about it :D
personally i'd start with writing a mermaid document or something so you can get nice SVGs
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I will think a little bit what could be done:)
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