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<honistorrent> Can anyone tell me what causes a -src package to be empty? I've got some packages which are empty and some that are not, but I can't seem to find anything in the manual that describes this behavior
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<khem> honistorrent: it depends on license of the component, as well.
<khem> are these opensource packages which end up empty with =src
<honistorrent> They are, though I do have appends added. Perhaps the license was overridden, I can check that
<honistorrent> Doesn't appear LICENSE change...
<honistorrent> khem I had a network hiccup in between my question and your recent response, apart from license, was there something else that could cause this? Apologies for asking you to repeat yourself
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<khem> honistorrent: ok tell me one such package which has empty -src package
<khem> I can try to see the reason
<honistorrent> My bbappend changes the the URL to an internal mirror with some customizations
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<honistorrent> I compared that to a slew of other open source packages that do indeed have a -src variant
<honistorrent> I don't necessarily need the -src variant, I'm more so just trying to understand under what conditions it is empty
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<alperak> There are COPYING and COPYING.LIB in a repository, which one should I use for LIC_FILES_CHKSUM?
<mckoan> alperak: you should find the license file inside the package managed by your recipe
<alperak> I was actually curious about the difference between the two.
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<mckoan> alperak: read them to understand the content
<alperak> mckoan thanks!
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<rty> hi. I was wondering, what are my options regarding the following problem. I would like to have 'dev' and 'prod' builds, which may contain the same recipe, but in a slightly different version. for example, it's an upstream recipe from poky, e.g. iptables. in 'dev', I want one set of modifications, in 'prod', I want the other set. if I use images to
<rty> represent 'dev' and 'prod', then what are the options to tell yocto to put different versions of iptables depending on which image is being built? ideally, I want a single iptables bbappend where I can :append:dev and :append:prod, or something like that. but I don't think it's easily achievable. e.g. if I append ":dev" to OVERRIDES in
<rty> dev-image.bb, then iptables bbappend will ignore this, because I cannot change an arbitrary recipe from another arbitrary recipe (which dev-image.bb is), I can only do this in a *.conf. but then, images don't have a .conf, so if I wanted to achieve the override syntax in a single iptables bbappend, I would have to define 'dev' and 'prod' as distros
<rty> and use DISTROOVERRIDES. is this correct? another option would be to copy iptables recipe to a local layer and define multiple bb versions of it, and use PREFERRED_VERSION. is this correct? are there any other ways?
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<RP> JaMa: Since you identified all the locations with your patch, I'm now wondering if we should parameterise /usr/src/debug/${PN}/${PV} with a variable like TARGET_DBGSRC_DIR or something
<mckoan> rty: you can steer 'dev' and 'prod' variants using a DISTRO and override operators
<rty> so, my assumption is correct that if I want to use override syntax, my only option is to represent 'dev' and 'prod' as distros?
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<rty> mckoan: sorry, forgot to tag you
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<mckoan> rty: I usually do that way
<rty> mckoan: thanks
<rburton> alperak: if there's both files then the code is probably either dual licensed or different licenses apply to different parts. If you're using the code then this is on you to understand. The LICENSE fields should partially explain but the checksums are *solely* so that the recipe can alert if the license text changes.
<alperak> rburton thanks!
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<JaMa> RP: yes, I was wondering about that as well, there are 10+ recipes in meta-oe layers as well, should I send v4?
<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<RP> JaMa: if you wouldn't mind, would be good to tidy this up
<JaMa> ok, will do
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<RP> JaMa: thanks
<mckoan> LetoThe2nd: hey! how's going throwing boxes?
<LetoThe2nd> mckoan: didn't get hit another time, so good :)
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<isshin> I've got a kernel module recipe that "inherit module". Trying to build in the eSDK with kernel-devsrc, but it's still trying to do_fetch the kernel. Is it not possible to use that module recipe and point it at the kernel-devsrc already in the SDK?
<mckoan> isshin: AFAIK no, but you can build a out-of-tree module using the SDK without a recipe
<isshin> Argh I was afraid of that
<isshin> Is that bbclass not building it out of tree?
<mckoan> isshin: yes, let's say out-of-yocto
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<isshin> Okay, thanks for the clarification!
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<mckoan> isshin: you couls try to treat the module as a normal package, creating a custom Makefile and do_compile. Don't use "inherit module"
<mckoan> * could
<isshin> Yeah I'm thinking I'm just going to have to do that.
<isshin> Then I can point the KERNEL_SRC at the kernel-devsrc install location
<mckoan> isshin: that's the idea
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<alperak> I was going to update a recipe, but in the previous releases they used something like "v2.1.0" and then they started to date it, for example "v2023.04.17". would it make sense to do it like this when updating the recipe:
<alperak> foo_git.bb
<alperak> PV = "v2023.04.17+git${SRCPV}
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<rburton> if the SRCREV you're checking out is the tag then personally I'd put the version in the filename, without the v
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<rburton> luckily 2.1.0 < 2023.04.17 so you don't need to use an epoch
<alperak> rburton thanks!
<rburton> also if you're fetching the tag then you don't need the +git piece in PV
<rburton> +git is mainly for "arbitrary git sha"
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<dvergatal> rburton: I have explained it in answer to RP
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<manuel_> Hmm.. Is git-lfs available for yocto? It's a tool seperate to git. But I couldn't find it in the oe layerindex.
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<rburton> manuel_: if its not in the layer index then nobody has written a recipe. we support git-lfs on the host if you just want to fetch repositories with lfs content though.
<rburton> if you want it on the target, you'll need to write a recipe
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<JaMa> was there some known issue related to ERROR: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: No SPDX file found for package base-files, False sstate:base-files:qemux86_64-poky-linux:3.0.14:r0:qemux86_64:11: sstate:base-files::3.0.14:r0::11: ? I'm seeing it in couple oeqa tests
<JPEW> JaMa: We had seen some a while ago; it seemed like some sort of signature mismatch that we had a lot of trouble tracking down
<JaMa> ok, I'm seeing it with latest master
<JaMa> in spdx.SPDXCheck.test_spdx_base_files wic.Wic.test_iso_image wic.Wic.test_mkefidisk wic.Wic.test_permissions wic.Wic2.test_efi_plugin_unified_kernel_image_qemu wic.Wic2.test_expand_mbr_image wic.Wic2.test_wic_image_type will check what's going on
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