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<alperak> morning
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<ad__> gm, trying to remove dropbear on kirkstone. IMAGE_INSTALL:remove doesn't work
<mckoan> ad__: it could be a dependecy for something else. Maybe you have debug-tweaks
<ad__> hi mckoan :), mm debug-tweaks not included
<ad__> ah yes, sry, my dev image has it, so that's the casue
<ad__> *cause
<ad__> thanks !
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<jclsn> There is no do_install:remove(), is there?
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<amsobr_> Hi. I have an lts-mixin layer prepared to add nodejs-18 and nodejs-20 to kirkstone. Where should I send this and is there a guide that I can follow?
<amsobr_> As a rather inexperienced guy in making contributions with `git send-email` it'd also be a good opportunity to learn about the contribution process. Thanks!
<amsobr_> (or any other tooling, for that matter...)
<alperak> amsobr_ I think this might help -> https://docs.yoctoproject.org/contributor-guide/index.html
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<amsobr> alperak: thanks
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<maestro> Hello, if I add an header-only package-dev in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK, are package-dev DEPENDS add too in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK ? thank you in advance
<maestro> Hello, if I add an header-only package-dev in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK, are package-dev DEPENDS added too in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK ? thank you in advance
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<Guest47> Hello, if I add an header-only package-dev in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK, are package-dev DEPENDS added too in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK ? thank you in advance
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<speeder__> CONFIG_PAX_USERCOPY doesn't work anymore right?
<Guest47> Hello, if I add an header-only package-dev in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK, are package-dev DEPENDS added too in TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK ? thank you in advance
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<moto-timo> rburton: but currently it seems to be failing to find the bitbake cargo cache and so it doesn't see that it has the crates it needs available
<moto-timo> (maturin 1.3.2 has since been released)
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<roussinm> Hello, trying to build pipewire with packageconfig `bluez` and it seems that it's missing a depends on glib-2.0-native, but it's never been added to the recipe, so either I feel that my setup is wrong or it's really missing. Is having bluetooth DISTRO_FEATURE with pipewire very not common. I mean I wouldn't be the only one with the missing dep, no ?
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<vmeson> roussinm: I suspect that this pipewire option is not commonly used. In fact, pipewire is also pretty new. (2021). What branch are you using?
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<roussinm> vmeson: mickledore
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<vmeson> roussinm: hmm, pipewire built for me on master (WR Linux), I'll try mickledore next.
<vmeson> roussinm: have you enabled BLUETOOTH_AAC = "${@bb.utils.contains('LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED', 'commercial', 'bluez-aac', '', d)}"
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<vmeson> roussinm: hmmm, bluetooth may not have been in my DISTRO_FEATURES, re-doing master...
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<vmeson> roussinm: DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " bluetooth" in local.conf, and pipewire builds for my in the WR Linux version of master and mickledore.
<vmeson> note that we don't usually test pipewire so if you try WR Linux, you may have to add a few lines to your local.conf.
<vmeson> Are you sure that you have as few layers enabled as possible so that my attempt to reproduce the issue is valid?
<vmeson> You could try to reproduce using: https://github.com/WindRiverLinux23/wrlinux-x if you like.
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<roussinm> vmeson: ok I see the problem, some repices directly depends on ffmpeg and pipewire, do not know if that's correct since it forces the commercial license flags.
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