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morning everyone
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which task or (post?) function does do_deploy() for images? Adding a task to process initrd and rootfs, but would like to have output in IMGDEPLOYDIR without custom do_deploy, but those added files are missing from tmp/deploy/images... directory.
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yo dudX
hello everyone
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image build fails because initramfs do_populate_lic_deploy fails to find license details for the image? that doesn't compute
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Is it possible to have more logs/debug informations when we get this: "The postinstall intercept hook 'update_udev_hwdb' failed" ? On the file "......../temp/log.do_rootfs" I doesn't have usefull informations
I have added systemd 250 recipe from kirkstone to hardknott because I need to fix a bug in systemd 247 (patching was not possible as systemd code change really to much from a version to another). Doing it solved my problem, but I have an issue with "pkg_postinst:udev-hwdb ()" part in the systemd 250 recipe. During the do_rootfs I get "The postinstall intercept hook 'update_udev_hwdb' failed".
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If I remove/comment pkg_postinst:udev-hwdb it works and my problem is solved, But I would like to know what is it for ? to know if it is usefull or not for my usecase. If it is usefull then I have to see how to fix the issue.
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Hi all, I would like to run recipetool script inside a python function of a bitbake task
I saw that populate_sdk_ext.bbclass is calling a devtool command from a python function using and giving the env paramter to be a copy of the os.env
but when trying to do so I always got: "ERROR: This script can only be run after initialising the build environment (e.g. by using oe-init-build-env)\n')"
am I missing something?
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Tyaku: that builds the udev hwdb, which is a big database of pluggable hardware. if you plug anything into your hardware you kind of need that. if you don't then you can try removing udev-hwdb entirely from your images and seeing if it still boots... if that works then you've just saved yourself a fair chunk of space.
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Do I have to execute `make prepare` to build an external kernel module?Do I have to execute `make prepare` into kernel source directory to build an external kernel module?
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alessioigor: if you're writing a recipe for an external module then just inherit module. see hello-mod in poky.
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rburton: Sorry I meant build an external module on a Yocto generated system.
installing kernel-devsrc seems like it should be enough
I have already did it but the external module compile only if I execute `make prepare` into kernel source (installed using kernel-devsrc)
considering the kernel source is meant to be in /usr that's sad
file a bug? zeddii will know for sure.
I guess that the right knob exists but the relevant recipes are quit complex.
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jstephan: running bitbake within bitbake is generally a really bad idea. You have to be really careful about locking
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How to inject a task to mangle initrafs and rootfs in IMGDEPLOYDIR before they get deployed to tmp/deploy/images? after do_rootfs before do_image?
keep running into either missing files in tmp/deploy/images or a cyclic dependency loop where bitbake goes crazy
mcfrisk_: aren't there image pre and post process command lists?
RP: I think I need those to run
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mcfrisk_: make sure yours is last?
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RP: and then I need to convert the thing into a wic image. I think that's too much stacking, things very brittle
mcfrisk_: meta-arm has fake wic images whose entire purpose is to orchestrate other bits and images being built
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mcfrisk_: there is already a lot going on there :/
rootfs, dm-verity, initramfs, uki, signing, to a .wic. this is very tricky to do in a single image recipe. I'll try with meta-arm/classes/wic_nopt.bbclass in between
rburton: that's a different thing then?
that only exists because one of the machines is using wic to construct a memory image using wic with hard offsets
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"put partitions at these locations" then rip off the partition table and voila, a memory image :)
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Which image recipe task does the deploy step to tmp/deploy/images? qemuboot runs after roofs before do_image, image-live runs before do_image_complete after do_rootfs. combining these into wic image results in files missing from deploy dir. I guess I need an additional recipe to turn these into a .wic.
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wic is just an image type. there's an argument to be made that it should be a seperate task.
a separate recipe is probably the easiest thing for you
yes, wic is like a container package for contents, which hosts images. I guess it's do_image_wic which is breaking my uses for it.
mcfrisk_: the do_image_complete task handles it through the sstate code
mcfrisk_: see image.bbclass and the sstate-inputdirs and sstate-outputdirs
RP: I think my problem was that a new task deploys files to IMGDEPLOYDIR but also in the same recipe do_image_wic expects the new files to be in DEPLOY_DIR but runs before the deploy happens.
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* mcfrisk_
another circular dependency, have to kill all Cookers..
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alessioigor: rburton: yes, you absolutely always have to execute make prepare scripts on kernel-devsrc. It's always been that way. There's no bug there.
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mcfrisk_: that would do it...
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zeddii: Thanks for the clarification
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hey I'm really in a bind at this point, I'm getting this error no matter what I do when trying to build my image:
ERROR: Fakeroot process (269) exited unexpectedly (1), shutting down...
ERROR: Fakeroot process (269) exited unexpectedly (1), shutting down...
ERROR: Fakeroot process (269) exited unexpectedly (1), shutting down...
ERROR: Fakeroot process (269) exited unexpectedly (1), shutting down...
NOTE: Sending SIGTERM to remaining 2 tasks
NOTE: Sending SIGTERM to remaining 2 tasks
NOTE: Sending SIGTERM to remaining 2 tasks
NOTE: Sending SIGTERM to remaining 2 tasks
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yudjinn: pseudo-native is probably failing to work
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yudjinn: anything in bitbake-cooker-daemon.log ?
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```Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/Projects/REDACTED-build/sources/poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker", line 530, in <module>
File "/home/user/Projects/REDACTED-build/sources/poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker", line 416, in serve
pastebin blocked where I'm at, I'll use something similar in future snippets
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yudjinn_: that looks like it failing to run the worker. I still suspect something is wrong with pseudo-native :/
RP: so what are my options?
Guest36: generally it is better to use PREFERRED_PROVIDER for various reasons. The R version does exist but whilst bitbake may be suggesting it, I'm not sure it would get it right
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yudjinn_: you need to find what error is occurring. Maybe dump the commandline/environment it is using and run it manually, see if it break like that?
would be good if you cherry-picked all 3 atomically
Hi ~
I've been watching several tutorials (some by Tim Orling, Paul Eggleton). In these tutorials they talk about using devtool to modify the source tree of a package ...
> create and add customer layer (e.g. meta-foo)
> devtool add <package>
> devtool build <package>
> devtool modify <package>
> devtool finish <recipe> ../meta-foo
I would like to modify a device tree file in my kernel source but not sure how to take the above and apply that to my case. Some documentation out there by the chip manufacturer, I'm working with, mentions a process like the following ...
> bitbake -c devshell virtual/kernel
> bitbake -c compile -f virtual/kernel
> bitbake -c deploy -f virtual/kernel
> bitbake the-image-to-build
I would like to use devtool here instead of devshell but I'm confused how. For example, why do they say virtual/kernel (where does that come from), what is the devtool equivalent of <bitbake -c compile> and <bitbake -c deploy>? This is my best guess on what the process would look like using devtool. I need a little push here in the right direction.
khem: i said i was goign to review them but summit got in the way
bobdesl: 'devtool build' would be 'bitbake'
where did you say ?
khem: private irc :)
i said to RP i'll review them
hmm ok np I know now
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JPEW: on kirkstone i could compare BASEHASH for e.g. do_compile ... what is the equivalent way on master now ?
dl9pf: I don't think BASEHASH has changed? unihashes don't come into play until later, and IIRC BB_TASKHASH is still the original value and BB_UNIHASH is the unihash, which when he is not enabled is just BB_TASKHASH
on kirkstone I did e.g. bitbake -e recipe | grep BB_BASEHASH:task- and compared these
to track down an issue
but reproducing the issue on master this is empty ...
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dl9pf: I probably deleted the variables as not useful. basehashes are still there
thats ok, just how do I print them or get similar debug output now ?
dl9pf: I usually use bitbake -S none on a clean TMPDIR and then look at the stamps dir differences
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dl9pf: I don't think there is an easy way to list these :/
ok stamps dir differences ... will try that
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long story is in bugzilla 15301, trying to repro on master now.