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yo dudX
LetoThe2nd: hi
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yo mckoan
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Hi, I have a problem, I don't know if this channel is the best to discuss about it or not. In our Yocto device, the network (DHCP and everything) is managed by systemd. This is maybe the default behavour. But we have a problem with systemd, the problem is discribed here: we have otbr-agent on the board that send RA packets, the problem is, systemd
should ignore RA packets from local but it doesn't, so it try to set this on the kernel but when the kernel receive it, there is an error and when this error happens, systemd have some "parts" that stop working: For exemple the DHCP client stop working... I temporary I fix the issue by setting IPv6AcceptRA=no in systemd configuration. But the problem is: I need to receive RA from outside and process
them. And I don't understand, when I set "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra" to "2", when the board receive a RA (I see it with tcpdump or radvdump), the route is not added. So is there a solution for the RA to work "outside of systemd" when the network is managed by systemd ?
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I don't have knowledge but there is a channel called "#systemd". Maybe you can get help from there.
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Thanks, I'm going to ask there
Why does expanding SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH cause the CDN sstate test to hang? :(
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Currently we identify two methods to "solve/bypass" the systemd bug:
1. Put an iptables rules to make sure that systemd *don't see* the packets emited localy (But I really don't think it's possible)
2. Update systemd to a newer version... But if I do it, maybe all the recipes everywhere will not be compatible in terms of syntax [...]
I am on Hardknott, systemd is v247, I need to go at v250 minimum.
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Hello guys, I have some trouble with a package that should provide a native tool. In the recipe of that packge (swig) there is this line: BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
For my understanding, bitbake should built now this package also for the host right? Not only for the target.
But when I checked the logs of that package (do_compile and do_install), it used the target compiler, to build the package and also installed it to ".../work/aarch64-linux/" which is the architecture of my target.
How I can track down further the issue?
What is the easiest way to update the systemd version ? I try to set SRC_REV in a bbappend, but I get issues when patches are applied.
New idea: take a from a recent yocto version to define multiple systemd versions and used a prefered
thomas_34: have you tried to build <your_tool>-native (this is the name bitbake will give to the native version of your recipe)
But I don't know if it's good, has systemd has a file with SRC_REV, and this file seems to be imported by multiple files.
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thomas_34: if your tool is native only, you should name the recipe <your_tool> and "inherit native" from it. This way, bitbake does not tried to compile your tool for the target
yocton, oh god - what a rookie mistake. No I didnt. Thank you very much, Ill do that now and double check
tyaku_ I understand that you are trying to backport.
You can directly take the whole systemd directory and put it in your own meta-layer. In order to use the systemd you want, you need to set PREFERRED_VERSION or increase the priortiy of the meta-layer.
I noticed that Bitbake builds bluez5 and other recipes I don`t need. But they don`t appear in the final image. That`s relieving but I wonder what decides what goes in the image and what doesn`t?
vvmeson is now known as vmeson
I have an issue with meta-imx, because it create a patch on systemd using a bbappend with % so no version. Of course it is not compatible with my new systemd version
I fixed it temporary by changing systemd_%.bbappend by systemd_247.6.%.bbappend but what is the correct way in this case ?
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tyaku_ I think I'd do the same. If someone with knowledge explains it, we can learn the proper way.
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Yeah but this solution is very bad because meta-imx is not mine!
(so i'm not supposed to change anything in this)
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tyaku_: Typically you would put a bbappend in one of your own layers to revert whatever meta-imx is doing.
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egueli-AV: most likely packagegroup dependencies meaning stuff needs to be built. you can remove bluetooth from your DISTRO_FEATURES and it won't build any bluez, etc.
egueli-AV: check the existing value of DISTRO_FEATURES and remove anything you don't need
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egueli-AV In addition, depending on the version you are using, you can use "bitbake-getvar DISTRO_FEATURES" or "bitbake -e | grep ^DISTRO_FEATURES=" for debugging.
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After replacing systemd 247 by systemd 250 I have this error during the do_rootfs.. The postinstall intercept hook 'update_udev_hwdb' failed
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IDK what is 'update_udev_hwdb' for, I see that it is on the recipe but IDK what it does
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A short question: If I have a package A which DEPENDS on swig-native
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A short question: If I have a package "A" which DEPENDS on "swig-native": Where is swig-native provided when I build "A"? Should it be somewhere in the work directory of "A"? Can someone explain that please?
Is there maybe some bitbake variable, which I can use within the "A"-recipe as a reference to get "access" to the swig-native binary?
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thomas_34: It should be in tmp/work/*/A/VER/recipe-sysroot-native
thomas_34: And that should be on the PATH for any tasks in recipe A.
Thanks olani. So if it does not show up in */recipe-sysroot-native then there is something wrong with the DEPENDS in A?
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kanavin_: It appears you managed to ssh into ubuntu1804-arm-1 and kick off some processes mid-maintenance. Can you exit gracefully so I can complete the process?
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I recall reading some rules about use of ${S} and similar variables in different stages of do_compile, do_install, etc.
but I can't find them anymore, does anyone have a pointer?
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kanavin_: I went ahead and killed those processes.
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