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<PhoenixMage> Anyone a zsh user on a yocto based platform? Looks like a bunch of the standard zsh modules arent included/don't compile and I have no idea why
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<khem> PhoenixMage: i use zsh but not on yocto targets. I which modules are not available
<khem> maybr thet are just disabled by default
<khem> we can enable them
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<PhoenixMage> khem: zpty, regex are 2 that come to mind that caused oh my zsh to barf. zpty is definitely a default module
<PhoenixMage> Sorry got carried away with my day job
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<dvergatal> LetoThe2nd: ave \m/ :P
<dvergatal> LetoThe2nd: btw. is this blind guardian t-shirt on the picture of yours?
<LetoThe2nd> dvergatal: yup
<dvergatal> that's what i thought
<LetoThe2nd> dvergatal: I always wear metal shirt on public appearance :-)
<LetoThe2nd> +s
<dvergatal> LetoThe2nd: me too
<dvergatal> LetoThe2nd: even now:P
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<mcfrisk> rburton: do you have mbed_tls updates queued to meta-arm for https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-43615 ? Do you think we should add support for embedded SW components with different CVE products and versions to cve-check.bbclass? Current CVE_PRODUCT still tries to use PV which doesn't work for embedded SW components with different versions than main recipe.
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<rburton> handling embedded components is a good idea
<rburton> bonus points if you figure out a way to do that nicely
<rburton> mcfrisk: looks like its only an issue if certain ciphers are enabled and hopefully the firmware doesn't enable those. i'll chase.
<rburton> (grumbling that I didn't get any notification of this cve internally)
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<mcfrisk> rburton: gruble out loud please, I'll try to come up with a simple patch
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<rburton> mcfrisk: tfa is not affected
<ablu> Is there something in Yocto that helps with systemd's discoverable disk images?
<rburton> in your wic file use the right UUIDs. there's no convenience notation, but that would be useful, patches welcome
<ablu> rburton: Yep, exactly :)
<ablu> Ok, Setting "--part-type" does not sound too bad.
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<rburton> aliases so you're not copy-pasting huge uuids should be fairly easy to implement
<mcfrisk> rburton: great, null cipher and RC4 not used. I think they should be completely removed from mbedtls
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<rburton> mcfrisk: that cve is in tls and none of the firmware uses that. confirmed for tfa tfm ts.
<rburton> but yes the standalone recipe that isn't in a layer we maintain should probably default to not having terrible ciphers
<ablu> rburton: Yeah, for now I am just messing around. If we decide to use it, I will see what can be done to simplify things.
<ablu> good weekend everyone!
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<tgamblin> zeddii: is there an existing kernel config in yocto-kernel-cache or whatnot that is enabling CONFIG_NET_9P, CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO, CONFIG_NET_9P_DEBUG, CONFIG_9P_FS, CONFIG_9P_FS_POSIX_ACL? I didn't see one on a quick search. They're needed for the patchtest image. Maybe I'll have to submit a cfg/feature?
<tgamblin> And if I need to do that, which directory in yocto-kernel-cache is best to put it in?
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<tgamblin> Alternatively, I could put the patchtest script and libs into oe-core and leave the image-specific content in its own layer
<abs3n> Hi, as a Yocto rookie, I am trying to build and install POCO. Getting stuck at the packaging stage with the following logs, any help will be appreciated!
<abs3n> Initialising tasks: 100% |###################################################################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
<abs3n> Sstate summary: Wanted 5 Found 0 Missed 5 Current 138 (0% match, 96% complete)
<abs3n> NOTE: Executing Tasks
<abs3n> ERROR: poco-v1-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoJSON.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoUtil.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoXML.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoData.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoEncodings.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoZip.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoFoundation.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoActiveRecord.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoNet.so'
<abs3n> non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package poco contains symlink .so '/usr/lib/lib/libPocoPrometheus.so' [dev-so]
<abs3n> ERROR: poco-v1-r0 do_package_qa: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them.
<abs3n> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/s3n/projectX/yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/poco/v1-r0/temp/log.do_package_qa.35283
<abs3n> ERROR: Task (/home/s3n/projectX/yocto/demo_layer/meta-demolayer/recipes-demo/poco/poco_v1.bb:do_package_qa) failed with exit code '1'
<abs3n> NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 578 tasks of which 573 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
<tgamblin> abs3n: did you create the recipe yourself? There is already one in meta-oe: https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/45079/
<tgamblin> Also, please use pastebin or a similar service for pasting large chunks of text like that
<abs3n> Yes, I created it by myself as part of a custom layer.
<mckoan> abs3n: use pastebin
<abs3n> Sure, I will use pastebin next time on, sorry about that
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<tgamblin> abs3n: did you try using the existing recipe? It looks like your version is trying to link system content into the image, which is a bad idea
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<abs3n> Trying that now, will let you know in a bit. On a side note, what is the usual way to build your own recipe/layer into the final image? Do I need to first run bitbake <recipe_name> and then once it is successfully installed, should I run bitbake <image_name> for image generation?
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<abs3n> Or can I just run bitbake <image_name> directly after adding my layer info to bbylayers.conf?
<JaMa> I don't think it's system content, it's just installed in wrong directory and symlinks which belong to PN-dev ended in PN
<JaMa> the shown path is relative to $D
<tgamblin> abs3n: assuming you have added the relevant layer in bblayers.conf, you can put 'IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " poco"' in local.conf and then do 'bitbake <image_name>'. You don't need to build the recipe on its own first
<abs3n> Ok, so now I am running into this- https://bpa.st/TFAA
<abs3n> Guess I need to change my branch which is on dunfell release?
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<Guest82> Silly question: on my Yocto build why is my /home/user directory is created with root:root as owner?
<JaMa> do you have user 'user'?
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<abs3n> tgamblin JaMa I was able to now build the new image with POCO, thanks for all the help! :)
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<zeddii> tgamblin. no current fragment. I'd suggest adding them in a 9p fragment (under cfg/) or even to the virtio.cfg since we use that fragment for similar functionality to what you are looking for.
<khem> PhoenixMage: I built zsh from master meta-oe today and it seems to have zpty and regexp
<tgamblin> zeddii: Alright, thanks
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<RP> tgamblin: I'm wondering about a layer meta-patchtest within the oecore repo
<RP> now 100% sure how I feel about the idea
<tgamblin> RP: that could work too. I've already stripped it down to the bare minimum in a branch of the patchtest repo: https://git.yoctoproject.org/patchtest/log/?h=tgamblin/oe-core-migration
<tgamblin> And the corresponding poky-contrib branch: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/log/?h=tgamblin/patchtest
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<tgamblin> The hangups about meta-patchtest (which were complete oversights by me) are that it needs to adjust qemu-system-native and linux-yocto to mount the sharedir for guest mode
<RP> tgamblin: I'm wondering if we create a meta-patchtest layer/repo which can depend on meta-python but move the patchtest pieces into core as per your series. That way meta-patchtest is just the layer to build the image to run the tests. I'm assuming a user running this locally to test their patches doesn't need the image piece?
<tgamblin> RP: No, they won't need it unless they really want to do it in guest mode for some reason, but I can test to be 100% sure. Depending on meta-python should work too if you'd rather not merge those python recipes into oe-core
<RP> tgamblin: I'm not 100% convinced we need to
<RP> tgamblin: we are going to need a selftest to ensure the non guest mode testing works. Which probably does mean we'll need a buildtools tarball with these pieces in to use on the autobuilder...
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<RP> (since I don't want to force all these dependencies onto the AB workers)
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<tgamblin> RP: The python recipes are really just for building into core-image-patchtest, so if we're going to make it depend on meta-python then I can remove their oe-core versions from the series. The existing patchtest selftest is still running OK, but it's quite slow right now (it has to spin up bitbake for each test patch)
<tgamblin> s/bitbake/patchtest/
<tgamblin> That'll reduce it from 20+ recipes going to oe-core, to two going into meta-python along with a few ptest-specific fixes for a few more
<RP> tgamblin: lets work on the idea that core-image-patchtest goes into a meta-patchtest layer
<tgamblin> RP: Alright
<RP> tgamblin: its been really hard to work out what should be where but I think that is becoming clear, at least from my view of it
* tgamblin starts making some adjustments
<RP> tgamblin: I hope that isn't too painful :/
<tgamblin> RP: Not really. I mostly just have to remove the python recipes from my poky-contrib branch and send a few patches for meta-python at this point
<tgamblin> I think meta-patchtest is in a relatively permanent state on that tgamblin/oe-core-migration branch
<RP> tgamblin: I've struggled to give the best advice not quite seeing all the pieces
<RP> tgamblin: I'm probably in favour of actually creating a meta-patchtest repo for this to live in with a clear purpose
<tgamblin> RP: No worries. It has been chaotic at times trying to decipher the links between parts of it. I've broken my local test pipelines more than a few times with what seem to be innocent changes :)
<tgamblin> There are still a few ugly (IMO) parts of the core patchtest code I really want to change, but I've avoided doing so for reasons we've discussed a few times before
<tgamblin> That can be a 5.0 goal
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<RP> tgamblin: right, the aim here right now is something functional/ We can then improve
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<tgamblin> RP: for clarification, this meta-patchtest layer should be standalone (i.e. not in oe-core) but depend on meta-python, correct?
<tgamblin> maybe "standalone" is a bad choice of wording
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<rburton> tgamblin: sounds right to me
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<abs3n> Ignore the above, seems like even nlohmann-json is available in meta-oe. My bad =L
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<RP> tgamblin: I'm thinking own layer in own repo which lets us depend on meta-python, yes
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