Hi, I have a problem with an .wic file, if the size is less then 2.1G, the wic is generated with grub-efi-bootx64.efi if is above 2.1G grub-efi-bootx64.efi is not populated under the first partition /boot/EFI/BOOT/. Do you have any input?
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rburton: 1) rm -fR tmp, 2) bitbake core-image-printer (my custom image adapted from core-image-sate), 3) runqemu qemuarm and verified qemu machine runs, 4) find . -name "run.do_conf*" returned nothing.
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any clues would be appreciated
from anyone
does bitbake remove successfully-completed run.do and log.do files?
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I will add a mistake in a recipe to find out where the logged are stored ...
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wic ls is giving me "ERROR: Can't find executable 'mdir'"
btw, i'm running kirkstone
could it be that this image recipe is downloading preconfigured state from the repos?
fyi, my goal is to find the ./configure options used by the qtbase recipe
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yates_work: yes if there are no run.do_conf* scripts that means it was using it from sstate
you are lucky !
if you enable rm_work via local.conf INHERIT += "rm_work" then it will delete the build area of the successfully built recipe too
Marian81: I think it should `rmdir`
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Marian81: let me take it back, I think wic does need mdir which is a tool coming from mtools-native recipe so somehow its missing in your wic image deps
add `do_image_wic[depends] += "mtools-native:do_populate_sysroot` in your machine conf or local conf
khem: aha! i was thinking the cache's were under tmp. doh!
thank you!
is there anything wrong with just "rm -fR sstate-cache cache" ?
instead of using bitbake -c blah
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yo dudX
Good morning
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hi guys. I have a little problem while upgrading my project from dunfell to kirkstone with one of my recipes. Maybe you can guide me where to look at (hopefully). This is the issue:
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile
| NOTE: VERBOSE=1 cmake --build /home/user/oe-core/build/tmp/work/armv7at2hf-neon-tdx-linux-gnueabi/shadowsocks-libev/3.3.5-r0/build --target all --
| Error: could not load cache
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yates_work: There is nothing wrong with it, but it's probably overkill. 'bitbake qtbase -c configure' would force bitbake to rerun the configure step and then you can check the files.
yates_work: Sorry, that should be 'bitbake qtbase -c configure -f' to force the task to be rerun.
in my .bb file I have "inherit cmake pkgconfig" . I'm not using any qt-related recipes
sorry, I'm quite new to yocto and it feels a bit overwhelming now :))
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AndreiM: I'm not sure I can help with cmake, but we probably need more of the log to help. Please don't paste it here but use some pastebin server. The recipe too if possible.
AndreiM: does your cmake thingy do any network access during compile? such as a shared cache?
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I just got the project from github and did not mingle with it's build
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looks like downgrading to PREFERRED_VERSION_mbedtls = "2.28.2" from 3.4.0 solved the problem. I don't think it's ok on the long term tho
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and adding in the recipe:
do_compile() {
cd ${S}
cmake .
cmake --build .
AndreiM: the latter is definitely a bug because it breaks the do_configure stage.
sigh, re-clone of kernel git repo. I'll send a revert now..
why do you say it's a bug? it did all the steps (hopefully?) right....including the do_install and the later ones
AndreiM: the cmake.bbclass makes sure that all necessary bits and pieces for the cross build are in place. by bluntly calling "cmake ." in do_compile, you a) break the dependency chain of compile on configure, and b) almost certain mess up the required parameters.
AndreiM: nowhere is it mentioned it supports cmake though
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(yes I see there's a CMakeLists.txt file, but the instructions mention using autotools
so maybe use that instead?
AndreiM: I highly recommend to not use the git submodules in there especially since I believe we have recipes for those?
libsodium at least I think
to quote: If your system provides with those libraries, you should not install them from source.You should jump to this section and install them from the distribution repository instead.
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qschulz I'll try using autotools instead of cmake. About the submodules, they are part of the project (shadowsocks-libev). Maybe I'll need to modify those sources not to build/install them...
AndreiM: if you don't fetch them it should find them from the sysroot probably
if not, you need to patch the build system to find them in the sysroot
but the isntructions from shadowsocks-libev is to NOT use the git submodules if the libs are already in your system
so do it the proper way and add/use recipes instead for those dependencies
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qschulz thanks for the guidance. I'll recreate sadowsocks-libev recipe from scratch and work from that. Sometimes it's easier and safer to do so instead of "upgrading" old stuff
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AndreiM: to be fair, I only checked the default branch of thegit repo, haven't checked if this waht you're using.. so maybe not so good advice
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AndreiM: Try 'devtool add' to autogenerate as much as possible.
kanavin: that was a lot simpler than I thought it was going to be!
It is little things like this which will help everyone - hopefully fewer out of space issues on the AB and less hassle for the admins too as a result
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RP: I took time to study both the buildbot docs and then its code (grep for various related keywords), so I would visit every corner of it exhaustively. I have to say documentation alone didn't help, as it doesn't say outright 'alwaysRun' applies to cancelled builds as well.
I also understand better how the whole thing works now :)
kanavin: I'd looked at the docs myself but it certainly wasn't clear! It is helpful to have someone else who knows something about it :)
kanavin: I did have a look at that shadow static issue and got frustrated that libtool doesn't appear to follow it's own help text or docs :(
I was hoping we could do something like a do_compile:prepend () of sed -i -e 's#mode=link#mode=link -all-static#g' ${B}/*/Makefile
RP: I got frustrated mostly because the whole thing isn't working cohesively, even though it's all GNU. There's no way to put -all-static in there via autoconf, and there's also no way to add it after the fact with a libtool-specific makefile variable that would pass the flag.
and toying with things like LDFLAGS would clash in other places.
RP: did you try the sed hack? did it not work?
kanavin: it didn't work, I'm not sure why. libtool claims -all-static is an unknown option
kanavin: I'll probably poke more, I just thought I'd share ideas :)
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haha gnu cohesion haha :) of course nothing works together, it's GNU :)
RP: right I can try to push it a bit more as well by applying the sed thing, it should help in theory and the option does exist, but it's still a hack
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kanavin: I appreciate it is horrible, I just worry about other issues more...
speaking of , i should dig out my slibtool branch and see if it works still
you can install buildbot in debian, and even start masters and workers, but there will not be any web ui! amazing!
wasted an hour on this or so
that's why the patch was untested btw, I hate containers with a passion
I'd say JS-based UI is buildbot's weakest link. something tells me you can do all of these dynamic things with plain html nowadays.
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kanavin: at least they removed the coffeescript!
kanavin: the readmes in our autobuilder repo do document how to setup a test environment, easiest is if you create a local user for the purpose
kanavin: as you're now a buildbot expert, do you think its even possible to embed the right <title> tag in the generated html for eg a link to a specfic build? or is the returned html always the same and the content is always generated on the client?
RP: right, I'll check them next time because anything more serious would've required that
rburton: can you be specific about the page you mean?
rburton, that I have no idea. I dived into specifically the build steps implementation and behavior.
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I have a recipe A.bb which DEPENDS on another recipe B.bb.
B.bb only contains headers which are installed to ${includedir}. So ${PN} is empty (ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1"). The headers are in ${PN}-dev.
Adding A to an image works fine. However, when building the SDK (do_populate_sdk) the headers from B are not installed. I checked the buildhistory and targets->depends.dot has "A-dev" -> "B-dev" [style=dotted]. Also the package A-dev RRECOMMENDS B-dev. Moreover, I found out that everything works fine when I set an explicit RDEPENDS from A-dev to
Can somebody please explain why the RRECOMMENDS does not lead to the installation of B-dev in the SDK? Is this somehow related to oe-core b44b0b9294675f89aa51ff84f532664f4c479677 ?
rburton: hmm, I see what you mean about the generated code
rburton: I think this is just how it works :(
mcfrisk: i think your change to testimage so that it sets a default TARGET_IP on slirp is fundamentally broken, and i'm annoyed that i didn't notice until after it merged
olani-: i see you.
mcfrisk: guests running in slirp can't open ports <1024, so runqemu tells qemu that if the guest opens port 22, actually open 2222. so if you use slirp, you need to set TEST_TARGET_IP to localhost:2222, otherwise the ssh test will hit localhost.
localhost:22 that is
olani-: sheesh! s/i see you/i see, thank you/
rburton: how does that work for multiple images in parallel?
hey people anyone knowledgeable about sstate and useradd? Im having an issue where an sstate task fails, causing bitbake to return with an error even though it recovered succesfully
the cause is useradd reports an error while trying to add a group that is added in another package, saying it doesn't exists. the normal recipe has both RDPENDS and DEPENDS on the recipe that add this group, however when restoring from sstate this seems to fail often
RP: it doesn't, this is why slirp isn't as good as tap
most people using slirp are using it inside containers, so that's not a problem
JerryM: I think there are open bugs related to that?
rburton: how does a container solve that?
@RP it seems you are correct
I guess it's a general issue and not just on my end
RP: network namespaces
so qemu creates a new network namespace for each image under test?
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rburton: I think TEST_TARGET_IP needs to be split, the test frameworks/controller needs the externally visible one, and then inside the running target system another one.
JerryM: there are open bugs so if they match it is likely not just you
RP: for example running docker container to build and test images with qemu, slirp there won't be visible to outside of the docker container. like presumably kas
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mcfrisk: but that container can run multiple testimages in parallel within it somehow?
but multiple containers using different network namespaces e.g. localhost port 2222, can run in parallel
mcfrisk: ok, I was thinking you meant a container somehow allowed that limitation to be avoided
multiple containers fair enough
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I'll keep an eye on that and see if I can find some time to maybe dig into this, I'm not very confident I have enough knowldegde for that though
rburton: is your use case running exported tests with slirp?
no, kas container, so the testimage happens inside the container too
i have a patch to make it 'just work' with the standard setup
but with the current code it looks like the slirp testimage qa test is verifying that the host has a sshd running
bugger. yea target should be but I fear some of the tests will fail due to the port number. selftests are a bit too special for my understanding..
the port is fine, testimage strips it out
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kanavin: of course complete static linking breaks pseudo as it can't see the libc calls :(
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RP: right, so maybe this should be a custom patch after all, there's a point where sed expressions start to crumble, and it's getting close to that :( or just abandon the idea, and do dynamic linking with handwritten setscene dependencies list as originally proposed :-/
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kanavin: well, I have a slightly different patch to test
kanavin: the impact of the inverted setscene dependencies shouldn't be underestimated :/
JaMa: I'm horribly confused about how the /data0001 is showing up in the output of `git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir`; AFAICT that path shouldn't be encoded in the mirror tarball at all
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kanavin: FWIW the simpler direct static libs approach appears to build
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JPEW: someone needs to make our mirror tarballs reproducible? :/
Git repos shouldn't have absolute paths in them _anwyay_
JPEW: something bad does seem to be going on
Mikko's symlinks are a problem in what I added (which I can fix).... I kinda think the other one is actually some other latent bug
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JPEW: can you use os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath()) in the fetcher to avoid that stat stuff?
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RP: I thought about that..... but it depends if you want to handle bind mounts or not
It proabbly would be OK for symlinks
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mcfrisk: aah so it works with qemu as the qemu runner parses the hostfwd options that are passed
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rburton: but we should fix the port to be 2222? testing that as well.
i don't think so - the qemu runner does that on its own
i just wanted to actually understand the flow
i'll add a bigger comment :)
RP: bummer, not the same test as previously and not instrumented to capture the stderr which contains extra lines
mcfrisk: this is extra fun because the FVP target is a bit like the qemu one but very bare-bones. i didn't know the qemu one would infer port mapping.
Is it possible to sftp/scp transfer some files from target when tests fails? openssh ptests leave a tar ball behind..
rburton: sounds interesting :)
I'm thinking of extending oeqa so we could also write tests using plain serial console, like Lava tests are mostly written
mcfrisk: have a look at the fvp runner in meta-arm, it has the serial console extension (and also power control). we want to slowly move the api into oeqa, but for now its fvp-specific.
rburton: perfect!
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JPEW: sorry for confusion about that /data0001, it was just a log from error-report-web where I've noticed that warning and it was on one of the jenkins servers where I didn't know they changed /mnt/mirror-write use (we had writeable NFS mount there, but when the build infra was migrated someone kept the path, but used that for symlink and it doesn't make any sense to point DL_DIR there.. )
JaMa: np
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Glad it's not actually some serious issue with encoding paths in mirror tarballs :)
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* JaMa
too and it helped to discover why do_fetch was sometimes failing for us on git.libssh.org :)
our git mirror was incorrectly using unreliably git:// instead of https:// for it and I was wondering why the builds are failing even after fixing the repo on PREMIRROR :)
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khem: https://libera.chat didn't end up writing an official guide for setting up our own Matrix bridge. Is that still something you'd like to have?
I am using irccloud now a days here :)
mcfrisk: shame, is there anything we could do more generically for the logs?
That what I use as well. irccloud is much easier than maintaining my old setup.
halstead: I'd not dare tell you what I do! :)
so IRC is not as painful as it use to be.
Oh? Well I do have special alerts set up for messages from you RP. ;)
halstead: I try not to bother you too much :)
halstead: my setup is really old, I should really find something better
I think irccloud is worth the money until Matrix (or something else) becomes the defacto FOSS choice.
matrix client (element) sucks, its not as slick as some other implementations
but neochat is good if you use linux/KDE
RP: your irc configuration is an abomination
I agree Element is pretty bad. I'll try neochat. There was a new client for Android in beta that might be good when it releases.
JPEW: maybe we should abstract that check into a function. I'm just worried it is getting a bit off topic for that location in the code...
JPEW: I hadn't considered bind mounts. Would we hit those normally though?
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mmm, ya probably not. Symlinks can be inconsistent in the same path, but bind mounts probably not. Although realpath is going to have to stat every path component to see if it's a symlink and readlink() it, so I don't think the performance of the stat is worse (it also exits after one iteration in the normal case)
I guess I could move it to a helper.... like bb.utils.path_is_descent_of()?
JPEW: I was thinking of something in bb.utils
JPEW: I was less worried about performance and more about just making the code readable
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how crazy is it to write a class that generates fake shared object versions? we've got a ton of recipes that dont do any versioning and it breaks shlibdeps. i hacked up one recipe to do this and was thinking of doing it for more..