Loaded 4131 entries from dependency cache.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'libquadmath' (but ../layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/lapack/lapack_3.10.0.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it). Close matches:
gcc-runtime RPROVIDES libquadmath
ERROR: Required build target 'lapack' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['lapack', 'libquadmath']
embetrix: i don't see a DEPENDS on libquadmath in the lapack recipe here
did you add that?
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rburton : you are right I added myself :-( I reverted the change, the libquadmath does not seems to be supported anymore maybe ?
its part of gcc, not a standalone recipe
DEPENDS is _recipes_
embetrix: we build lapack as well and have a template for it in repo above, let me fire off a build since I should fix some buildpath contamination for FORTRAN anyway. Back later.
thanks !
embetrix: what branch are you using?
hmm, we only added support in mickledore so that might be a factor but let's see.
where we is Wind River. libquadmath has been around for ages (2010?) in gcc and in meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-target.inc: 7 years ago Paul Eggleton 658d9a764e9│ 101│ libquadmath \
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embetrix: as expected adding feature/fortran feature/lapack works fine so check out our templates and copy what they do into your conf/local.conf if you like. Build running.
oddly if I just bitbake lapack, there's an error: libgfortran was skipped: libgfortran needs fortran support to be enabled in the compiler
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['lapack', 'libgfortran']
but building an image resolves that. That's probably a bug. I'll confirm later that my image builds and works like it did months ago when I worked on this last.
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vmeson: thanks, from my side I will trigger a build with mickledore branch to see if there are differences
anybody of you slackers know where my box of barrel connectors is?
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yes but it'll cost you
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LetoThe2nd: where you left it? ;-)
@LetoThe2nd: what now barrels or connectors? Oida
RP: i guess thats technically correct, but ... meh
rber|res: i have already found nylon screws M3-M5, TRS jacks, heat shrink, banana plugs... but MEH!
LetoThe2nd: clearly you weren't specific enough :)
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RP: yup
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@LetoThe2nd: fruits a well? vitamins?
rber|res: nah but no power wiring now for my rig.
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oops - somehow I missed an edgerouter reference - must not have grepped from the top dir, I guess.
@LetoThe2nd: well that's annoying - power wiring is quite necessary sometimes
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Hi! Is there any straightforward way of retrieving all the available providers for a specific package/feature?
To be able to chose a PREFERRED_PROVIDER_aaa
hm bitbake-layers can't do that
Yep, I've tried
danlor: grepping PROVIDES ?
danlor: you should file a bug, bitbake-layers should have an option for that
mckoan: On the whole sources dir? I guess it could be done that way but seems to be a bit cumbersome, and I'm not sure if it'd have any caveat
rburton: Nice! I'll try to open it this weekend
I thought that functionality was commongly used
Or well..."Commongly needed" and I guessed it'd be already implemented in any way
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qschulz: i take it you're okay with my rockchip-rkbin patch from yesterday?
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blah. My systemd services aren't enabled by default. What magic am I missing?
vmeson: i tested it with mickledore same problem : libquadmath isn't built !
this is the strangest error, building this recipe we wrote fails in a way i've never seen and leaves a bunch of files named after some pieces of the poky bbclass code as file names. any idea? https://paste.debian.net/1296311/
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mischief: pastebining the recipe would help a lot more