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<Rich_1234> Hello everyone, good morning from England. I am trying to get my TI board up and running a graphical demo. I can run glmark2-es2-wayland & glmark2-es2-drm. However I am failing to open an EGL window with SDL2, so I am wondering if either a driver is not configured properly or somewhere something isn't configured. modetest reports that attempting
<Rich_1234> any device fails. Now I think the problem I am having is I am not too sure on what device I expect to see open (potentially imx-drm if im using an imx chip?) or how to tell if my graphics is configured properly so I was wondering if anyone had some good resource suggestions for learning about embedded graphics drivers & learn more about what
<Rich_1234> exactly krmdrms / omap is and how to really use modetest and so forth
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<emdevt> What is your SoC ?
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<Rich_1234> emdevt Right now I am using the AM68 evaluation module
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<emdevt> Never used that one. What is your gui framework? QT ?
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<Rich_1234> Just pure OpenGLES with SDL2 to open a window, I did have an example of running the SDL window with opengl rendering on this board before
<emdevt> Ok. I've always used QT with eglfs and getting that eglfs stuff built and deployed correctly is always pain. So maybe someone else could fill gaps here.
<Rich_1234> Alright, thanks anyway. I did have a problem with the rendering crashing the board, posted to TI forums and they would update it and 6 months have passed and now I have 6 months of commits added since the last demo. So things may have changed
<emdevt> Yeah, I mainly use buildroot for my stuff - but yocto in my day job. So peeking that side might be useful as well.
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<Rich_1234> Yeah, I did get an embedded linux book that introduced both buildroot and yocto, but I have been using yocto mostly. And found it way easier to use than the TI SDK at least
<emdevt> What display you're using with that board?
<Rich_1234> Just a standard 1920*1080 display that I am using for my regular machine that I plug an hdmi cable into
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<emdevt> I do same with RPi's - I have eglfs as QT backend on those as well.
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<Rich_1234> Right, we did use QT for another project but moved away using Qt because of their licencing terms. Otherwise yeah it probably would be easier using that
<emdevt> My QT projects are open source, so no license issues. But I would assume that staying in 5.12 (?) prevents most of that gplv3 trouble.
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<JaMa> well staying on unsupported 5.12 avoids license issue, but causes other issues (like security issues where you cannot easily cherry-pick the fix from newer version as it might violate the license)
<emdevt__> Agree. That's why I segment my implementation strictly to UI functionality. No network stuff etc from QT
<JaMa> so you got affected by only half of the security issues? :)
<emdevt__> Yes :)
<Rich_1234> It was a little outside my domain but I am working for a medical device company, and one of the engineers got in touch with a lawyer and discussed terms but it wasn't made clear if our product fell into a specific category but if I did we would need to pay the yearly subscription and back pay it. And then there was part of it about allowing the
<Rich_1234> user to upgrade a specific library which for a medical product isn't ideal because you want to lock down library versions right
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<Rich_1234> But anyway, now i'm just on a proof of concept
<emdevt__> Rich_1234 - we're on same table. I have medical thing here as well with same issue.
<Rich_1234> oh :(
<emdevt__> However that does not use QT. I tend to stick to QT on my personal stuff.
<Rich_1234> Am i allowed to ask what you use for rendering or is that a secret
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<emdevt__> On that medical device?
<Rich_1234> Yeah on the non personal stuff
<emdevt__> I think I cannot go in details there. But there are options, but better (or more secure) than QT - I don't know.
<Rich_1234> Right, yeah I understand
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<diecore> Hello guys. I have issue trying to add a new driver and test it with devtool in yocto. I have a weird behavior: I've run devtool modify our-linux-kernel and then did the changes to add the it6664 driver boilerplate. I can see the new driver choice and I enable it as module from the make menuconfig. My problem is that after generating the .config file if I try devtool build our-linux-mchp the kernel fails to build because it complains: The
<diecore> source tree is not clean, please run 'make mrproper'
<diecore> I can't run make mrproper because it erases the custom .config file and the new driver is not enabled
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<jmd> Which package provides /bin/vi ?
<jmd> "opkg search /bin/vi" yields nothing :(
<rburton> busybox
<jmd> What else!
<jmd> That provides everything!
<rburton> assume busybox unless told otherwise :)
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<jmd> I suppose it's responsible for /bin/less too
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<rburton> indeed
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<RP> jmd: busybox provides many things through update-alternatives and symlinks so ls -la /bin/vi probably gives a clue too
<jmd> RP: Thanks.
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<kayterina3> Hello, how is "INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES" used? I want to add multiple init scripts with one single recipe. I tried to create a new PACKAGE and append th INITSCRIPT* variables but the script is not included in the final image under /etc/rcX/
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<kayterina3> If I use "initscripts_1.0.bb" and call update-rc.d from do_install() it works.
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<kayterina3> nice, thanks @mckoan
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<KanjiMonster> I want to do cve_check for an image without actually building the image, is there an easy way? e.g. bitbake -c cve_check core-image-minimal throws an error in a fresh environment (e.g. "Task do_cve_check does not exist for target core-image-minimal")
<KanjiMonster> (using kirkstone)
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<mckoan> kayterina3: inherit the cve-check class in local.conf then run bitbake core-image-minimal
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<mckoan> KanjiMonster: inherit the cve-check class in local.conf then run bitbake
<mckoan> core-image-minimal
<mckoan> kayterina3: wrong recipent, sorry :-)
<KanjiMonster> mckoan: after looking at my script again I noticed I added the line to local.conf.sample *after* doing oe-init-build-env, which obviously didn't work
<KanjiMonster> mckoan: but thanks anyway
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<rburton> KanjiMonster: bitbake --runall cve_check core-image-mininal will avoid the actual building of the image
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<rburton> it will still fetch everything because that's how it looks inside the patches, and there's no way to say "fetch just the patches"
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<KanjiMonster> rburton: thank you, --runall did work much better than -c. Though it didn't seem to fetch anything, downloads/ is empty apart from the cve-check database (and uninative)
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<rburton> ah maybe we fixed that :)
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<khem> with meta-oe jobs and AB did something change in ab helper ?
<khem> this is using latest master-next
<JaMa> locked-sigs.inc is no longer generated by default when ever e.g. -S none is used, so probably some side-effect of that
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<JaMa> haven't seen any update from kanavin for yocto-check-layer for this one, but maybe I've overlooked it somewhere
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<Chocky> Thank you for the CVE mention; I hadn't been aware of that. That's a big deal for me, to push part of the security process much earlier in the dev process = yuuuuge time saving.
<Chocky> Yuge.
<RP> khem: if you're using master-next then there are changes and we're still sorting the patches
<RP> kanavin: did you sort out the yocto-check-layer issue with locked sigs above: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/88/builds/3270/steps/11/logs/stdio ?
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<Dane91> Hi! :-) I'm new to Yocto, coming from buildroot, and am trying to get a project ported from there - first step, I'm very simply trying to get u-boot built, which involves using a specific release (2022.10) and applying a patch. This seems like it should be super-easy, but I've been struggling for hours (despite reading through BitBake docs as well
<Dane91> as part of a book and a lot of internet searches). I've created a new layer and added a recipe which sets PREFERRED_PROVIDER, PREFERRED_VERSION and SRCREV, and also adds the patch file to SRC_URI; it looks like u-boot 2022.10 gets downloaded successfully to the tmp/work/... dir, but there is an error applying the patch:
<Dane91> CmdError('quilt --quiltrc /home/dane/yocto/fsl-community-bsp/exappscreen/tmp/work/exappscreen-fslc-linux-gnueabi/u-boot/1_2022.10-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/quiltrc push', 0, 'stdout: stderr: /bin/sh: 1: quilt: not found
<Dane91> I've checked and .../recipe-sysroot-native/etc/quiltrc does not exist.
<Dane91> What am I missing here? :-D
<Dane91> (If I should rather be asking this somewhere else then my apologies and please point me in the right direction)
<rburton> did you write your own patch task?
<mckoan> Dane91: a recipe can't set PREFERRED_*
<Dane91> No, just added the patch file to SRC_URI, which is what the example file I copied from (for 2022.01) does.
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<mckoan> Dane91: pastebin the recipe would help to fihure out what's wrong
<rburton> Dane91: are you doing bitbake -b path/to/uboot.bb? specifically, the -b bit?
<Dane91> rburton yes, correct
<rburton> " Execute tasks from a specific .bb recipe directly. WARNING: Does not handle any dependencies from other recipes."
<rburton> see that big WARNING?
<rburton> that's why you don't have quilt
<rburton> don't do that
<rburton> just "bitbake u-boot", and set PREFERRED_VERSION in local.conf or your bsp if you have one
<Dane91> Ah ok thanks! Let me try that :-D.
<rburton> how did you decide to use -b? maybe there's more documentation we need to stamp on to make it more obvious to never ever ever use
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<Dane91> rburton Let me look back, I think it was in the book I bought.
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<rburton> if it encourages you to use -b then burn the book
<rburton> i've been using yocto since before it was called yocto, and I've literally needed to use -b once
<RP> rburton: I used to use it a lot! the stamp changes make it less useful now
<rburton> shush you're not usual
<rburton> i use it to parse specific kernel recipes to extract their version when updating the cve exclusions
<Chocky> My build setup likes to rebuild the kernel a lot, which is unhelpful. Now that's probably its own issue I'll get to in time, but -b would help me here.
<Chocky> "before it was called Yocto" - hipster.
<rburton> Dane91: "The “-b” option explicitly does not handle recipe dependencies. Other than for debugging purposes, it is instead recommended that you use the syntax presented in the next section."
<Dane91> Yip I saw that now =#
<rburton> i do think that the -b option should be at the end of that section instead of first
<Chocky> rburton: More serious suggestion. If you too aggressively kill bitbake, it'll leave the .lock file and then bitch when you restart leading to confusing messages. I know that this logic is necessary, but perhaps some improvement can be made here in regards to messaging, considering a stale .lock file or checking for processes?
<Chocky> The background here is that I'm dealing with a bunch of people who are largely new to Linux dev, never mind Yocto. Not everyone was doing Linux dev back in the 1990s like you and I.
<RP> Chocky: I'd suggest checking ps as it will handle a stale lockfile ok meaning there is probably something still running
<rburton> yeah i've encountered the old "i hit control-c 1000 times and now bitbake won't start" problem
<rburton> and yeah there's usually something hanging around that won't quite die, or is taking its sweet time quitting
<Chocky> Even if the only improvement here was better messaging, then I'll take it. "Can't connect to server" looks potentially like a networking problem, which has been a big issue for us, but is unrelated.
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<RP> Chocky: patches welcome for the messaging
<ablu> /me started to always run bitbake from a container at some point. Then one can just nuke the entire container :)
<RP> ablu: way easier than trying to fix the code properly :(
<ablu> RP : Well, I mostly did it to keep the environment consistent. In fact, I do not remember any recent cases of having to kill the container due to hanging bitbake processes (even if I regulary spam Ctrl+C).
<RP> ablu: there have been issues with the exit handling but I'd hoped most are now resolved
<ablu> RP : Yeah... At <old-job> I was working with some very old-releases. I do not think I have seen issues while roughly following master during the last year.
<Chocky> RP: I'm just the complaints guy.
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<Dane91> rburton: Completed successfully, thanks! Currently trying to figure out if it's built the same binary as what buildroot does - file sizes differ, but then again the file sizes between u-boot build and buildroot build differ as well, so I'll probably just need to load this on a board and test.
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<rburton> Dane91: first check that you set preferred version right and you didn't build the latest release :)
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<rburton> but yeah, different compilers will mean different binary
<Dane91> source in the work folder is the correct version (y)
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<Dane91> Looks like the patch hasn't been applied.
<Dane91> Using fsl-community-bsp.
<Dane91> Recipe is:
<Dane91> require ${TOPDIR}/../sources/poky/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-common.inc
<Dane91> require ${TOPDIR}/../sources/poky/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot.inc
<Dane91> # Note: Dane: New to Yocto so not entirely sure what I'm doing here, throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.
<Dane91> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot = "u-boot"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/bootloader = "u-boot"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot = "2022.10"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/bootloader = "2022.10"
<Dane91> LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Licenses/README;md5=2ca5f2c35c8cc335f0a19756634782f1"
<Dane91> #2022.10
<Dane91> SRCREV = "4debc57a3da6c3f4d3f89a637e99206f4cea0a96"
<Dane91> SRC_URI += " file://0001-exappscreen.patch "
<rburton> preferred* variables can't be set in recipes
<rburton> what is set in a recipe, stays in a recipe. and the choice of preferred version needs to be a global assignment
<Chocky> Like Vegas
<rburton> you just need PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot = "2022.10" in your local or bsp config
<kayterina3> I apped the variables "INITSCRIPT_NAME/PARAMS" but the second file 'init-script-2' is not added in /etc/rcX.d/. The recipe is like this https://pastebin.com/qW6QasEn
<kayterina3> *appended
<Dane91> OK so I'm guessing that it's the SRVREV set which is causing it to work then (because it is pulling the correct source).
<Dane91> *SRCREV
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<Dane91> Why would the patch not be applied?
<rburton> most likely because its not actually building that recipe at all
<Dane91> OK maybe the source I'm seeing in the work directory is still from when I was doing the -b
<rburton> yeah, the work dir is per-version so check the log from bitbake to see what version it _actually_ built
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<Dane91> OK so what I'm trying to achieve here in short is to grab the 2022.10 version of u-boot and apply a patch. What would be the right way to do this? I also need to tell the Freescale BSP to build vanilla u-boot and not the Freescale version.
<Dane91> (u-boot-fslc)
<rburton> you've written the recipe, so just set preferred version of uboot in your local.cofn
<Dane91> i.e. I move
<Dane91> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot = "u-boot"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/bootloader = "u-boot"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot = "2022.10"
<Dane91> PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/bootloader = "2022.10"
<Dane91> from the .bb to local.conf
<Dane91> My apologies I'm sure these are really silly questions.
<Dane91> I'll go through the example (y)
<rburton> right
<Dane91> Patch has now been applied (y) =D .
<Dane91> Thanks!
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<khem> otherwise basic image builds are broken with clang
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<khem> this is a regression because of the version upgrade for shared-mime-info that went in last week
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<rburton> nanbield doesn need that surely
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<fray> Hmm.. trying to run core-image-ptest on nanbield (it's been a while) but it's saying it's skipped becasue "no class extension set", any idea what I'm doing wrong?
<fray> (I added IMAGE_CLASSES += "testimage" to the local.conf, and I'm building poky)
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<fray> I figured it out, I was trying core-image-ptest, I mean to run core-image-ptest-all
<khem> fray: you also need to create quite a bit of tap devices depending upon how many parallel jobs you are running
<khem> add TESTIMAGE_AUTO = "1" as well
<fray> Yup, hadn't gotten there yet..
<khem> now a days I can run the ptests in docker container too
<khem> thats really handy
<fray> thanks
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<khem> ah yes
<khem> all good I guess
<khem> then
<khem> I just needed to update poky submodule to latest master
<fray> khem you don't happen to know if there is a switch that enables multiple qemu in the ptest? Mine is currently running one ptest/qemu session at a time (I'm NOT using YP qemu) so I'm trying to figure out is it something in our QEMU that is blocking, or is it a switch I need to flip?
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<fray> Ahh, i think I found it.. "testimagelock" needs to be set to "" for qemu..
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<fray> yup, setting that and now I'm running the ptests in paralle and have a load of 120.. :)
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