The recipe provides multiple packages, "smbclient" is one of them.
Hmm. When I tried I got an error. I will try again today.
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Hello guys, I am trying 3 hours to create a recipe that will extract a local tar of webpages and install them to the /www/pages rootfs path that lighttpd is servicing by default without success.
The .bb file has: SRC_URI = "file://webpages.tar"
but when I try to build it with bitbake webpages command it complains about packaging: ERROR: webpages-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: webpages is listed in PACKAGES multiple times, this leads to packaging errors. [packages-list]
ERROR: webpages-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: webpages: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.
webpages: 11 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]
I have tried to add the FILES_${PN} += with each of the filename manually but still doesn't work even if it's not a viable solution, any ideas to solve the issue ?
FILES:${PN} = "/www"
nplevr: please use pastebin
also the error about PACKAGES suggests that's not the whole content of your recipe
isn't that much useful, maybe it should be in separate package in RRECOMMENDS
split it out and call it demo-site or something
but then someone else can complain that it "doesn't work" with BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS :) you cannot please everybody
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Regarding "Add API for upstream source tracing" were the docs updated with how this works?
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rburton and JaMa finaly I have managed to create the rootfs file with a bbapend to remove the default index file that lighttpd creates. You saved me I was trying for 3+ hours but it's normal I am a newbie! :-D
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when in doubt, ask here first ;)
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how is it possible to time travel?
JaMa: so i have a patch to put /www/pages/ in a sample site package. should the .conf file go in there too? presumably real users will be shipping both their own content _and_ a config file.
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nplevr: guessing you'll also end up writing your own lighttp.conf to do what you want?
rburton I let it default, I just created a .bbappend file to erase the html file to avoid the conflict of my webpages package to be installed
I have a recipe which builds a CMake based project. In my CMakeLists.txt I have "FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest)", but the thing is it doesn't populate my gtest, gmock targets when building through Yocto. This is in kirkstone, I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, I have found this which is related but not quite the same
Rich_1234: that's because we disable networking in configure/compile steps to stop software going off and downloading more code during the build
the ugly and horrible and dubious if you have GPL compliance obligations is to do_configure[network] = "1"
the proper fix is to fetch the googletest in SRC_URI and tell the cmake where to find it
rburton Ah i see, that would make sense, but thanks that gives me enough to go on so I will look at it some more. But with the do_configure[network] = 1, im guessing goes in the bb file and would that enable it just for that recipe?
because actually knowing what source you're shipping is useful
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Alright, I will give it a try
also fetchcontent breaks offline builds and caching which is annoying.
Right, yeah I can see that
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rburton: I don't use lighttpd, so don't have strong opinion about the conf file, but there were some lighttpd changes from Glenn Strauss just sent to ML, ask him :)
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Rich_1234: many recipes in meta-ros are also using that, so you can see the SRC_URI solution there as well (which I did before restricting the network was even implemented)
JaMa Thanks, I will take a look
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time travel possibly explained, thank you MTK for your BT drivers
otavio: can you email helpdesk@yoctoproject.org about that please ?
sure :-)
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FYI: looks like with python-3.12 bitbake-server doesn't stop after the build is finished, maybe related to this warning in bitbake-cookerdaemon.log?
/OE/build/luneos-scarthgap/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker:210: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=3486592) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child.
/usr/lib/python3.12/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py:66: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=2273008) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child.
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* JaMa
switched default python from 3.11 to 3.12 yesterday
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I had a problem where an external kernel module wasn't building. It turned out that the top-level target in the Makefile was "all" and conflicted/overridden by other rule. I guess this was some kind of kirkstone change
w/ 2
<- crappy wifi
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does yocto use build id elf notes (.note.gnu.build-id) in any capacity? thinking about stripping them out for a special reason.
You can strip them, they’re useful for finding debug files but if that’s not a problem then they can go
Why do you want to strip them out?
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mischief: why do you want to delete them ?
things like debuginfod wont work among other things keep that in mind
khem: we dont use debuginfod
we're looking at using systemd-coredump for core dump handling, but we actually have journald's storage turned off and all log messages forward to syslog
when coredumpd tries to print the stack of the core, it prints all of the shared objects build-id's first before the stack
and it prints all of it in a single messsage
this line becomes too long for syslog, and it's truncated :-)
yes, thats the point, it matches to exact matching debug files
sometimes its useful if you modify the libs etc. which may have multiple debug info files due to that
my understanding is that build-id isn't used if the splitdebug files follow a specific layout - e.g. `.debug` subdirectory
also, we dont actually ship the splitdebug, we're also looking at PACKAGE_MINIDEBUGINFO instead
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it is not per-se, it falls back to old dump algorithm of matching directory and filenames
to find corresponding debug files
well, we might try stripping build-id, or maybe just patch systemd to not print it :-)
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yeah pass --build-id=none via LDFLAGS globally will do it
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khem: oh, huh, good idea
i was going to try running strip instead xD
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