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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<jmd> I want to install smbclient in yocto rocky. How can I find out what package provides it?
<jmd> s/rocky/rocko/
<ablu> jmd: Try grepping in your layers :)
<ablu> (not rocky, but should give you a pointer)
<ablu> meta-openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/samba/samba_4.18.6.bb
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<jmd> I tried that. the samba package provides the server. Not the client.
<ablu> In my branch snapshot it provides a smbclient package: https://paste.centos.org/view/0774c7de
<ablu> Same on the rocko branch.
<ablu> The recipe provides multiple packages, "smbclient" is one of them.
<jmd> Hmm. When I tried I got an error. I will try again today.
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<nplevr> Hello guys, I am trying 3 hours to create a recipe that will extract a local tar of webpages and install them to the /www/pages rootfs path that lighttpd is servicing by default without success.
<nplevr> The .bb file has: SRC_URI = "file://webpages.tar"
<nplevr> S = "${WORKDIR}"
<nplevr> do_install() {
<nplevr>     install -m 755 -d ${D}/www/pages/
<nplevr>     install -m 755 -d ${D}/www/pages/assets
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/*.txt ${D}/www/pages
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/*.ico ${D}/www/pages
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/*.html ${D}/www/pages
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/*.css ${D}/www/pages
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/*.js ${D}/www/pages
<nplevr>     install -m 0644 ${S}/angular_site/assets/*.png ${D}/www/pages/assets
<nplevr> }
<nplevr> but when I try to build it with bitbake webpages command it complains about packaging: ERROR: webpages-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: webpages is listed in PACKAGES multiple times, this leads to packaging errors. [packages-list]
<nplevr> ERROR: webpages-0.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: webpages: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
<nplevr>   /www
<nplevr>   /www/pages
<nplevr>   /www/pages/runtime.c2ffca21455b3135.js
<nplevr>   /www/pages/index.html
<nplevr>   /www/pages/3rdpartylicenses.txt
<nplevr>   /www/pages/styles.709a9a3fcba9a9e2.css
<nplevr>   /www/pages/favicon.ico
<nplevr>   /www/pages/main.eb308ed5aac1d560.js
<nplevr>   /www/pages/polyfills.b4557aae1582af27.js
<nplevr>   /www/pages/assets
<nplevr>   /www/pages/assets/k-logo.png
<nplevr> Please set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.
<nplevr> webpages: 11 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]
<nplevr> ERROR: webpages-0.1-r0 do_package: Fatal QA errors were found, failing task.
<nplevr> I have tried to add the FILES_${PN} += with each of the filename manually but still doesn't work even if it's not a viable solution, any ideas to solve the issue ?
<rburton> FILES:${PN} = "/www"
<mckoan> nplevr: please use pastebin
<rburton> also the error about PACKAGES suggests that's not the whole content of your recipe
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<nplevr> The huge error log is here: https://pastebin.com/XmKS3B6B
<RP> michaelo: is master-next nearly ready for yocto-docs? I'd like to reference some of the commits so I'm wondering if I can merge some bits of it?
<rburton> nplevr: can you pastebin your actual recipe
<rburton> the error is
<rburton> Downloading file:/ * check_data_file_clashes: Package lighttpd wants to install file /home/user/Documents/digitalgateamg_code/da3-14-2-h-software/basesystem/poky/build/tmp/work/sam9x75eb_sd-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/www/pages/index.html
<rburton> But that file is already provided by package * webpages
<rburton> put your webpages/ files somewhere else as lighttp wants to put files there
<JaMa> or add lighttpd bbappend not to install default index.html if you don't want it on your target
<nplevr> rburton Thanks a lot for the help!
<rburton> i'm also guessing your site isn't MIT licensed, so you might want to fix that
<nplevr> JaMa Thanks a lot too!
<nplevr> rburton Indeed!
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<JaMa> cat ./meta/recipes-extended/lighttpd/lighttpd/index.html.lighttpd
<JaMa> <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
<JaMa> isn't that much useful, maybe it should be in separate package in RRECOMMENDS
<rburton> yes
<rburton> split it out and call it demo-site or something
<JaMa> but then someone else can complain that it "doesn't work" with BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS :) you cannot please everybody
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<ptsneves> Regarding "Add API for upstream source tracing" were the docs updated with how this works?
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<nplevr> rburton and JaMa finaly I have managed to create the rootfs file with a bbapend to remove the default index file that lighttpd creates. You saved me I was trying for 3+ hours but it's normal I am a newbie! :-D
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<rburton> when in doubt, ask here first ;)
<nplevr> =D
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<JaMa> how is it possible to time travel?
<rburton> JaMa: so i have a patch to put /www/pages/ in a sample site package. should the .conf file go in there too? presumably real users will be shipping both their own content _and_ a config file.
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<rburton> nplevr: guessing you'll also end up writing your own lighttp.conf to do what you want?
<nplevr> rburton I let it default, I just created a .bbappend file to erase the html file to avoid the conflict of my webpages package to be installed
<Rich_1234> I have a recipe which builds a CMake based project. In my CMakeLists.txt I have "FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest)", but the thing is it doesn't populate my gtest, gmock targets when building through Yocto. This is in kirkstone, I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, I have found this which is related but not quite the same
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<rburton> Rich_1234: that's because we disable networking in configure/compile steps to stop software going off and downloading more code during the build
<rburton> the ugly and horrible and dubious if you have GPL compliance obligations is to do_configure[network] = "1"
<rburton> the proper fix is to fetch the googletest in SRC_URI and tell the cmake where to find it
<Rich_1234> rburton Ah i see, that would make sense, but thanks that gives me enough to go on so I will look at it some more. But with the do_configure[network] = 1, im guessing goes in the bb file and would that enable it just for that recipe?
<rburton> yes
<Rich_1234> Alright thanks
<rburton> TF-M is a heavy user of FetchContent so we just grab the pieces explicitly and tell it where to find the source https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-arm/tree/meta-arm/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-m/trusted-firmware-m-1.8.1-src.inc
<rburton> because actually knowing what source you're shipping is useful
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<Rich_1234> Alright, I will give it a try
<rburton> also fetchcontent breaks offline builds and caching which is annoying.
<Rich_1234> Right, yeah I can see that
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<JaMa> rburton: I don't use lighttpd, so don't have strong opinion about the conf file, but there were some lighttpd changes from Glenn Strauss just sent to ML, ask him :)
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<JaMa> Rich_1234: many recipes in meta-ros are also using that, so you can see the SRC_URI solution there as well (which I did before restricting the network was even implemented)
<Rich_1234> JaMa Thanks, I will take a look
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<JaMa> time travel possibly explained, thank you MTK for your BT drivers
<otavio> halstead: could u take a look at https://github.com/Freescale/meta-freescale/issues/1671 ?
<otavio> RP: ^
<otavio> :-)
<RP> otavio: can you email helpdesk@yoctoproject.org about that please ?
<otavio> sure :-)
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<JaMa> FYI: looks like with python-3.12 bitbake-server doesn't stop after the build is finished, maybe related to this warning in bitbake-cookerdaemon.log?
<JaMa> /OE/build/luneos-scarthgap/bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker:210: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=3486592) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child.
<JaMa> /usr/lib/python3.12/multiprocessing/popen_fork.py:66: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=2273008) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child.
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* JaMa switched default python from 3.11 to 3.12 yesterday
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<williamh97> hi all, im trying to add this patch to our dunfell build. it's related to redirectauth for wget fetcher. https://patchwork.yoctoproject.org/project/bitbake/patch/20211206212437.31332-1-jsbronder@cold-front.org/
<williamh97> im confused as to the statement "to limit ... authorization headers to first request, set redirectauth=0"
<williamh97> from the patch, wouldnt we need to set redirectauth to 1 so we can pass in the appropriate credentials on the first request?
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<halstead> otavio: I'll figure out why the mirror pushes are failing.
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<halstead> otavio: The VM running the webhook was unresponsive. A reboot has everything up to date.
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<hcg> denix: I noticed a thread in the ML directly related to what I was reporting - so I guess it was meta-ti after all?
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<otavio> halstead: thanks for the prompt action
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<halstead> otavio: Thanks for the report.
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<Chocky> I had a problem where an external kernel module wasn't building. It turned out that the top-level target in the Makefile was "all" and conflicted/overridden by other rule. I guess this was some kind of kirkstone change
<gmorell> w/ 2
<Chocky> <- crappy wifi
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<mischief> does yocto use build id elf notes (.note.gnu.build-id) in any capacity? thinking about stripping them out for a special reason.
<rburton> You can strip them, they’re useful for finding debug files but if that’s not a problem then they can go
<rburton> Why do you want to strip them out?
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<khem> mischief: why do you want to delete them ?
<khem> things like debuginfod wont work among other things keep that in mind
<mischief> khem: we dont use debuginfod
<mischief> we're looking at using systemd-coredump for core dump handling, but we actually have journald's storage turned off and all log messages forward to syslog
<mischief> when coredumpd tries to print the stack of the core, it prints all of the shared objects build-id's first before the stack
<mischief> and it prints all of it in a single messsage
<mischief> this line becomes too long for syslog, and it's truncated :-)
<khem> yes, thats the point, it matches to exact matching debug files
<khem> sometimes its useful if you modify the libs etc. which may have multiple debug info files due to that
<mischief> my understanding is that build-id isn't used if the splitdebug files follow a specific layout - e.g. `.debug` subdirectory
<mischief> also, we dont actually ship the splitdebug, we're also looking at PACKAGE_MINIDEBUGINFO instead
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<khem> it is not per-se, it falls back to old dump algorithm of matching directory and filenames
<khem> to find corresponding debug files
<mischief> well, we might try stripping build-id, or maybe just patch systemd to not print it :-)
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<khem> yeah pass --build-id=none via LDFLAGS globally will do it
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<mischief> khem: oh, huh, good idea
<mischief> i was going to try running strip instead xD
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