Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Jones42> marex: no need to be sorry. I appreciate every bit of information I can get from you. A little redundancy won't hurt ;)
<Jones42> marex: btw we're having a few imx projects now, and I don't get tired sending colleagues this link https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot/2024-04-26#36241013
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<marex> narmstrong: can you pull updated dwc3 driver from Linux finally ?
<marex> narmstrong: I feel like the current dwc3 driver is zombie on steroids and injecting it with more doesn't make it any less decomposed
<narmstrong> Sure but the cache management is unrelated to Linux since Linux uses uncached buffers… so the fixed I pushed would still be needed
<marex> narmstrong: ack, since it is gadget, that is up to mkorpershoek then
<mkorpershoek> I'll have a look early next week
<mkorpershoek> I feel the zombie thing as well, but I don't want to prevent folks from changing it :(
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<marex> mkorpershoek: can you somehow twiddle IS_ENABLE+CONFIG_VAL into that mmc env patch instead to improve code coverage ?
<mkorpershoek> I'll look into it
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<marex> mkorpershoek: its just an idea, no hard push
<mkorpershoek> ok. to me #if defined felt good because it's similar to what's done below for CONFIG_ENV_MMC_PARTITION
<mkorpershoek> i considered CONFIG_IF_ENABLED_INT as well but that requires 2 Kconfig symbols
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<Tartarus> Two symbols is fine
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<Tartarus> xypron: Did you get the read the docs ftb email?
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<Tartarus> And, oof, there's no actual users of CONFIG_IF_ENABLED_INT, but lets try it..
<Tartarus> And I talked about this just now on my floss.social account, but man, ripgrep (rg) is nice, and also fast
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<xypron> Tartarus: NameError: name 'html_context' is not defined. I should have tested with the environment variable set.
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<xypron> Tartarus: export READTHEDOCS=foo; make htmldocs does not fail locally.
<xypron> ah should be True
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<Tartarus> OK
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