Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Jones42> are there any up/downsides to putting a kernel+dtb on a ext4 partition vs. vfat? u-boot doesn't seem to make a difference
<derRichard> Jones42: the vfat code in u-boot is more robust IMHO
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<Jones42> alright, thanks!
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<Jones42> regarding i.mx hab4 pki key tree stuff: I looked hard, but see no reason why the 4 SRKs have to be signed by any CA. The CA's certificate is not used anywhere, let alone on the actual device. Is there something I'm missing?
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<cambrian_invader> Jones42: ext4 has a journal, so you are less likely to brick your device if someone pulls the plug during an update
<macromorgan> is there a procedure for cherry picking extremely recent commits to the upstream DTS?
<macromorgan> I've got 2 changes I need before I can use an upstream DTS, and I'd like to port a board starting with the upstream DTS
<macromorgan> changes are already accepted by mainline Linux, just either in the rc branch or linux-next
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<Jones42> how do i get tiny fixes into meta-secure-imx? haven't found a mailing list to annoy yet...
<Jones42> cambrian_invader: thanks!
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<derRichard> Jones42: what is broken? maybe i wrote it ;)
<derRichard> just run git blame and mail the author
<Jones42> just two little things:
<derRichard> so, heiko/stefano :D
<Jones42> I'm using the NXP BSP, so no SPL for me...
<Jones42> should I just drop them a line or do it properly?
<derRichard> idk
<Jones42> as in "i don't kare"? ;-)
<Jones42> I'll mail them. thanks!
<derRichard> i don't know :)
<Jones42> ;-)
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