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<greyltc> i've got a submarine on my screen and nothing else
<greyltc> What should I do to get some debugging info printed to the display?
<marex> connect a serial console
<marex> include details ... board, u-boot version, etc.
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<greyltc> marex: raspberry pi 5. no access to the physical console. i'm asking for advice on how to get console prints to go to the display
<greyltc> clearly u-boot can draw to the display since it can draw a submarine on it
<greyltc> so I'd expect there to be a way for it to print something useful for debugging there
<marex> greyltc: that you can put something on the screen does not mean you can draw text there too, the picture could be some simple memcpy into video buffer
<marex> greyltc: if you had a serial console, you could find out using the 'coninfo' command
<marex> greyltc: without it ... do you have fw_setenv command in Linux userspace , or can you modify the U-Boot environment somehow in some text file maybe ?
<marex> try and set 'stdout vidconsole' or 'stdout vga' or 'stdout video' ... can be either, coninfo would tell you which one it is
<greyltc> yeah. i can modify boot.scr
<greyltc> currently boot.scr (or rather boot.txt) looks like this: https://github.com/archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs/blob/master/alarm/uboot-raspberrypi/boot.txt.v3
<marex> this is probably only applied after the autoboot timeout ran out, so you won't be able to use interactive console at that point anymore
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