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<Letrab> sgj1: Thanks for your reply from yesterday! The chainloading is currently working in this way, just want to anticipate if it would be a bad practice or not. But as all seems good currently, I can keep it this way I assume. Thanks for the reply!
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<conchuod> I didn't bisect this yet, but since the 2nd, I've been getting:
<conchuod> w/ microchip_mpfs_icicle_defconfig
<marex> conchuod: apt install libgnutls28-dev
<mkorpershoek> Tartarus: is it intentional that https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/commit/51aabf50e57f5139de31a4850347edbad8bb338b got merged? seems like the author marked this patch as NFC (Not For Commit?): https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240618-qemu-xtensa-v3-12-f5af5e6fdd23@flygoat.com/
<mkorpershoek> seems pretty odd to me that we no longer get the test hooks from https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot-test-hooks
<conchuod> marex: why is that now required when it wasn't before?
<marex> mkorpershoek: yikes, nice
<marex> conchuod: did efi capsule support got enabled by default ?
<marex> conchuod: or maybe it is needed by tools ?
<conchuod> marex: seems like its default did get changed. Guess I should just disable it in that conf
<marex> conchuod: yeah, or complain to xypron :)
<conchuod> Nah, to trini or Jonathan Humphreys ;)
<marex> ;-)
<xypron> marex: capsule update is not selected by default. Which defconfig and commit do you have problems with.
<marex> xypron: I have no problem, but conchuod does
<xypron> conchuod: CONFIG_TOOLS_MKEFICAPSULE controls if mkeficapsule is built. The relevant change is b7a625b1ce49 ("tools: Build mkeficapsule tool by default if EFI_LOADER is set")
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<Tartarus> mkorpershoek: Bah, b4 strikes again :(
<Tartarus> Thanks
<mkorpershoek> You're welcome, glad I caught it
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<Tartarus> sjg1: Sigh, I'm bisecting when buildman size checking broke
<Tartarus> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/uboot/patch/20240623-for-2023-10-am64-nand-v1-1-018c591daedd@kernel.org/ clearly shows the problem (no size change found with obvious size change options done)
<Tartarus> it's a straightforward bisect at least
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<Tartarus> sjg1: Yup, sigh, the patch to use the full path in CROSS_COMPILE breaks it. I assume there's places where we assume we can call ${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump or something
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<Tartarus> sjg1: Revert sent, but if you see how to fix things quickly instead, we can do that
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<sjg1> Tartarus: sorry afk. Not surprised though
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