Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<tgamblin> It actually seems to be v2024.07.rc5, which is in some BeaglePlay images
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<NishanthMenon> Tartarus: marex looks like our Boot MC for firmware repo was accepted https://lpc.events/event/18/contributions/1815/
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<Jah> has anyone come across with this error while building uboot 2024.04 Error: syntax error -- `ldr r0,=((CFG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR+CFG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE-256))'. Can anyone suggest me what I am doing wrong
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<Jones42> so even if i overwrite the incbin-path of a dts node (say data = /incbin/("linux.bin");) later in the dts, dtc first wants to load all included files and then discards it once it sees the overwritten node.
<Jones42> is there anything to tell dtc to first parse the file and then only load the node-binaries it actually needs?
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<marex> Jah: is that mainline U-Boot or NXP downstream fork ?
<marex> Jones42: probably fix this in DTC
<Jones42> mainline
<Jah> marex it's nxp's version
<Jones42> is this something that is actually broken, or is it just me misusing stuff?
<Jones42> ah, sorry.
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<quinq> Hi
<quinq> I have a U-Boot device connected through a serial over TCP (connecting over Ethernet to that Ether/serial adapter)
<quinq> Is there a way I could load a file with loady somehow over that?
<quinq> (not directly a U-Boot related question, sorry if that's a problem)
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<quinq> Nevermind, got it with some netcat and pipe redirections, sorry for the noise
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