Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<derRichard> is it known that u-boot tests TestFsExt.test_fs_ext12[fat32] fails?
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<mkorpershoek> derRichard: can you look at the pipeline on master? it should be accessible at: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/pipelines/21795
<mkorpershoek> (not sure if it's publicly accessible)
<derRichard> mkorpershoek: hmm, odd. https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/pipelines/21795 it seems to work
<derRichard> here on my machine it fails
<derRichard> maybe mtools behaves differently here
<derRichard> within my opensuse vm "make tests" fails badly
<derRichard> ========================= 99 failed, 885 passed, 275 skipped, 4 errors in 559.13s (0:09:19) =========================
<mkorpershoek> Possibly. I don't have much success on my machine as well, which is why I always run the tests in a container
<derRichard> what container are you using?
<mkorpershoek> the one from the CI
<mkorpershoek> quote: "Pulling docker image docker.io/trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner:jammy-20240227-14Mar2024 "
* derRichard is not amused
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<derRichard> ah, the source is in tools/docker/Dockerfile
<derRichard> good
<mkorpershoek> Yes
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<Tartarus> And note that for some of the fs tests you need to run the container with priviledges
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<derRichard> Tartarus: i'm currently trying to fix that
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<Tartarus> Well, so long as you don't also kill performance of the tests, OK
<Tartarus> I had done some experiments with guestfish before for example and some test went from, I swear, 1 minute or so to 20 minutes
<derRichard> sure, guestfish is slow. i rather try removing the need to mount the images at all on the hos side
<derRichard> *host
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<derRichard> amazing, on a ubuntu vm, TestFsExt.test_fs_ext12[fat32] passes
<derRichard> how odd
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<derRichard> with this change i'm able to run the test_fs tests as test_fs and without sudo
<derRichard> how much do you hate that? :-D
<Tartarus> derRichard: nice, you've run them all for sure?
<derRichard> there is still some sudo stuff in test/py/tests/test_ut.py, but i'm eager to kill that too
<derRichard> *as unprivileged user...
<Tartarus> But all of the tests run and aren't skipped?
<derRichard> all test_fs test ran. i see no "S" in the output, just green dots
<derRichard> also no E nor F
<Tartarus> nice
<derRichard> this is the output: http://paste.debian.net/plain/1324896
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<Tartarus> great
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