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<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Has anyone encountered this error on an intel system using integrated graphics: imgui/backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp:1076: bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo*, VkRenderPass): Assertion `info->Queue != nullptr' failed. ?
<azonenberg> Not one i've seen before, no
<azonenberg> aleksorsist: this is glscopeclient or ngscopeclient? and how recent?
<azonenberg> we recently merged a bunch of lain's queue manager code which may have either caused or fixed that issue
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> ngscopeclient
<azonenberg> oh derp of course its ngscopeclient the filename in question is imgui
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> glscopeclient starts up but crashes quietly with a seg fault though
<azonenberg> interesting
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> So I suspect there's somthing deeper than just imgui
<azonenberg> Yeah. it's only that one system it's failing on?
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Building with the latest now
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Yes, just my framework mobo, 11th gen i5, no discrete GPU
<azonenberg> and linux or windows? or both?
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Linux, haven't ventured into building on windows yet
<azonenberg> Ok. Try running with --debug --trace QueueManager
<azonenberg> see if either one gives you more interesting output
<azonenberg> But make sure you're on latest version first
<azonenberg> if you're running more than a week or two old, all bets are off on intel
<azonenberg> or any system with less than a handful of vulkan queues
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Ah, this was on a build a few weeks back
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Currently building latest, will let you know the output when I run it
<azonenberg> yeah so the tl;dr is that we assume we have a certain number of queues available and dedicate several to particular purposes
<azonenberg> like drawing, host-device memory copies, and backend filter graph processing
<azonenberg> if your hardware has less than this, older versions would just choke or give weird errors
<azonenberg> lain's new code gives out handle objects which may be oversubscribed, and use mutexing as needed to synchronize if two need to use the same physical queue at once
<azonenberg> it's brand new and may have bugs, so please test
<azonenberg> but it's at least *intended* to solve your problems :)
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Error'd out of the build: TRCImportFilter.cpp:64:36: error: ‘class vk::raii::Queue’ has no member named ‘m_family’ 64 | g_vkTransferQueue->m_family );
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> And that makes sense, the integrated graphics are a little less beefy than my main system 😛
<azonenberg> That sounds like you're inconsistent WRT submodules
<azonenberg> make sure you always pull recursively
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> I used git clone --recursive
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> only thing I swapped out was the scopehal folder, but this error is in scopeprotocols
<azonenberg> Hmmmm
<azonenberg> because g_vkTransferQueue is not a vk::raii::Queue after this refactoring
<azonenberg> it's a std::shared_ptr<QueueHandle>
<azonenberg> So if you still have it as the old type, somethign is inconsistent or out of date
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> I removed TRCImportFilter from the cmakelist and i'm at 73% through the build with no issues
<azonenberg> oh wait
<azonenberg> are you using louis's scopehal fork?
<azonenberg> with current ngscopeclient?
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Yup, but only the scopehal folder
<azonenberg> yeah but still, scopehal had a lot of changes with that refactoring
<azonenberg> That might be your problem. He might not have merged the PR
<azonenberg> @louis: when was the last time you merged upstream scopehal to your fork?
<azonenberg> aleksorsist: the queue manager stuff was only put in a few days ago
<azonenberg> mixing and matching pre/post code is likely to end horribly
<azonenberg> if it compiles, which it probably won't
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Ah, I am getting quite a few errors now
<azonenberg> yeah. you probably need to stick with older versions of ngscopeclient until louis merges these changes
<azonenberg> the perils of being on the bleeding edge lol
<azonenberg> unfortunately, this also means ngscoepclient probably won't work on your intel box in the meantime
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Gotya
<azonenberg> alternatively, you can build the *full* upstream version, without louis's fork
<azonenberg> Which won't work with the thunderscope but will let you test with the demo scope to confirm at least that the queue manager code etc works on your box
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> I'm hoping to scrape together a demo for supercon, I have access to a laptop with an nvidia GPU so I can try that
<azonenberg> how far out is that?
<azonenberg> oh looks like you have a few days
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> This Friday!
<azonenberg> there's a good chance we can get some of this new stuff merged by then
<azonenberg> it would be really cool if you could show off some of the new filter graph code running by then
<azonenberg> there have been some immense upgrades to ngscopeclient in the past few days. and i'm working on rendering of protocol decodes right now
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Sweet! Protocol decode would be really cool to show off
<azonenberg> yeah. the protocol analyzer view will likely not be ready
<azonenberg> but the timeline view should
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> What kinda stuff do the filters do?
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Oh and is the pico driver the only one updated with the new queue manager?
<azonenberg> you mean the new memory allocation stuff?
<azonenberg> lecroy and pico should be using it
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Yah
<azonenberg> at least
<azonenberg> the queue manager, however, is deeper down in the vulkan stack
<azonenberg> anything that does waveform rendering or gpu accelerated compute interacts with it
<azonenberg> as far as filters, do you mean the graph editor? or the actual filter blocks themselves
<d1b2> <azonenberg> this is a week-old demo of the graph editor
<d1b2> <azonenberg> it's got better since then
<d1b2> <azonenberg> but i havent had a chance to shoot another gif
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Ah, so it's where all the math functions live
<azonenberg> it's more than that. we have a fully unified filter graph architecture
<azonenberg> protocol decodes, math functions, etc are all the same thing
<azonenberg> just blocks that take signals in and output other signals
<azonenberg> statistics and even waveform export will eventually be integrated as well
<d1b2> <louis> You should be able to pull the TS driver up to HEAD just by applything these changes - the diff is only to ThunderScopeOscilloscope.{cpp,h} and to two places to put it in the build
<d1b2> <louis> Otherwise I'll ff that branch to upstream HEAD today or tomorrow I think
<d1b2> <azonenberg> @louis: what if anything is stopping us from upstreaming the wip ts driver now?
<d1b2> <louis> No
<d1b2> <louis> *Nothing
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Send a PR then
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<_whitenotifier-5> [scopehal] 602p opened pull request #720: Thunderscope WIP Driver -
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Great, i'll review and merge shortly after i finish the renderer stuff i'm doing
<d1b2> <louis> It is largely a copy/paste of the DSLabs driver, so will be a good candidate for the great RemoteBridgeOscilloscope waveform transport unification at some point
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Awesome, I got the new version built so I'll add the diff changes and try building again
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> (built and working btw, looks like the queue fix does do the trick on my platform)
<azonenberg> Awesome
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Works great, even on a weak quad core with no discrete gpu
<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> I can try it on my main system if there are some performance metrics you wanna see
<azonenberg> Great. Not at this time
<azonenberg> i just finished protocol decode rendering, about to test
<_whitenotifier-5> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #541: ngscopeclient: protocol analyzer -
<_whitenotifier-5> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #541: ngscopeclient: protocol analyzer -