azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> aha, i think i see what's going on
<azonenberg> we don't prepare for CPU access when autoscaling. the new renderer doesn't pull waveform content to the CPU (that was one of the key performance improvements)
<azonenberg> but to autoscale you do have to pull it to the CPU. or do the min/max on GPU which might make more sense to do in the future
<azonenberg> but autoscaling is an infrequent enough operation for now i'll just pull it
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg 9d5fcf6 - Filter: Fixed bug where AutoscaleVertical() could see garbage data if run on a GPU filter because it didn't pull data back
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0daf7d1 - Updated submodules
<lain> btw, it looks like it wouldn't be too much effort to support multi-gpu down the line, other than the UX for actually configuring that might be complex
<azonenberg> not just the UX
<azonenberg> wrangling of buffers across GPUs would be nontrivial
<lain> hm
<azonenberg> and figuring out which gpu to schedule which job on based on availability, relative performance if heterogeneous, and which card(s) the input resides on
<lain> my initial thought was to distribute the queues across the gpus; though I should clarify that I'm thinking of this mostly for dedicated DSP work using scopehal, not so much actual scope UI stuff
<azonenberg> Yes. it's on the wishlist for long term
<lain> aye
<azonenberg> you cant just distribute queues
<azonenberg> it's a very NUMA system
<azonenberg> an AcceleratorBuffer will have to be aware of where the data lives
<azonenberg> and potentially copy it to another card or something
<lain> ah yes
<azonenberg> and the scheduler has to know too
<azonenberg> so you need a NUMA aware job scheduler
<azonenberg> it's a hard but likely solvable problem. will probably require benchmarking each system to measure latency and BW and relative speed for various operations
<azonenberg> and/or dynamic adaptive scheduling based on actual measured transfer times on real workload
<lain> my use case will be a bunch of independent, parallel data streams. I guess a simpler solution to that would be to just run many instances of scopehal, one for each gpu :P
<lain> but yeah
<lain> definitely something I'd like to poke at much longer term
<azonenberg> basically if we half-ass something it will likely run a lot slower
<azonenberg> it needs to be numa aware and adaptive based on a lot of factors
<azonenberg> including the amount of video ram the filter and its inputs will require
<azonenberg> the relative speed of the two gpus
<azonenberg> the expected performance gain from using another card relative to the cost of migrating data
<azonenberg> the potential to have >2 cards
<lain> oh yeah, I totally agree it needs to be done right, and not right now
<lain> just musing out loud
<azonenberg> File a ticket on the tracker. against scopehal probably since it's a core library feature
<azonenberg> just so we have it as a formal todo item
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] lainy labeled issue #699: Multi-GPU support -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] lainy opened issue #699: Multi-GPU support -
<azonenberg> lain: while you're here how's the queue manager stuff going?
<lain> slept in late today and took a while to boot up, going to try wrapping up the refactoring shortly :3
<azonenberg> woo
<azonenberg> Sounds good
<azonenberg> In other news, made good progress on the PT5 today. I realized it's possible to convert two of the three passives in the filter I designed the other day to PCB geometry
<lain> :D
<lain> sweet
<azonenberg> so it's a hybrid distributed/lumped
<azonenberg> two stage stepped impedance filter with a skinny section for 335 pH of inductance followed by a fat section for 386 fF of capacitance
<azonenberg> then a discrete 2.2 nH inductor for the third stage
<lain> :D
<azonenberg> i'm kinda impressed i managed to do any sort of distributed element filter in the footprint i had to work with here lol
<lain> lol
<azonenberg> but the math and simulation checks out
<azonenberg> its quite close in response to the discrete version but one 0201 to place instead of three
<azonenberg> and it's now a proper microwave frequency probe now that it has some magic spells^hcarefully simulated geometry on it
<azonenberg> I'm tempted to see about even making a higher order filter, if i go 4th order the initial L/C get even smaller (so less space, then L3 drops to 1.07 nH which translates to a 647 mrad or 2.3mm long inductor
<azonenberg> still a little large, but also within the range of what's tractable to do discrete
<azonenberg> and the final C would be 800 fF which is very doable discrete
<azonenberg> But for now i think i'll stick with third order as it worked well in my initial prototype
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<lain> the queue manager is working, woo
<azonenberg> lain: yay. almost ready to merge? or waiting on other stuff?
<d1b2> <david.rysk> what should I be testing if on macOS? 🙂
<azonenberg> lain's local working copy i don't think she's pushed yet? :p
<azonenberg> she just sent me an exciting screenshot of glscopeclient rendering on M1
<azonenberg> But we have a lot of work to do still
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 5150db7 - Uppdated to latest upstream imgui with native GetGlyphRangesGreek() support
<azonenberg> bvernoux: oh good news. looking at the vulkan headers
<azonenberg> // Windows defines MemoryBarrier which is deprecated and collides
<azonenberg> // with the VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::MemoryBarrier struct.
<azonenberg> #if defined( MemoryBarrier )
<azonenberg> #endif
<azonenberg> # undef MemoryBarrier
<azonenberg> seems they hit the same problem :p
<azonenberg> also i'm hoping i've now finally nailed the last of the "destroying a vulkan object while rendering thread is still using it" problems triggered by moving waveforms between areas/groups
<azonenberg> well apparnetly i introduced a deadlock instead
<azonenberg> working on thaaat... :p
<bvernoux> hello ha interesting
<bvernoux> will be great to comment the imgui Demo at same time
<bvernoux> I have do that on my local repo
<bvernoux> as it is annoying ;)
<bvernoux> for ngscopeclient of course
<azonenberg> yeah like i said it's gonna go away but for now i still reference it a lot for debug
<azonenberg> it's also a reminder to anyone using it that ngscopeclient is still very much an active dev scene and should not be used for real work yet :p
<bvernoux> yes anyway it is not really usable for real work so far as we cannot use any scope except demo
<bvernoux> I have not tried with Rigol but I doubt all link are done in the background
<bvernoux> Also does the demo is caped to 23fps or it is a limitation on my PC ?
<bvernoux> as I see screen refresh rate is near 60Hz (59Hz)
<azonenberg> the demo is not capped artificially, but it does a lot of heavyweight unoptimized math to synthesize the waveforms
<azonenberg> 20ish FPS is not unreasonable
<azonenberg> You actually can use real scopes with ngscopeclient. it's fully hooked up to the driver layer and changing gain/offset and timebase settings plus all channel configuration works
<azonenberg> as well as adjusting trigger level
<azonenberg> trigger position cannot be adjusted, you cannot change trigger types, and you cannot create filters yet
<azonenberg> there's no history, cursors, or markers
<bvernoux> ha ok great I was not aware it was usable with real scope
<azonenberg> But like, i do a lot of my dev these days against the picoscope
<azonenberg> usable is perhaps a bit of a strong word
<bvernoux> I could try on my Pico3000
<azonenberg> but the subset of gui functionality that is implemented and works with the demo should work with a real scope
<azonenberg> one big gotcha, which is on my list to address today
<bvernoux> ngscopeclient does not seems to take into account the parameter in cli
<azonenberg> It supports logtools arguments
<bvernoux> yes only --debug
<azonenberg> you cannot connect to instruments via cli args yet
<bvernoux> ok I confirm that
<azonenberg> nor open files, but you cant do that from the gui either :p
<azonenberg> There's lots of missing pieces still
<azonenberg> anyway so the big gotcha is that since all channels in a WaveformArea share the same vertical scale/offset
<azonenberg> you can potentially get unexpected and hardware damaging gain/offset changes if you move a channel looking at a really weak signal into a group looking at a strong one or vice versa
<azonenberg> by setting v/div out of range for thei nput
<azonenberg> the plan is to detect and display some sort of warning for this
<azonenberg> that's on my list of things to work on today
<azonenberg> i'm not going to architecturally change that since having the per plot scale makes sense. but i do want to make it hard to shoot yourself in the foot
<bvernoux> ha yes it can damage scope especially on 50Ohms Input I doubt it can damage scope with 1MHOhms input
<bvernoux> as they are pretty well protected
<azonenberg> yeah it's mostly for e.g. my SDA
<azonenberg> where there's a 5V cap for inputs above a certain V/div
<azonenberg> but i think 2V below
<azonenberg> So the plan is to add a big warning over the plot starting as soon as you drag into it
<azonenberg> and continuing until the v/div is next changed
<azonenberg> saying that vertical axis scales are mismatched and to double check that it's safe to adjust channel X to match
<azonenberg> but first i have to finish fixing all of these thread safety problems
<azonenberg> the vulkan validation layers make it relatively easy but i keep finding new race conditions lol
<bvernoux> yes it is a great things
<bvernoux> I'm finalyzing my order on mouser does there is interesting stuff I could add ?
<bvernoux> I have added the Analog Device
<bvernoux> EVAL-ADUM4166EBZ it seems pretty amazing
<bvernoux> it si an isolator for USB 2 LS/FS/HS
<bvernoux> with their latest chipset
<bvernoux> it is mandatory for EMI/EMC measurements with DUT with USB which is pretty common today ;)
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+3/-0/±17]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 8534e4f - Fixed a bunch of thread safety issues in rendering and waveform processing
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 5734ada - Initial work on scale mismatch detectino. Fixed bug where timeline was scaled by DPI scale twice in the X axis
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] 602p synchronize pull request #504: Zero-hold rendering -
<d1b2> <louis> I think this ^ is right? Is there a way to generate a sine wave or something in ngscope?
<azonenberg> you can use the demo scope
<azonenberg> but there is no support for creating filters yet
<azonenberg> i have a few other things to do first
<d1b2> <louis> OK, yeah, that PR works fine (insofar as it dosen't change the existing behaviour)
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 2a4e4e2 - Added scale mismatch warning
<azonenberg> ok great i'll check and merge
<azonenberg> what's next on your agenda?
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg closed pull request #698: Zero-hold rendering flag -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±14]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] 602p a2eedc5 - Initial minimal changes
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg 6a582b0 - Merge pull request #698 from 602p/sparserendering Zero-hold rendering flag
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #504: Zero-hold rendering -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 8 commits to master [+11/-11/±70]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] 602p f2bf710 - Initial minimal changes
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] 602p add2043 - Few fixes
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] 602p c8fa626 - Add consideration of duration to sparse waveform rendering
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] ... and 5 more commits.
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg df44e04 - Updated submodules
<azonenberg> and yeah there's still a lot of work to do in ngscopeclient as you've probably seen. We're essentially rebuilding a project that took like five years to build the first time in a couple of months lol
<azonenberg> sure we're copying a ton of code, but there's also a fair number of architectural changes etc
<azonenberg> and just going by number of lines of code ngscopeclient is half the size of glscopeclient
<azonenberg> which should give you a rough idea of how much more there still is to build :p
<d1b2> <louis> immediate next is PR the pulse width filter, clip filter, window filter, and changes to histogram filter I'm carrying.
<azonenberg> Great. let me know when you have those ready. and obviously make sure they include docs
<azonenberg> i want to work on documenting our existing filter base more, but right now ngscopeclient is my bigger priority
<bvernoux> I have found a way to crash ngscopeclient
<bvernoux> what is strange is when we drag window
<bvernoux> the channels are mixed
<azonenberg> what do you mean , mixed?
<azonenberg> it's processing false drag and drop events when you're not actually dragging?
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> when dragging
<bvernoux> the refresh is extremely strange
<bvernoux> and if you insist left right quickly ngscopeclient crash
<bvernoux> to reproduce drag performance metrics on right
<bvernoux> then open demo
<bvernoux> on center
<bvernoux> during demo scroll the bar (between 4 chan & performance metrics on right)from left right
<bvernoux> it is not scroll the bar but more drag the horizontal bar
<bvernoux> during drag of the bar we see channel 4 jump to chan 1 and so on on other chan
<bvernoux> like there is something ugly happen in GPU memory ...
<bvernoux> when we stop grabing and moving to right or left all is normal
<azonenberg> h/o still compiling latest after merge
<bvernoux> and if you insit drag horizontal bar left then right then left then right quickly it crash
<bvernoux> I'm using latest merge
<bvernoux> before before latest merge it was the same
<bvernoux> you shall open all performance metrics to add pressure on things and it crash
<bvernoux> yes crashed
<bvernoux> let check where it crash with gdb ;)
<azonenberg> ok so, starting out with a new session
<bvernoux> (gdb) bt
<bvernoux> #0 0x0000000056f2f96b in vkGetInstanceProcAddr () from C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvami.inf_amd64_a3d5bcc37ff12fed\nvoglv64.dll
<bvernoux> #2 0x00007ff7256905f3 in ImGui_ImplVulkan_AddTexture (sampler=<optimized out>, image_view=<optimized out>, image_layout=image_layout@entry=VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\imgui\backe
<bvernoux> #1 0x0000000056f5ce72 in vkGetInstanceProcAddr () from C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvami.inf_amd64_a3d5bcc37ff12fed\nvoglv64.dll
<azonenberg> dock performance metrics window on right side?
<bvernoux> nds\imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp:1175
<bvernoux> #3 0x00007ff725721e7c in Texture::Texture (this=this@entry=0x1b9fea7d1c0, device=..., imageInfo=..., mgr=mgr@entry=0x1b9ff906470, name="DisplayedChannel.m_texture") at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopecli
<bvernoux> ent\TextureManager.cpp:183
<bvernoux> #4 0x00007ff72572e9e5 in std::_Construct<Texture, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__p=0x1b9fea7d1c0) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/stl_construct.h:119
<bvernoux> #5 std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<void> >::construct<Texture, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__p=0x1b9fea7d1c0) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/alloc
<bvernoux> _traits.h:635
<bvernoux> #6 std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<Texture, std::allocator<void>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__a=..., this=0x1b9fe
<bvernoux> a7d1b0) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:604
<bvernoux> #7 std::__shared_count<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_count<Texture, std::allocator<void>, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__a=..., __p=<optimized out>, this=<opt
<bvernoux> imized out>) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:971
<bvernoux> #8 std::__shared_ptr<Texture, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_ptr<std::allocator<void>, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__tag=..., this=<optimized out>) at C:/msys
<bvernoux> 64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1712
<bvernoux> #9 std::shared_ptr<Texture>::shared_ptr<std::allocator<void>, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> (__tag=..., this=<optimized out>) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bi
<bvernoux> ts/shared_ptr.h:464
<bvernoux> #10 std::make_shared<Texture, vk::raii::Device&, vk::ImageCreateInfo&, TextureManager*, char const (&) [27]> () at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/shared_ptr.h:1010
<bvernoux> #11 DisplayedChannel::UpdateSize (this=0x1b9fd1b7620, newSize=..., top=0x1b9ff905d70) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\WaveformArea.cpp:112
<bvernoux> #12 0x00007ff72572eeef in WaveformArea::RenderAnalogWaveform (this=this@entry=0x1b990aacc10, channel=std::shared_ptr<DisplayedChannel> (use count 2, weak count 0) = {...}, start=..., start@entry=..., size=size@entry=..
<bvernoux> .) at C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/12.2.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1665
<bvernoux> #13 0x00007ff72572f062 in WaveformArea::RenderWaveforms (this=this@entry=0x1b990aacc10, start=start@entry=..., size=size@entry=...) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\WaveformArea.cpp:433
<bvernoux> #14 0x00007ff7257333cd in WaveformArea::Render (this=0x1b990aacc10, iArea=iArea@entry=1, numAreas=4, clientArea=..., clientArea@entry=...) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\WaveformArea.cpp:383
<bvernoux> #15 0x00007ff725735016 in WaveformGroup::Render (this=this@entry=0x1b9ff9a4ae0) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\WaveformGroup.cpp:147
<bvernoux> #16 0x00007ff7256e208e in MainWindow::RenderUI (this=0x1b9ff905d70) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\MainWindow.cpp:376
<bvernoux> #17 0x00007ff7257273b5 in VulkanWindow::Render (this=0x1b9ff905d70) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\VulkanWindow.cpp:387
<bvernoux> #18 0x00007ff72592fc0b in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\main.cpp:142
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> with all performance counter visible
<bvernoux> else the crash seems to do not appears
<bvernoux> that seems to add pressure on something shared ;)
<bvernoux> when you drag the central horizontal bar to left or right during dragging you see the weird effect of channels mixed The 4 Chan appears quickly on Chan1 ...
<bvernoux> It was not the case 2 days ago
<azonenberg> I don't see any of that
<bvernoux> ha
<bvernoux> I can do a video
<bvernoux> I have tested that only on Windows10 so far
<azonenberg> and crashing in vkgetinstanceprocaddr sounds like a GPU driver problem
<azonenberg> the last few issues you've complained about seem to be driver related, like weird performance regressions in code nobody's changed
<bvernoux> yes it is really possible it is only on my old GPU it is why I try to explain what I'm doing
<bvernoux> and as you have added big pressure on stuff with optimizations queues ;)
<bvernoux> I will launch the validator to check if it see something
<azonenberg> lain's recent queue fixes should do the opposite, it's resulting in better synchronization
<azonenberg> and yes definitely do that
<azonenberg> (but her queue work is not yet merged)
<bvernoux> my crash seems to be related to #11 DisplayedChannel::UpdateSize (this=0x1b9fd1b7620, newSize=..., top=0x1b9ff905d70) at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\WaveformArea.cpp:112
<bvernoux> as after it is not in ngscopeclient code
<azonenberg> no, it still is. it drops into libstdc++, but #3 is in the Texture class
<bvernoux> hmm also
<bvernoux> #3 0x00007ff725721e7c in Texture::Texture (this=this@entry=0x1b9fea7d1c0, device=..., imageInfo=..., mgr=mgr@entry=0x1b9ff906470, name="DisplayedChannel.m_texture") at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\TextureManager.
<bvernoux> cpp:183
<bvernoux> to be checked if all is normal
<azonenberg> ultimately if you go all the way down it asks imgui to allocate a texture handle then it calls out to vulkan and the vulkan call then dies
<bvernoux> yes
<azonenberg> most likely what's happening is your driver is in some kind of bad state
<bvernoux> it is reproduced by dragging hard ;)
<azonenberg> (possibly, but not necessarily, as a result of something we're doing)
<azonenberg> and this is a symptom, not the root cause
<bvernoux> during drag you do not reproduce the weird effect of chan4 to be copied in chan1 ?
<bvernoux> we see clearly that even if it is ultra quick during dragging
<bvernoux> as the color as so different
<azonenberg> no
<azonenberg> that sounds like a driver bug messing up pointers somehow
<azonenberg> also possible some kind of strange race condition on our side
<bvernoux> ok so you do not reproduced any weird effect during dragging ?
<bvernoux> even doing it fast ?
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> it works totally fine
<azonenberg> no validation errors either
<azonenberg> i spent a lot of time yesterday and the day before chasing thread safety issues, most of which only were detected by the validation layer (and i think some are false positives)
<azonenberg> have not seen any since
<bvernoux> hmm I have that big warning with Vulkan
<bvernoux> YNC-HAZARD-WRITE_AFTER_READ(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1261721012 - Validation Error: [ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE_AFTER_READ ] Object 0: handle = 0x26bbd95b110, name = VulkanWindow.renderQueue, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_QUEUE; | MessageID = 0x4b3455b4 | vkQueueSubmit: Hazard WRITE_AFTER_READ for entry 0, VkCommandBuffer 0x26bc65434d0[MainWindow.m_cmdBuffer], Recorded access info (recorded_usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, command:
<bvernoux> vkCmdDispatch, seq_no: 3, reset_no: 7). Access info (prior_usage: SYNC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_READ, read_barriers: VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, , queue: VkQueue 0x26bbd95b110[VulkanWindow.renderQueue], submit: 1140, batch: 0command: vkCmdDrawIndexed, seq_no: 10, command_buffer: VkCommandBuffer 0x26bc6481f80[VulkanWindow.cmdBuf[1]], reset_no: 1137).
<bvernoux> Objects: 1
<bvernoux> [0] 0x26bbd95b110, type: 4, name: VulkanWindow.renderQueue
<bvernoux> +S
<bvernoux> when I start the demo and I press Play
<azonenberg> Hmm, ok let me look into that
<bvernoux> I have multiple time that
<bvernoux> I can copy all
<bvernoux> let's paste it in pasties
<azonenberg> ok
<azonenberg> so it sounds like we're maybe having a fragment shader read a texture before we're done drawing into It?
<bvernoux> in fact when I drag the bar
<bvernoux> all chan are on chan 1 super-imposed it is pretty clear now during dragging
<bvernoux> when I stop dragging all is normal without any issue and clean
<bvernoux> also zoom in/out does not have any issue
<azonenberg> Hmmm
<bvernoux> just the drag of window when there is performance metrics at right
<azonenberg> in WaveformArea.cpp:651 - 667 we add a barrier from compute shader writes to fragment shader reads
<bvernoux> Vulkan have found a big issue on the crash too
<bvernoux> I need to catch it as I have lost all the log
<bvernoux> let's log that with winpty gdb ./ngscopeclient.exe
<bvernoux> so just starting ngscopeclient.exe
<bvernoux> Without starting demo just empty screen
<bvernoux> I have removed ImGui demo on my side
<bvernoux> just commented it
<azonenberg> ok yeah thats normal
<azonenberg> no errors
<bvernoux> adding demo scope do not add any Vulkan errors/warning
<bvernoux> now I have Perf metrics on right and demo on left with 4 chan
<bvernoux> let press play
<bvernoux> ha yes tons of warning/errors at start of play
<bvernoux> Play demo Warning/Error start at => SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE_AFTER_READ(ERROR / SPEC)
<azonenberg> yeah hmmmm
<bvernoux> Do you reproduce something similar doing my steps with Vulkan Validation (all enabled) ?
<azonenberg> No
<bvernoux> the only things not enabled in Debug Action is Break
<azonenberg> it's a race condition of some sort
<azonenberg> you prboably have less cpu cores so more thread contention or somethin
<azonenberg> trying to think about root cause here. We don't call vkCmdDrawIndexed ourselves, that's all imgui
<azonenberg> so a fragment shader reading in vkCmdDrawIndexed has to be a texture getting drawn by imgui
<azonenberg> meaning one of the waveforms we told it to display
<bvernoux> crashed now ;)
<bvernoux> when playing with drag left right
<bvernoux> I have that trace
<bvernoux> UNASSIGNED-GeneralParameterError-RequiredParameter(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1711571459 - Validation Error: [ UNASSIGNED-GeneralParameterError-RequiredParameter ] Object 0: handle = 0x1d05f9e21f0, name =
<bvernoux> g_vkComputeDevice, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x99fb7dfd | vkUpdateDescriptorSets: required parameter pDescriptorWrites[0].dstSet specified as VK_NULL_HANDLE
<bvernoux> [0] 0x1d05f9e21f0, type: 3, name: g_vkComputeDevice
<bvernoux> Objects: 1
<bvernoux> warning: UNASSIGNED-GeneralParameterError-RequiredParameter(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1711571459 - Validation Error: [ UNASSIGNED-GeneralParameterError-RequiredParameter ] Object 0: handle = 0x1d05f9e21f0
<bvernoux> , name = g_vkComputeDevice, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x99fb7dfd | vkUpdateDescriptorSets: required parameter pDescriptorWrites[0].dstSet specified as VK_NULL_HANDLE
<bvernoux> Objects: 1
<bvernoux> [0] 0x1d05f9e21f0, type: 3, name: g_vkComputeDevice
<bvernoux> UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-DrawState-InvalidDescriptorSet(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1515374316 - Validation Error: [ UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-DrawState-InvalidDescriptorSet ] Object 0: VK_NULL_HANDLE, type
<bvernoux> = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; | MessageID = 0x5a52c6ec | Cannot call vkUpdateDescriptorSets() on VkDescriptorSet 0x0[] that has not been allocated in pDescriptorWrites[0].
<bvernoux> Objects: 1
<bvernoux> [0] 0, type: 23, name: NULL
<bvernoux> warning: UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-DrawState-InvalidDescriptorSet(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1515374316 - Validation Error: [ UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-DrawState-InvalidDescriptorSet ] Object 0: VK_NULL_HAN
<bvernoux> DLE, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; | MessageID = 0x5a52c6ec | Cannot call vkUpdateDescriptorSets() on VkDescriptorSet 0x0[] that has not been allocated in pDescriptorWrites[0].
<bvernoux> Objects: 1
<bvernoux> [0] 0, type: 23, name: NULL
<bvernoux> Thread 1 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
<bvernoux> 0x0000000056f2f96b in vkGetInstanceProcAddr () from C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvami.inf_amd64_a3d5bcc37ff12fed\nvoglv64.dll
<bvernoux> in addition to previous ones of course I just copy the new ones produced with the crash
<bvernoux> Something not allocated I'm not sure that help you
<azonenberg> so i think we have two different issues
<bvernoux> I will try on my native Xubuntu 22.04LTS on same PC too
<bvernoux> will be interesting to see if I can reproduce same issue or not with exactly same HW/PC but XUbuntu with different GPU driver
<bvernoux> Anyway except doing that crazy stuff all seems to works perfectly
<azonenberg> So all of this is pointing to races between WaveformThread and the main thread
<bvernoux> So full traces from start to crash with bt
<azonenberg> well i have no idea how/why it would be crashing there
<azonenberg> thats a separate issue from the data races
<bvernoux> yes there is 2 issues
<azonenberg> but likely related to the descriptor set issue
<azonenberg> So the sync issue is that we call vkCmdDispatch which writes to a storage image, then a fragment shader later reads from it
<bvernoux> the 1st one at start of demo it maybe just some warnings as it does not affect anything visible on the demo( when I do not drag horizontal center bar)
<azonenberg> or actually no, wait
<azonenberg> when you're not dragging you're redrawing less often
<azonenberg> it's likely not hitting th erace
<azonenberg> it's still displaying the texture on screen at 60fps but the texture isn't being modified often
<azonenberg> dragging forces constant re-renders
<bvernoux> ha yes
<azonenberg> so that's expected if there's a data raec between the two threads
<azonenberg> anyway so it looks like we're calling vkCmdDispatch early on, then vkCmdDrawIndexed later
<azonenberg> and the compute dispatch is writing after the draw command has already read the image
<bvernoux> and it probably appears because of my old CPU/slow GPU ;)
<azonenberg> so we're missing a barrier
<azonenberg> very likely, yes
<bvernoux> it is always interesting to test on obsolete computer ;)
<azonenberg> The problem is, like i said, we already had a barrier to prevent exactly this hazard
<azonenberg> so i'm confused as to how we are failing to sync
<bvernoux> it could be also a bug in the old driver ...
<bvernoux> NVidia official driver version 425.31 as on that old GPU I cannot use a more recent one
<azonenberg> ok so, in WaveformArea.cpp:653, 654
<azonenberg> nvm
<azonenberg> no, that looks good. so i'm confused
<azonenberg> this is basically the exact exmple in the vulkan sdk docs
<azonenberg> write in compute shader then read in frag shader
<bvernoux> last event before crash seems related to TextureManager.cpp line 183
<bvernoux> m_texture = ImGui_ImplVulkan_AddTexture(**mgr->GetSampler(), **m_view, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);
<bvernoux> #5 0x00007ff725721e7c in Texture::Texture (this=this@entry=0x1d05bd7aa00, device=..., imageInfo=..., mgr=mgr@entry=0x1d05ed0db20,
<bvernoux> name="DisplayedChannel.m_texture") at C:\msys64\home\bvern\scopehal-apps\src\ngscopeclient\TextureManager.cpp:183
<azonenberg> yes the crash is deep inside vulkan though. in a way that implies some state is corrupted
<azonenberg> imo
<azonenberg> anyway i have some ideas for handling the other issue
<bvernoux> there is also a call to
<bvernoux> / Register a texture
<bvernoux> / FIXME: This is experimental in the sense that we are unsure how to best design/tackle this problem, please post to if you have suggestions.
<bvernoux> VkDescriptorSet ImGui_ImplVulkan_AddTexture(VkSampler sampler, VkImageView image_view, VkImageLayout image_layout)
<bvernoux> with this FIXME ;)
<azonenberg> yes that's not related
<azonenberg> that's an architectural issue
<bvernoux> ok
<azonenberg> i'll double check that i'm not possibly creating textures in two threads at once
<azonenberg> but i dont think that's it
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg db5bedb - Fixed bug where "[DEBUG BUILD]" message was incorrectly shown in title bar of release builds
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 9e485cd - Don't call RenderUI() until previous render has completed, to avoid possible races modifying textures last frame is still using
<azonenberg> bvernoux: i moved a sync point a little bit earlier
<azonenberg> let me know if that fixes the issues when panning horizontally
<bvernoux> ha yes
<bvernoux> df44e04..9e485cd master -> origin/master
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<bvernoux> It rebuild lot of things
<bvernoux> haha I like latest update of msys/mingw
<bvernoux> [ 41%] Building CXX object lib/scope[p r4o1t%o]c olLsi/nCkMiankge FCiXlXe ss/hsacroepde plriobtroacroyl sl.idbir/ClockRecoveryFilter.cpp.obj
<bvernoux> it is so multi-threaded that it mix all letters ;)
<bvernoux> or also funny
<bvernoux> [ 37[% ]3 8%]B uilBduiinlgd iCnXgX CoXbXj eocbtj elcitb /lsicbo/pseceoxppeoerxtpso/rCtMsa/kCeMFaikleeFsi/lsecso/pseceoxppeoe[rx tp3s8o.%rd]ti sr./dBCiu
<bvernoux> SriV/lETdxoipunocgrh tsCWtXioXzn aeorEbdxj.pecocprtpt .Wloiibzbja/r
<bvernoux> It is like a crypto game ;)
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 42eb53f - Fixed bug where WaveformArea didn't update vertical scale when mouse wheel was scrolled
<azonenberg> bvernoux: bro, do you even mutex? :p
<bvernoux> ha an other bug fixed
<bvernoux> cmake is rebuilding all there
<bvernoux> I will update
<bvernoux> 78% build
<bvernoux> so the last commit is related to the strange things which happen when I drag the middle horizontal bar ?
<bvernoux> will dragging the display show quickly all chan super-imposed on chan1 ?
<bvernoux> it is not horizontal bar but vertical ;)
<bvernoux> since the start I'm wrong on the description but I think you have understood ;)
<azonenberg> The most recent bug i fixed caused the display to not re-render when you scroll the mouse wheel on the Y axis
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> more precisely, it did re-render but did so with the old volts-per-pixel scale
<azonenberg> so nothing appeared to have changed
<azonenberg> until you then initiated a re-render for other reasons, such as by scrolilng horizontally or having a new trigger event occur
<bvernoux> ha yes good catch
<bvernoux> Do you have any news about rebuilding glscopeclient/ngscopeclient with VisualStudio ?
<azonenberg> i do not expect glscopeclient to build under visual studio soon if ever
<bvernoux> yes
<azonenberg> ngscopeclient itself should work under visual studio now, however i think there are a few gtk dependencies under libscopehal/scopeprotocols
<azonenberg> which i am working to eliminate
<azonenberg> But it's not my top priority at this time
<bvernoux> ha ok
<bvernoux> what is the next big step for ngscopeclient ?
<bvernoux> ok built finished let's test your fix
<bvernoux> so during vertical bar drag I have still the strange effect where all chan are super-imposed on Chan1
<bvernoux> (Chan1=Tone)
<bvernoux> I have reproduced the crash when dragging ultra fast ...
<azonenberg> when you say vertical bar drag
<azonenberg> do you mean adjusting vertical axis offset?
<bvernoux> just dragging the window
<bvernoux> as at left there is scope demo and at right perf
<bvernoux> so I drag the Perf Window which Increase the size of Perf and decrease the size of Demo channels
<azonenberg> So you're adjusting the split
<bvernoux> anyway ngscopeclient demo is 2 times faster than latest glscopeclient in full screen
<bvernoux> even more in fact if we take into account rendering speed
<azonenberg> ok so while dragging the split a bunch i did reproduce the VK_NULL_HANDLE crash
<azonenberg> i'll look at that after work, busy writing a report
<bvernoux> ha ok interesting
<azonenberg> Likely triggered by a background thread trying to render while a resize is in progress
<bvernoux> what you do not reproduce is the strange refresh of demo channels when dragging the split ?
<azonenberg> or something to that effect
<azonenberg> No. when dragging the split i just see the images go blank briefly
<azonenberg> this could be the same thing, it might be uninitialized memory
<azonenberg> and you see old frames while i see blank
<azonenberg> i'll investigate
<bvernoux> ha ok me there is blank but also all chans on Tone chans ;)
<bvernoux> briefly
<bvernoux> until I stop dragging
<bvernoux> after all is perfect of course
<bvernoux> no any artifact or strange things when zoom in/out or just let running demo
<azonenberg> yeah this is likely a race condition between the background rendering thread and the resize thread
<azonenberg> the main thread doing resize events, i mean
<azonenberg> we already have some sync between them but it might not be sufficient
<bvernoux> I have rendering between 50 to 56Hz in full screen too
<bvernoux> and Acquisition between 21 / 22 Hz
<azonenberg> So it's not able to sustain 60 Hz rendering on your older CPU, interesting but not entirely surprising
<bvernoux> with scope pending waveforms 0 or 1
<bvernoux> so all is very good
<azonenberg> but yes. overall ngscopeclient is performing massively better than glscopeclient
<azonenberg> we just have to finish building it :)
<bvernoux> yes framerate is quite random
<bvernoux> between 52 to 58
<bvernoux> more often between 56Hz
<bvernoux> but it is night & day in comparison to glscopeclient especially I see the huge different with menu
<bvernoux> in glscopeclient as it is something like 13fps menu are very slow to display
<bvernoux> even more as it is done in gtk ...
<bvernoux> so for a faire comparison I will say glscopeclient full screen <13fps when ngscopeclient full screen is about 55fps (I prefer to use Rendering frame rate as comparison vs Acquisition)
<azonenberg> Well, they're different metrics. also completely different architectures wrt rendering
<azonenberg> glscopeclient is an on-demand render model where every time something changes it runs the compute shaders then redraws the ui
<bvernoux> So it is clearly a very huge improvement displaying exactly the same things except there is no opacity in nglscopeclient so far
<azonenberg> ngscopeclient is an asynchronous, decoupled model where the renderer runs at a constant 60 Hz
<azonenberg> and everything else runs in background threads
<azonenberg> There actually is alpha blending on the traces
<azonenberg> but it's hard coded to something like 0.8
<azonenberg> there's no gui slider for adjusting it yet
<bvernoux> Yes we see that even more on old CPU and old GPU ;)
<bvernoux> ha ok so the channels are using same settings now like glscopeclient
<azonenberg> yes channel settings should be fully functional if you double click the channel button box
<azonenberg> all of the controls should work
<bvernoux> so it shall be not slower in future which is a very good news
<bvernoux> yes that things works too
<azonenberg> timebase settings are done and working too
<azonenberg> you can see trigger level and i think adjust it
<azonenberg> i dont think i did trigger position yet
<azonenberg> and trigger properties is unimplemented so far
<bvernoux> it will be great to add WFM & fps in bottom in ngscopeclient too
<bvernoux> to avoid using perf for that ;)
<azonenberg> I removed it because i didn't see that as being relevant to non-developers
<bvernoux> ha yes
<bvernoux> for demo it is nice
<azonenberg> also to display separate rendering and acquisition performance
<azonenberg> now that the two are more loosely coupled in ngscopeclient
<azonenberg> there's also more detailed performance metrics for the actual rasterization, tone mapping, etc
<bvernoux> but yes perf window is more advanced it is just to compare with really full screen it is hard ;)
<azonenberg> you can dock the perf window inside the app and fullscreen, no?
<bvernoux> but it is clearly not very important it is more for the whaoo effect when comparing glscopeclient and ngscopeclient
<bvernoux> yes I'm docking perf but it take some space to read the value
<bvernoux> also the unit in V/mV are more clean on ngscopeclient
<bvernoux> in glscopeclient they often overlap ...
<azonenberg> yes i made some tweaks to how I calculate y axis positions in ngscopeclient
<azonenberg> i want to improve more
<azonenberg> but this is very much a full graphical revamp, not a simple port from gtk to imgui
<bvernoux> I'm impatient to see the filter with right mouse button in ngscopeclient ;)
<azonenberg> i'm more excited for the new filter graph editor
<azonenberg> lol
<bvernoux> yes clearly we feel it is a full revamp
<azonenberg> but i have a lot of other things to do too
<azonenberg> the history system is getting totally redone in particular
<bvernoux> ha yes new filter graph will be amazing
<azonenberg> one view, not one per instrument anymore
<bvernoux> ha great
<azonenberg> And the history subsystem will make much more efficient use of memory
<bvernoux> the popup with ngscopeclient is also very nice
<bvernoux> with explanation of things
<bvernoux> on the ? too
<azonenberg> yeah
<bvernoux> clearly a must have which was impossible with GTK in glscopeclient
<azonenberg> i wouldnt say impossible
<azonenberg> but much more work
<bvernoux> yes ;)
<azonenberg> i'm trying to include help text everywhere in the app that it reasonably makes sense
<azonenberg> so let me know if you find somewhere i missed
<azonenberg> one challenge is making sure they dont interfere with dragging or other navigation
<azonenberg> so sometimes i have slightly longer delaysd to make it easier to grab things without a tooltip getting in the way
<bvernoux> yes I checked that in different place (mainly with demo) so far it is very nice clean and clear
<bvernoux> also Play / Pause is instant now
<bvernoux> not with 5s delay in glscopeclient even on the demo ;)
<bvernoux> and the full screen work perfectly
<bvernoux> things which was clearly not trivial to fix for Windows with glscopeclient
<azonenberg> Yeah with glfw it just works
<azonenberg> anyway, lots more work to do
<azonenberg> speaking of which
<azonenberg> lain: are you awake yet? :p
<bvernoux> what is missing is change of volt div
<azonenberg> not missing
<azonenberg> mouse wheel on y axis
<bvernoux> it change with mouse scroll but when demo is paused it does not refresh the chan
<azonenberg> That's the bug i fixed in the latest commit
<bvernoux> ha
<azonenberg> 42eb53f
<bvernoux> yes it is fixed in demo Play
<bvernoux> but if you stop it does not refresh
<azonenberg> yes, that's the bug that commit fixes
<bvernoux> you need to force a refresh doing horizontal things
<bvernoux> ok let's check if I have it
<azonenberg> What happened is, i converted full scale range from the driver layer to y axis units per pixel cached in the view object
<azonenberg> at the start of the frame
<azonenberg> late in the frame i'd check for mouse wheel events and dispatch a re-render request if you had changed scale
<azonenberg> the re-render would then run in a background thread
<azonenberg> with the old cached units per pixel
<azonenberg> then next frame it would happily show you the "new" texture containing identical data
<azonenberg> then update the cached units per pixel, but not actually pass *that* value to the shader until another re-render happened
<bvernoux> ha yes there was a conflict ;)
<bvernoux> with my local modification (commenting imgui demo in MainWindow.cpp)
<bvernoux> so I have not few fixes
<azonenberg> yeah like i said, the demo is eventually going to go away but i still refer to it very often
<azonenberg> so i'm keeping it for a while
<azonenberg> i do need to figure out why it won't go away when yo uclick close though
<bvernoux> let's rebuild
<bvernoux> so thing shall be fixed even the crash maybe
<bvernoux> Updating 0daf7d1..42eb53f
<bvernoux> Submodule path 'lib': checked out '6a582b0d69d6cff237dbdead82f91637e3570a7e'
<bvernoux> Submodule path 'src/imgui': checked out '69beaa1d0b7fc8f4b448dcf1780b08cfc959da65'
<bvernoux> also with new icons
<azonenberg> the VK_NULL_HANDLE error when resizing the splitter i havent touched
<azonenberg> and yes, the new icon is displayed when you try to drag a channel into one that has vastly different (more than 20% zoomed in) range
<azonenberg> as a warning that if you try to set both channels to the same scale you might overdrive inputs
<bvernoux> ha yes great but I will do not see that on demo
<bvernoux> I will try ;)
<bvernoux> it rebuild scopehal
<bvernoux> For infor KiCad 6.0.8 is available
<bvernoux> It contains mainly fixes
<bvernoux> We shall convince KiCad team to switch to ImGui for KiCad 8 ;)
<bvernoux> wxWidget is awfull ;)
<bvernoux> full of multiplatform bugs and events are so awfully managed
<azonenberg> kicad would be much more work to rewrite than glscopeclient. i'm skeptical they'd even attempt it
<bvernoux> yes me too
<bvernoux> anyway I'm clearly convinced the effort to do ngscopeclient is the best possible move for the project
<azonenberg> ok so, i figured out the problem with the VK_NULL_HANDLE error
<azonenberg> it's actually a resource leak. the descriptor pool for imgui has a 1000 total texture limit and the destructor for Texture never frees those handles
<azonenberg> it frees the Vulkan memory object, image view, etc
<azonenberg> everything but the descriptor set
<azonenberg> which is allocated by imgui using the vulkan C API so our C++ RAII layer doesn't automatically free it
<bvernoux> I have reproduced the crash with fast drag
<azonenberg> It's not just fast drag
<bvernoux> with latest build
<azonenberg> every time you resize it creates N new textures for the N open waveform areas
<azonenberg> once you've leaked a total of 1000 handles, future allocations return null
<bvernoux> ha ok
<bvernoux> so you have found a memory leak ?
<azonenberg> So we just have to make Texture::~Texture() call vkFreeDescriptorSets
<bvernoux> ha great news
<bvernoux> so you will push the fix soon
<azonenberg> Yeah. just figuring out how to do this as i'm used to the C++ wrapper layer
<azonenberg> not the raw c
<bvernoux> it's GPU memory leak ;)
<azonenberg> driver memory actually
<bvernoux> ok
<azonenberg> a descriptor set is metadata, not the actual texture
<azonenberg> we do free the VkDeviceMemory containing the pixels
<bvernoux> I'm checking latest build with Vulkan
<bvernoux> validation
<bvernoux> I confirm I do not have any Vulkan Warning now
<bvernoux> even when running demo
<bvernoux> so you have fixed that issue I confirm
<bvernoux> 1st issue with strange warning/errors
<bvernoux> so the remaining ones is the crash because of memory leak
<bvernoux> the only strange things is the refresh when I drag the bar
<bvernoux> when I have a window on right like performance metrics
<bvernoux> which show an artifact with all chans on chan1 ...
<bvernoux> ha nice the warning
<bvernoux> I confirm when demo is paused
<bvernoux> changing vertical scale refresh the chan too ;)
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0688fe5 - Fixed descriptor set leak