azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<lain> azonenberg: correct @ QueueHandle is tied to a specific family even on Metal
<lain> d'oh @ spaces for indent, I need to update my vscode indent settings for the scopehal workspace lol
<lain> azonenberg: or more specifically a QueueHandle is tied to a specific queue within a specific family
<lain> azonenberg: I agree we should be more choosy about queue allocation, I should be able to patch that tomorrow. I'll poke you first to make sure we're on the same page as to how it should behave
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<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 4 commits to master [+2/-2/±8]
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 1191f15 - INitial work on TYPE_FILENAME filter parameters. Incomplete.
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg e5cc90c - Added ImGuiFileDialog submodule
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg a4e1437 - Removed legacy impulse example app which is years out of date
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3c69b20 - Initial file browser integration is complete, although bookmarks aren't yet persisted.
<azonenberg> lain: basically, try to use the most restrictive queue family you can
<azonenberg> and only fall back to more general ones if none are available
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 17f8bb7 - ngscopeclient: fixed missing shader build dependency
<azonenberg> Can somebody (lain, ehntoo?) look into the latest fixes and see why it's failing?
<azonenberg> the cmake -E copy_if_different of the ngscopeclient shaders is, i think, at fault
<azonenberg> i changed it to only copy *.spv because previously it was trying to copy the CMakeFiles directory too which caused problems
<azonenberg> i cannot reproduce the problem outside the CI environment
<azonenberg> it builds fine on my box
<azonenberg> oh Bird|otherbox maybe you've got ideas?
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<darthrake> azonenberg: for me ${SPIRV_SHADERS} is empty.
<darthrake> (m1 macos 12.6 cmake 3.24.1)
<darthrake> at least for me on a clean build the shaders don't exist yet, so the glob is empty. rerunning cmake apter the shaders are build fixes this (not a cmake guru). replacing the glob by a explicit list solves this for me.
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] schneider-engineering forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] schneider-engineering opened pull request #537: ngscopeclient: change SPIRV_SHADERS to be an explicit list -
<darthrake> azonenberg: all in all: congratulations, so far ngscopeclient does actually run quite well on macos.
<darthrake> nitpick: hidpi /retina doesn't seem to be supported. setting io.FontGlobalScale = 0.5f and introducing a scale to the FontManager does seem to help quite a bit though. the glfw implementation does set the window scale already for you.
<darthrake> original:
<darthrake> hidpi fonts:
<tnt> huh ... isn't it _worse_ in the second case ?
<d1b2> <Darius> I think that's what they mean in that the fonts need to be scaled by 50%
<darthrake> I haven't touched the scales yet.. have a look at the rest of the interface fonts..
<d1b2> <ehntoo> looks like I've been beaten to looking at the macos issues. we can probably tweak the cmake setup so that the shaders in scopeprotocols are a custom target that we can add as a dependency or something, but an explicit list is a good solution for now.
<d1b2> <ehntoo> an alternate solution I tested quick locally, but I think there's a better solution leaning on cmake more to make the compiled shaders a library target of some sort over in the protocolshaders CMake file. I'll play with it some more after work tonight. For now the list in #537 is fine by me.
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<azonenberg> hmmm
<azonenberg> yeah for now i want to get it building
<azonenberg> as far as hidpi goes, imgui is aware of scaling but we might be missing it in a few spots. i think font sizes are in pixels not scaled units so that is probably a good starting point
<azonenberg> if anyone wants to send a PR for better hidpi i'll merge if it doesnt break things on my system. Can't test as i don't have any hidpi hardware here myself
<azonenberg> i have a bunch of 24" 1080p displays, a 15" 1080p, and my 43" 4K
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] Felix Schneider 1cedf96 - ngscopeclient: change SPIRV_SHADERS to be an explicit list instead of a cmake glob
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg bd1a84e - Merge pull request #537 from schneider-engineering/feature/fix_SPIRV_SHADERS_path ngscopeclient: change SPIRV_SHADERS to be an explicit list
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #537: ngscopeclient: change SPIRV_SHADERS to be an explicit list -
<darthrake> haha. imgui crashes when the system turns of the monitor for powersaveing reasons.
<darthrake> Assertion failed: (g.PlatformIO.Monitors.Size > 0 && "Platform init didn't setup Monitors list?"), function ErrorCheckNewFrameSanityChecks, file imgui.cpp, line 9014.
<d1b2> <david.rysk> yeah that needs to be fixed upstream...
<d1b2> <david.rysk> another thing worth pointing out: there are reports that imgui doesn't work correctly under pure wayland
<darthrake> irt hidpi: maybe i'll clean it up and do a pr..
<azonenberg> i mean we had issues w/ glscoepclient on wayland too iirc
<azonenberg> darthrake: so CI is still running on windows but your PR fixed the mac and linux build for sure
<d1b2> <ehntoo> Took another quick look after lunch and realized there's a much simpler solution - the SOURCES for protocolshaders is already the .spirv files, complete with full path. I can open a PR if my fork's CI passes.
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #538: Look into how to create a *modeless*, cross platform, native file dialog -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #538: Look into how to create a *modeless*, cross platform, native file dialog -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #538: Look into how to create a *modeless*, cross platform, native file dialog -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] ehntoo opened pull request #539: Use simpler solution for ngscopeclient shader installation -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #539: Use simpler solution for ngscopeclient shader installation -
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] ehntoo 0718663 - Use simpler solution for ngscopeclient shaders
<_whitenotifier-2> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg aabd1b0 - Merge pull request #539 from ehntoo/simplify-ngscopeclient-shaders-install Use simpler solution for ngscopeclient shader installation
<d1b2> <ehntoo> I was doing a little googling and found this library for native file browsing
<d1b2> <ehntoo> via this stack overflow thread, which also has a couple other options that aren't just "use this toolkit"
<azonenberg> yes, i looked
<azonenberg> that only does modal dialogs
<azonenberg> the way it's built our whole event loop in the main thread will freeze up if we call it from the main thread
<azonenberg> which is why i'm looking at the potential for maybe just shoving that library into a separate process we can talk to via pipes or something
<azonenberg> also we need to consider how any/all such things will interact w/ the app in fullscreen state
<azonenberg> We dont want file browser dialogs to be hidden because they're not using the same window library we are and are thus not recognized as part of the same fullscreen platform
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