azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> Yes, i think that would probably be a reasonable choice
<azonenberg> just to keep things clean please send those changes in a separate PR
<azonenberg> then update this one to use the new colors when decoding is problematic
<azonenberg> I think we still want the ability to distinguish things like checksums from data in a malformed packet
<azonenberg> to the extent practical
<azonenberg> Having a "bad" flag is not unreasonable but then we'd need to specify colors for every combo of data etc that might be bad
<azonenberg> @louis: any ideas on how you'd want to render this?
<azonenberg> let's start from the UX and work backwards
<azonenberg> as far as i can tell there are two fundamental options
<azonenberg> first is to keep the existing rendering code unchanged and just return a different color
<azonenberg> The other is to add a unique "error" annotation
<azonenberg> a red box around the decode bubble
<azonenberg> or something to that effect
<azonenberg> this would require GetColor(), GetText(), methods and also a new GetError() method
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* azonenberg asks twitter about the UI issue
<azonenberg> for anyone who wants to follow/chime in there
<azonenberg> @MP, @louis: ^
<d1b2> <mubes> Can the errored block be hatched or dotted or something? Colour is good too but bold, or hatching or something would really make it stand out. I agree it would be really useful.
<d1b2> <mubes> (Speaking as the guy who is usually dealing with malformed protocols 🙂 )
<azonenberg> The details of how we highlight it is a separate question
<azonenberg> that's a UI issue not an API issue
<azonenberg> the more fundamental question is whether we want to change the appearance of the block in any way OTHER than altering the color and text
<azonenberg> if so, we need additional APIs
<azonenberg> We may also consider replacing GetText() + GetColor() with a new method that returns an object of class type
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