@DanielG: You mean MSO? Tek MSO5 series?
<DanielG> Yes that’s right.
@louis has done a lot of stability work recently on the Tek driver, mostly targeting MSO6 but the two are using a common sfotware architecture
so bugs and fixes from one likely affect the other
I believe those issues are all fixed and the manual is lagging behind the code
(this fix was from like 1-2 weeks ago)
<DanielG> That’s what I assumed. Thank you for confirming. Does that apply to MSO 5 series B and A?
I wrote the original driver on a borrowed MSO64, then turned it over to @louis who has access to both MSO6 and MSO5 series hardware, unsure of exact models
but i belive the original and B are all the same command set
He's the primary maintainer for the driver though
those 4 commits from the 24th are the ones in question
@louis: please confirm this fixes all known issues w/ MSO5/6 deep memory and, if so, update the tek driver docs as appropriate
(Louis is probably off for the holiday weekend, i'm not expecting him to reply until tomorrow)
<DanielG> No rush at all. Thanks a lot
In general if you find any issues w/ the mso5/6 driver pelase report to him as he's the primary maintainer
stability or functionality issues will probably be a big priority for him as he's maintaining the driver on behalf of work and they use a lot of tek scopes there
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<dale6998> is there a way to connect scopehal to a rigol ds1104z over LAN and not have it start triggering right away? the gui hangs until i can get it to register a "stop triggering" button click
@dale6998: You can comment out the ArmTrigger() call in OscilloscopeWindow.cpp:106. but there is no UI setting for that
is it blocking on a waveform download or what?
I'll have a look at the Rigol driver and see if there's anything i can do performance wise shortly. as a mininum, it looks like we can probably switch it over to the queued command API to have less blocking in the GUI thread
<dale6998> i can...i downloaded this from the aur, so i will have to figure out how to recompile the package
Ok. I'm busy at work now but will take a look at the rigol driver later today and see about converting to the queued command API