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<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> yeah it probably makes more sense to just have a timer
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<azonenberg> yaaaay component shortage
<azonenberg> my batch of gigabit ethernet PHYs has slowly slipped from christmas 2022 to january 2023 ,to february, and now to march
<azonenberg> And the xcau25p's that I am planning to use for ZENNECK were april 2023 and now no ETA
<GyrosGeier> I still have a bunch on MNX
<GyrosGeier> *of
<GyrosGeier> but IIRC you need RNX
<azonenberg> Correct
<azonenberg> I have a bunch of DP83867s. and more importantly i have plenty of sfp+ cages and connectors
<azonenberg> i just might be building 10G-only boards for a while :p
<GyrosGeier> lol
<GyrosGeier> 10G and more SAS/SATA ports would be the next escalation level
<GyrosGeier> but step one will be a RAID with 1GbE
<GyrosGeier> (and I need an RNX for that as well :( )
<azonenberg> well my point is more, any fpga with transceivers fast enough can do 10G with no external semiconductors
<azonenberg> just a passive connector that is easy to source
<azonenberg> (and i have like ten of them in inventory)
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