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<azonenberg> @mubes: re email
<azonenberg> this means we will now need the siglent driver to check the firmware version returned by *IDN? during initialization
<azonenberg> and enable/disable the quirks flag based on that
<azonenberg> i guess we're writing real driver code now :p
<d1b2> <mubes> Indeed. Hopefully because of the performance enhancements we can get by employing the full set of fixes.
<d1b2> <mubes> That was the reason for the note…it would be nice to be able to plan so the fw and ScopeHal support could be somewhat coordinated.
<azonenberg> I mean, i'd love to have multiple quirks flags including one to disable rate limiting
<azonenberg> and yeah. Ask if they can give us an engineering or beta build of the firmware
<azonenberg> to verify these fixes privately before they go live
<d1b2> <mubes> Losing that might bring some decent benefit.
<d1b2> <mubes> I’ve asked for engineering builds before, but got tumbleweed back.
<d1b2> <mubes> Will have another go.
<azonenberg> Ok. If you want I can try pulling strings w/ Jason as well
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<azonenberg> /join ##crypto
<azonenberg> gah
<azonenberg> well in that case, anybody here have thoughts on Twofish? :P
<azonenberg> It was an AES finalist and seems to be pretty solid, i havent seen any seriously threatening cryptanalysis of it
<azonenberg> but it's not exactly popular
<monochroma> redfish bluefish
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> i encountered it at work today and just thought it was odd
<azonenberg> like, i can't think of a good reason to NOT use it
<azonenberg> but i also can't think why it would ever be preferred over aes or chacha or something in wide use
<monochroma> security through obscurity, the devs personal crypto algorithm favorites, etc ? :P
<azonenberg> lol i mean its a ssh server that also supports aes
<azonenberg> just a strange choice of cipher suite
<monochroma> yeah, i feel like i have run across that before somewhere as well (also in relation to ssh)
<electronic_eel> i remember having seen it used for ipsec vpn. but that was years ago, when triple des was still the norm and aes only slowly gaining popularity
<azonenberg> Yeah. it would have been a reasonable default in the pre AES days
<azonenberg> when rijndael was just another candidate in the running
<azonenberg> and twofish was no different
<azonenberg> but rijndael has received a lot more use, optimization, and cryptanalysis by now
<azonenberg> i'm a lot more confident in it than the aes competition runner-up :p
<azonenberg> But at the same time i don't see any reason to recommend it be disabled in cipher suites
<azonenberg> I wouldn't personally use it, but that doesn't make it in any way unsafe
<electronic_eel> yeah, that conclusion makes sense to me
<d1b2> <louis> Oh my lord, what a #@(*$&#@$ pain in the ass it is to async update Gtk widgets
<d1b2> <louis> I got the event driven changes working, but it requires a dance to get Gtk to run a callback to do the actual ->set_text (or whatever) in the main UI thread, otherwise everything explodes
<d1b2> <louis> tbh i don't know if it's even worth it to do that vs. have a $DISPLAY_HZ timer that polls