Woo just got the email: first iteration of AKL-AD3 enclosure/jaw prototypes are inbound
These will not fit the flex pcb prototype I ordered, I mostly got them for general "fit in hand" feel testing, screw testing, and playing around with the EM shielding paint I got
as well as playing with general material stiffness to tune sidewall thickness
the next iteration is about a week out and should fit the as-fabbed PCB and the smaller M2 thumb screws and nuts
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[scopehal] carlosedp forked the repository - https://git.io/JsmEo
Hey azonenberg !
I just forked scopehal and started adding some draft for a Hantek driver
Still need to look into the wave decoding and data acquire data
* Still need to look into the wave decoding and data acquire
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CarlosEDP: Great
Let me know if you have questions or run into any difficuly