[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±2] https://git.io/Jn1O6
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg be85fd1 - Updated protocol analyzer documentation to include discussions of filtering
azonenberg: be careful with avx-512, it makes literally everything else on the processor slower
azonenberg: And of course, not supported on anything but selected intel platforms
azonenberg: even on supported platforms it causes thermal throttling from the first instruction on all the smaller CPUs, and can often be a net perf loss unless it's the only thing running
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Kliment: I do pretty extensive profiling and only use it when it helps
I will also be adding debug arguments to disable specific instruction set extensions for testing (I already have ones for turning off OpenCL and specific OpenGL extensions)
i guess we can add preferences on top of that to say "don't use X even if available" too
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 44 commits to master [+9/-0/±68] https://git.io/JnDC5
[scopehal-apps] someone--else db02e37 - Windows portable zip/MSI package builds