I have confirmation from Amphenol RF that the hole for the 4legs shall be 1.1mm (they even specify 1.14mm +/-0.05 so I have set it to 1.1mm which is more standard)
it is for the part 901_10510-2
Ok great
i've made some progress on modeling and tweaking other parts of the footpritns
ha great
I will probably test some PCB at OSHPark to check the footprint
could be interesting to check at JLCPCB too
just to test different fab to see what is the margin ...
JLC7628 & OSHPark 4 layers have pratically the same stackup
especially when taking into account Er
OShPark 6 layers could be interesting too but only for microstrip
as for Coplanar Wave it is not possible as it exceed Forumla Restrictions 0.1 < W/H < 2.0 as it exceed 2.1 in all cases
maybe it is douable even if it exceed the Formula Restrictions I do not know what margin or error is after 2.1
Will be interesting to check that on SIM ;)
but so far it is pretty complex to simulate Coplanar Wave especially with the vias ...
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 4 commits to master [+2/-0/±8] https://git.io/JZD6r
[scopehal] azonenberg 101ec48 - PeakDetector: avoid infinite loop if search radius rounds to <1 bin
[scopehal] azonenberg 4ed049c - Filter: Added FindRisingEdges and SetupEmptyOutputWaveform
[scopehal] azonenberg 06598ee - Initial WIP on TDR step de-embedding filter. Disabled in scopeprotocols.cpp since it's not usable yet.
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JZDM6
[scopehal] azonenberg 0f464aa - TDR filter: fixed DC offset support
Woo I see there is lot of new interesting stuff in glscopeclient !!
TDR is a very nice things !!
Did you see my tweet from a few mins ago?