So, you will want to inherit from either Oscilloscope or SCPIOscilloscope depending on whether you use SCPI commands or not
as far as we're concerned a LA is just a scope with no analog channels
To register it, just do AddDriverClass(YourClass) in DriverStaticInit() in scopehal.cpp
Your constructor will need to take a SCPITransport pointer regardless of whether you use SCPI as the native transport. For stuff that talks to libusb etc, you'd just pick "null" as the transport in the GUI and ignore the transport in the constructor
DemoOscilloscope provides a good example of how that works
The Pico and LeCroy drivers are good examples for how to actually populate all of the data structures associated with digital waveforms
so it should be available as packages Real Soon Now
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<sys64738> ah
<sys64738> (i run void tho)
<sys64738> also it uses a custom thing over libftdi, having this dependency is ok?
the plan is to add a few testcases later today
so we can actually verify that it works
<sys64738> ah
someone--else has quit [Quit: Connection closed]
sys64738: yeah i think libftdi is a reasonable dependency
the main thing i'm trying to avoid is hard dependencies on vendor blobs
e.g. Pico Technology's SDKs
Since its silly to force people to install that sdk if they dont have a scope of that make
So for those, we've usually made external bridge servers that link to the vendor SDK and can be installed only by people who have the appropriate hardware
and libscophal talks to the bridge over sockets
<sys64738> fair
One reason to consider this architecture anyway is that it permits network transparency for usb attached instruments
i.e. you can plug the usb scope/LA into one machine and then remotely control and stream data from another one
i use this all the time with my PicoScope