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<Gestahlt> Hi! I am getting desperate a bit - Im trying to create for my API a shell runner used for pipelines and such. I use Open3.popen3 to execute shell commands. I kinda understand how it works, but what baffles me is following - I run popen3 with the cmd arg /bin/bash (or whatever is defined as interpreter) - Then i use stdin.puts to send commands to
<Gestahlt> that interpreter (at least i hope it is like that). All works, i can read stdout/stderr and exit code depending on what and how i do it. Now where i am stuck is when i send for example "sleep 300 &" - I would expect that sleep 300 is executed in the background and the next command comes immediatly - it doesnt. It just sleeps for 300 and does not
<Gestahlt> execute the following command. Any idea why?
<leftylink> hmm. it does seem to background for me and immediately execute the following command, so I guess my setup differs from yours in some way. wonder what way that could be
<leftylink> and e.g. if I issue 'jobs' I can see the backgrounded sleep
<Gestahlt> Hm, im also contemplating. Im currently considering if its because of my read for stdout/stderr.
<Gestahlt> but reading the stdout/stderr should not block at the sleep in the bg
<Gestahlt> It should block the "parent" thread - thats what i expect actually (So it never gets into a finished state), but thats okay and expected.
<leftylink> to show my work of what I thought worked as expected on my machine: https://termbin.com/bprf
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<leftylink> for me it immediately prints the two strings and "[1] + Running" indicating the backgrounded sleep
<leftylink> and if I understand the problem description correctly, on the problematic machine, instead it will not print the second string (or it will sleep before doing so, something like that)
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<Gestahlt> Something like that. But you showed me something good where i was not sure - puts does produce an result immediatly. Thats good to know
<Gestahlt> Okay funky - when i try to get the stdout immediatly (myarray << stdout.readline) it blocks - even without the bg
<Gestahlt> I try to run the same thing in irb
<Gestahlt> yea works fine there
<Gestahlt> hrrrrm
<Gestahlt> but what i dont see, is the /bin/sh process
<Gestahlt> on the OS
<Gestahlt> i wonder why
<Gestahlt> Aaah
<Gestahlt> because it exited - the bg process is spawned outside of the current shell. That makes the issue only weirder
<Gestahlt> Maybe Sinatra is interfering?
<Gestahlt> Hm i guess it has something to do with Sinatra - Since it works fine in a simple ruby script, on irb i guess something is happening in that context. I also tested the tty-command gem - and its the same issue
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<Gestahlt> Okay i think i got it
<Gestahlt> Its indeed related to Sinatra or app servers in general
<Gestahlt> i think i need to spawn a worker for this kind of stuff
<Gestahlt> What would be your recommendation? Fibers, Thread or Ractors?
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<adam12> Gestahlt: Suckerpunch maybe? I didn't see what you needed exactly.
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<adam12> You could just spin up a new Thread and see if that helps. Thread.new do ...yourcode... end
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