havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Gestahlt> Hi again. I tried my luck with Ractors for background processing and now i have a really weird behavior and i dont know if this is intentional. Basically, i create some ractors (more or less whats in the examples), then when i select them, the yield works fine. When i select them again, the process gets stuck and i have to kill it manually. I tried
<Gestahlt> it now with ruby 3.3, 3.2 and 3.0
<Gestahlt> I would expect a exception, nil, or whatever
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<Gestahlt> I used the dockerhub images for testing purposes and its the same on all of them
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<FetidToot> hi! i have a little ruby script running on an ubuntu server and being managed by systemd. my only problem is that when it comes time to shut down or restart the server, it hangs. after looking at logs, i see that the normal shutdown signal isn't working and i have to wait for the process to time out. `State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.` is
<FetidToot> there a clean way for systemd to kill ruby scripts?
<kjetilho> don'
<kjetilho> don't ignore sigterm in your script?
<FetidToot> hmmm, so something like a `rescue SignalException => e...`
<FetidToot> ?
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<adam12> FetidToot: Maybe something is blocking the shutdown.
<adam12> FetidToot: Hard to say without seeing the source of the script.
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<FetidToot> hey, adam12, i agree. i spun up a new server and set up the script, and i'm not having the same problem. i think i'm barking up the wrong tree by assuming it's the script. i'll keep testing and see where it goes. thanks for the message, though!
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