havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<gest22> help me i don't need/want/need-want aid, oh und fuck you str_reverse('tahc.arebil')
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<gest22> you know tahc.arebil ayz the closest thing to wow
<gest22> thank you tahc.arebil
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<gest22> i got a joke, what blends aynto a snake und doesn't make any sense?  a bird being swallowed by a giant worm, where snake means yyton3, erl||||| where nonsense, then the bird iz hhh, und the giant worm is the ruby we'''on ayn anal tantasy seiben/|||||||
<gest22> another joke: what doo you call somet'ing eaten too much?  anal'ed,    where ruby is too anal'ed to learn as it relates/blends ayn too much wit' <?=hhh?>, erl|||||, yton3 understandingisms, also there is too much unconhiled-isms/aynterkredaydations
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<Announcement> what was that about
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<adam12> Announcement: A mystery, for sure.
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<gr33n7007h> adam12: +1 for mise (formerly rtx-cli; asdf clone) it's the dogs danglies, imo 👍.