havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<spikemaster> my fren said python loops are slow. so i looking at ruby. but are ruby loops slow too?
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<leah2> probably slower in practice
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<weaksauce> spikemaster what are you doing?
<sam113101> looping
<weaksauce> yes of course
<weaksauce> to what end
<kjetilho> a loop has no end. it just goes round and round.
<leah2> like a bus?
<kjetilho> like the wheels on a bus, yes
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<spikemaster> i want to loop over numbers 1 through 10 as fast as possible.
<weaksauce> that's something that ruby nor python do particularly fast. maybe if you use yjit over time it's faster.
<weaksauce> maybe you're looking for C or rust or go or whatever that is faster
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<kjetilho> 1 through 10? that takes a few microseconds regardless of language
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<havenwood> sam113101: Use benchmark-ips to compare. +1, important to use YJIT. You'll likely find while/until wins.
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