havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4, 3.2.4, 3.4.0-preview1 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<leah2> are people using fibers? any good tutorial?
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<adam12> leah2: I'm using fibers but through Async.
<leah2> yeah, trying to figure out how this works atm
<leah2> i want async-io i think
<adam12> I have a project that uses async, async-container, async-dns, async-io, async-pool, and async-redis. LOL
<adam12> They all serve a purpose tho.
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<havenwood> leah2: I'm also using Fibers through Async. I look forward to a default Fiber scheduler so we can `Fiber.schedule do` with no gem. Still, the Async gem brings the other things you need and the other Async gems are great.
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<adam12> I want to try Polyphony on a project.
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<leah2> hm, ruby 1.9 added fibers and implemented .enum_for with it, right?
<leah2> iirc in 1.8 one could build this only with callcc
<leah2> so 1.8.7 generators use callcc
<adam12> Sounds right. And I think callcc is gone.
<adam12> Oh hmm. Still exists I guess.