ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<vipulogmx> Any workaround to get river in Debian bullseye or i should lose hope for debian as of now and get arch to try river?
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<kraem> hey i'm having a problem with river / libinput-gestures. for my laptop internal touchpad i can define libinput-gestures swipes and they get executed as expected. whenever i have an external touchpad plugged in, the swipe events from the external touchpad seems to not be propagated to libinput-gestures. is there any option i must set on the input with riverctl? i've read the riverctl man pages but
<kraem> can't find anything obvious
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<ifreund> vipulogmx: If you can get wlroots 0.15.1 on debian bullseye you could then use a static zig tarball from https://ziglang.org/download/ to build river
<ifreund> I don't know how feasible getting wlroots 0.15.1 is though, I see that it's packaged for debian experimental
<ifreund> kraem: I'm not sure what's going on there. Have you seen that hardware work with some other wayland compositor?
<ahmadraniri1994[> <vipulogmx> "Any workaround to get river in..." <- Just switch to debian sid or unstable, I'n using Debian unstable and everything is fine.
<ahmadraniri1994[> * Just switch to debian sid or unstable, I'm using Debian unstable and everything is fine.
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<novakane> ifreund: I was messing around with a rgba converter function and I'm curious if you would like something like this in river https://zigbin.io/a08d0f
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<ifreund> novakane: I mean yeah the bit-twiddling version almost certainly generates better code but I find the river version easier to maintain and it's far from being performance critical
<ifreund> we could probably get the best of both worlds though...
<novakane> sure, it's not really gonna improve perfomance, I kinda like it though, and since I was improving mine I though about sharing it
<novakane> what would you change for the best of both worlds?
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<ifreund> novakane: check this out https://0x0.st/oPUi.txt
<ifreund> This would be a bit stricter: var input = try fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, string[2..], 16);
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<novakane> ifreund: oh yeah, that's nice too!
<novakane> does 0xff.0 is a floats?
<ifreund> yeah, same as 255.0
<ifreund> novakane: check it out, llvm auto vectorizes my version: https://godbolt.org/z/h8Wfr8hKM
<ifreund> the interesting part to compare is .LBB1_18 for your bit shift based approach with LBB0_18 for the bitcast to array approach
<ifreund> I'd guess the reason it's easier for llvm to autovectorize my code is because I only have a single branch and it's before the mathy bit
<ifreund> well, a single branch after the std.fmt.parseUnsigned() call I mean
<ifreund> this was a fun little diversion :)
<novakane> oh, that's interesting
<novakane> haha yeah I've been messing with this for too much time, just because it was kinda fun :P
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<kraem> ifreund: not under wayland, but under x with libinput-gestures though. so there's something misconfigured i think.
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<ifreund> kraem: does the external touchpad show up under riverctl list-inputs?
<kraem> yeah it's everything but gestures are working as expected
<kraem> s/it's//
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<kraem> i'm running ydotoold as a service and it's somehow registering itself under list-inputs
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<ifreund> kraem: the way ydotool works is that it intercepts input events from the kernel before they reach river
<ifreund> it exposes virtual input devices for river (or any other wayland compositor) to use
<kraem> oh alright, makes sense yeah
<kraem> i guess i need a way to debug exactly what the trackpad is sending
<ifreund> `libinput debug-events` exists
<ifreund> I don't really have any experience interperting the output of that though
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<kraem> yeah just found it by searching :) and it's indeed sending swipe events
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<ifreund> I guess the next thing to do would be to debug what libinput-gestures is recieving
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<kraem> yup, so libinput debug-events are getting all the events. but libinput-gestures isn't recognizing anything, not even pointer_motion
<ifreund> kraem: that's strange, as libinput-gestures seems to be implemented by parsing the output of libinput debug-events
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<ifreund> kraem: perhaps it's a permissions issuee? Are you runnning libinput-gestures as a user in the input group or othewise with permission to use libinput debug-events?
<ifreund> aside: parsing the output of libinput debug-events seems like an insane way to implement this kind of thing :/
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<novakane> huh that's sounds crazy
<kraem> ifreund: yeah i've learned that it does just listen to debug-events while reading the readme + issues just now :)
<kraem> don't think it's a permission issue as i'm debugging it by running it as my user who's in the input group and it's finding the builtin trackpad just fine
<kraem> what i've found though is that it seems the trackpad registers two devices under /dev/input (event3 and event4). `libinput debug-events` is reporting all the actions from event4, but `libinput-gestures -r` is just reporting the device event3
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<kraem> thanks for rubber-ducking. it was of course an option to set it to listen to specific devices / all devices :)
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<NickH> vipulogmx: I have river packaged for Debian bullseye
<NickH> Currently the binary packages are just on a private server, but I have uploaded src packages for zig and river to mentors.debian.net
<NickH> There are a few additonal packages that need to be backported but it's very easy.
<NickH> I'd be happy to make my packages public but don't really want to host them on my own server.
<NickH> s/packages/binary packages/
<NickH> Zig package https://0x0.st/oPGc.txt
<NickH> Maybe I could set up a VPS somewhere...
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<ifreund> kraem: no problem, glad you got it worked out!
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