ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<edrex[m]> ino: yeah, you need to map
<ino> thanks again edrex. would you shed some light on how should i map. i know i have to type `riverctl map normal` then i am in confusion what to type next.
<ino> i was looking at your init in your dotfiles that you shared above but i failed to find the mappings (maybe you havent commited yet).
<edrex[m]> ino: mine is `riverctl map normal $mod Tab spawn "river-cycle-populated-tags"`
<ino> thanks so much! haha. i failed to find this line! :) :) :)
<edrex[m]> if you're just testing you can map with the riverctl command (just replace $mod with Mod4 or whatever you're using)
<ino> sure sure thanks again!!
<edrex[m]> i don't have it in my init yet bc it's not quite working right
<ino> '=D
<ino> its working! amazing! thanks thanks thanks!
<ino> leon and edrex!
<edrex[m]> leon-p: oh, i think the 32 bit values are being iterated a byte at a time
<edrex[m]> the view_tags value shouldn't be a bytes, it should be an int array
<edrex[m]> seems like the bindings don't map arrays correctly?
<edrex[m]> oh, the array type is just bytes. so the client has to deserialize. I'm spoiled by protobuf
<edrex[m]> that's a big papercut with view_tags
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<edrex[m]> dealing with binary data is always such a pain in python
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<edrex[m]> i mean, numpy has stuff for it but it's not in the stdlib
<edrex[m]> i fixed the unpacking thing, so it works for more tags now https://github.com/edrex/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/river-cycle-populated-tags
<edrex[m]> except, contrary to https://docs.python.org/3/library/array.html, `array('L').itemsize` is 8 and `array('I').itemsize` is 4, so hopefully that's the the same on everyone's env.
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<leon-p> edrex[m]: good job figuring that out! my python-fu is sadly limited to matplotlib, so I had no idea what was going on there
<leon-p> if you like, you should submit a PR adding the script to contrib/
<ino> leon-p like Xmonad-contrib, we will have a river-contrib package!
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<ino> hi! i am facing a problem with the init file. when i tried to run `rivertile` command with custom flags (i found them in manpage) like this: `exec rivertile -main-ratio 0.5 -view-padding 2 -outer-padding 2` it is doing good but it is printing a error message `"error: too many arguments"` did anyone also face this? thanks :)
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<edrex[m]> ino: quote the command with its arguments
<ino> thank you edrex!!! you are genius. never played through my head.
<edrex[m]> ah, i'm just slight further down the path of setting up river
<ino> '=D '=D
<edrex[m]> ugh, just read the behavior of array's from_bytes() is architecture dependent. So that code will only work properly on 64bit.
<edrex[m]> honestly, i think i want to use Not Python for my wayland scripts. Golang is what I know, but I'd be up for learning Zig (in a weekend) or Rust (in somewhat longer)
<ino> rust is so verbose and easy to read code.
<ino> when i read a C i get a headache.
<edrex[m]> I don't love that wayland invented its own serialization. It's a hard problem and so wayland's is kind of lacking. But IDT protobuf existed when wayland was designed.
<edrex[m]> (ie, no integer arrays)
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<ino> hi! what does this error message means `namespace rivertile already in use` ? :) i did not notice this error before becaused it vanished too quickly, but everything is working.
<novakane> ino: That you have an instance of rivertile already running, you need to kill it before, you can't use two layout client with the same namespace at the same time
<ino> thanks so much novakane! you are a living wikipedia of river. =D
<ino> my init is now error free, better than runit.
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<dnkl> ino: did you manage to fix the color issues in foot?
<ino> hi dnkl! i am so glad you replied. i did not fix this but i am using darker colors to mitigate the brightness! :) and thanks for such a wonderful amazing terminal emulator!
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<dnkl> ino: did you configure all 16 colors, in both alacritty and foot?
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<ino> dnkl hi again, sorry for the ping :) yes i have configured them all. but maybe for some weired reason, it is still bright. but i am using now very dark colors so its not bright anymore. And thanks a lot for your concern, much appriciated! :)
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<ino> hi guys. I wanted to know someting about themes :) all my apps on river are white themed. i want to change all of them to black. do i need to add something to my `init` file? When i read the riverctl manpage, it included a command to change `xcursor-theme` but i need to change whole theme. thanks! :)
<leon-p> river is not involved in the theme-ing of applications
<ino> owww. thanks leon-p.
<leon-p> if you talk about GTK applications, you can either set a dark theme using gsettings, or find the config option to enable the dark mode of the default theme, depending on what you like
<ino> thank you! i was going to ask more about this but i thought its out of topic for this channel. but you replied without my asking! thanks! :) :) :)
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<leon-p> `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Adwaita-dark"`
<leon-p> works, but may need a restart of the applications
<ino> I have no words to thank you people. you are more than helpful.
<leon-p> this btw you don't need in your init, for better or worse gnome / gtk settings are persistently stored in the Dconf databse
<leon-p> (if you also use Gnome, don't play around if it too much, because gnome crashes when some of the values are faulty. Sanitizing input is apparently not a priority for them)
<ino> is terminal emulator a graphical frontend for text editors like vim and nano? so their performance depends on emulator i am using right?
<novakane> `./river/View.zig:526:48: error: expected type '*std.linked_list.Node', found '*std.linked_list.Node'` am I crazy or is zig crazy?
<ino> no no haha i am not using gnome any more i installed gdm but that pulled in whole gnome stuffs only for a display manager. i am just using tty now, no more display managers.
<leon-p> ino: I would not call it "graphical frontend", but it's not too far off. But generally most terminals will be fast enough that you won't notice performance issues with TUI applications. Input delay however is very noticeable.
<leon-p> novakane: why not both?
<ino> lollzz
<leon-p> had something similar recently, it's something you would enver guess, but I can't remember what it was
<leon-p> *never
<novakane> leon-p: fair enough, both could be crazy, I'm sure going crazy with error message like that :P
<leon-p> novakane: my best advice is what I call a "pre-rage quit". Take some time, go on a walk, drink some tea. There is still plenty of time and energy left to get mad when you come back :D
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<ifreund> novakane: there's probably a good reason your code doesn't compile, but that error message is useless sadly :/
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<ifreund> are you sure your lists are generic over the same type?
<novakane> I'm sure there is, and the seconde error message is also great
<novakane> ./river/View.zig:526:48: note: pointer type child 'std.linked_list.Node' cannot cast into pointer type child 'std.linked_list.Node'
<novakane> that what I have https://zigbin.io/e0070a
<ifreund> novakane: what's the type of urgent_tags
<ifreund> and why do you have a linked list of *u32
<ifreund> that seems like code smell
<novakane> ifreund: urgent_tags is std.TailQueue(u32), tbh I don't know if you guys saw that i had ping you on github, I just try to make this works so I kinda try anything
<ifreund> novakane: you can't append a node of type std.TailQueue(*u32).Node to a std.TailQueue(u32)
<ifreund> that's what the error is telling you at least
<ifreund> why do you need a list of what I assume are tag masks in the first place though?
<leon-p> ifreund: probably for the urgent_tags event in river_status.output_status
<novakane> so my idea was the river-status protocol send an wl.array to clients, but I feel like for the output.state.urgent_tags it was better to use std.TailQueue
<ifreund> novakane, leon-p: I think using a array for this on the protocol level is wrong, just send the bitmask of urgent tags and send 0 when none are urgent
<novakane> I thought for adding/removing pointer it was better than like an std.ArrayList, could be wrong though
<ifreund> and this shouldn't be added to Output.state, the urgent status of views should be accesible from the view struct
<ifreund> yeah, I see it's already part of View.state
<leon-p> ifreund: agreed, makes client code nicer as well
<ifreund> storing the same state in multiple places makes things unecessarily complex and wastes memory
<ino> what terminal emulator has the least input delay in you guys experience?
<ifreund> just iterate the views of the output to build the u32 bitmask sent on the protocol
<ifreund> ino: foot
<ino> wow! thanks ifreund. that reply came as lightning. i have now no doubt.
<ifreund> note that I haven't done any scientific benchmarking, and river itself doesn't do the best job of achieving low-latency yet
<novakane> ifreund: allright I'll do that then, so do I make just make a bool for urgent in View.state like I already did or do we need to also get an urgent_tags in View.State?
<ifreund> novakane: a bool like you currently have is correct
<ifreund> the tags a view is displayed on is already part of the state
<novakane> ifreund: ok cool, I change the wl.Array to a 32-bit bitfield in the protocol and just send it to clients but don't store it in river then
<ifreund> cool
<ino> ifreund i was very surprised that you use kakoune. in my opinion, kakounes configuration is miles harder than that of vim or vim like editors.
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<ino> a new editor came out names "helix" that is gaining very popularity recently.
<Nulo> ino: Hard disagree
<ino> oww. i had very hard time configuring kakoune. also i am not very brilliant in programming/configuring stuffs.
<ifreund> ino: while kakoune's config is a little weird, I find it far simpler than vim/neovim
<ifreund> I haven't seen anything that beats it's editing model
<ino> hands down. i only had problems customizing to my liking, nothing else.
<ifreund> helix looks like a kakoune clone in rust that implements lsp and whatnot in the core editor instead of allowing that to be done through plugins
<ifreund> doesn't look too interesting to me tbh
<ino> yes and the lsp is not very good (yet) we need to press `ctrl + x` everytime we want a completion. i wish when redox os comes out everything will be minimal and elitist XD
<ino> why my emojis auto turn into something that i didnt mean
<ino> i keep forgetting this is not discord haha
<ifreund> minimal is the opposite of what I'd expect from a rust-based os
<ino> haaa???
<novakane> I tried helix recently and it is nowhere near as ready as kakoune, nvim and all of this
<ifreund> also elitism has no place in software development IMO
<ino> this dialog is from luke smith. he says, "one day, you too can be minimal and elitist"
<ino> haha
<ifreund> fuck luke smith, he's an alt-right pos
<ifreund> also this is off topic
<ino> sorry ifreund
<ino> i shouldnt have bring this thing up.
<ino> but why minimalism is the opposite you would expect from rust-based os?
<ino> i thought, as jeremy soller said, the thing will be very modular and decoupled.
<ifreund> ino: I expect their choice in language to at least somewhat mirror their design philosophy while building the OS
<ifreund> and rust is anything but minimal
<ino> ohhhh. i need to learn more rust to wrap my head around it.
<ifreund> everyone does
<ino> oww.
<ifreund> to be fair, it's not as bad as C++
<ifreund> at least not yet, though hopefully it will never get there
<ino> i also hope the same. because, i am learning rust with passion in my free time (my class and university stuffs they are all mechanial eng.)
<Nulo> feels like we will need a #river-offtopic soon :P
<ifreund> I already registered it a while back, y'all are welcome to join if you like
<ino> it will be a very hot place. idk whats the temparature is going to be.
<leon-p> huh neat
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<cren> help, I'm stuck in floating mode! I can't toggle into tiled
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<cren> that did the trick. thanks leon-p even though you've left now
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<cren> leon-p: thanks following the recommendations on the wiki did the trick
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<leon-p> cren: no problem, that's exactly what I wrote that wiki entry for
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