ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/ifreund/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<dnkl> is it possible to define the monitor layout? e.g "output X is to the left of output Y"
<ifreund> dnkl: river supports wlr-output-mangement so you can use wlr-randr, kanshi, wdisplays, etc
<dnkl> ifreund: ah, thanks
<ifreund> It might make sense to add a comment about that in the example init file, I think we already have something in the FAQ on the github wiki
<dnkl> ifreund: yeah... I checked the example conf and the man page, but not the wiki
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<dagle> Found a "typo" in layout_v3, on line 108: "The usable width and height height indicate"
<dnkl> next question... it's there any way to get the seat's currently focused output from the command line?
<leon-p> dnkl: I don't think you can know which seats focuses which output, river-status just exposes which output has focus in general. But AFAIK there is no tool for that yet, you'll have to write it yourself.
<leon-p> actually, scratch that
<leon-p> the output focus /unfocus events are part of the seat status, so you can actually know which seat focuses which output
<dnkl> leon-p: yeah, I actually just updated yambar to use this information.
<dnkl> but now I'm looking for a way to specify the output fuzzel should use, based on the currently focused output
<leon-p> shouldn't be to hard to write a client that given a seat name just dumps the name of the first focused output
<dnkl> I could write my own tool that uses river-status to find out, but was hoping something already existed :D
<dnkl> yeah, guess I'll have to :)
<dnkl> thanks!
<leon-p> but doesn't river put layer shell surfaces without an explicit output on the currently focused one anyway?
<dnkl> it does
<dnkl> but then fuzzel won't know beforehand which out it'll appear on
<dnkl> and since it's DPI aware, it'll have to guess
<leon-p> Ah, makes sense
<dnkl> guessing means it uses the "first" one ;)
<dnkl> the end result is it flashes one frame where the fonts aren't sized correctly, before quickly adjusting itself
<dnkl> foot has the same problem, btw
<leon-p> obviously the only reasonable solution is to have a fade-in animation, so your first frame does not display fonts anyway :P
<dnkl> :D now why didn't I think of that
<dnkl> wlr-randr --output <last enabled output> --off
<dnkl> crashes river
<dnkl> only happens when set-cursor-warp=on-output-change
<dnkl> Seat.zig:264
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<ifreund> dagle: fixed :)
<ifreund> dnkl: thanks, I'll take a look
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<ifreund> dnkl: fixed ;)
<elshize> hey, does anybody here use more than 10 tags in their daily usage? just curious...
<wrl> ifreund: hey, i ran into a weird issue with river when i first tried it where attempting to dismiss a dialog box of an Xwayland app would crash the whole compositor. i haven't been able to reliably reproduce it, but in the event i *can*, do you just want like... a backtrace?
<ifreund> wrl: yes, a backtrace would be great
<wrl> alright cool
<wrl> quite happy to have found river, dwm has been a long-time friend of mine but wayland is just a smoother experience overall :)
<ifreund> yeah, frame perfection is kinda addictive :D
<ifreund> to get a backtrace I usually redirect all of river's output to some river.log file in /tmp
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<wrl> ifreund: oh, do i not need to be running it in a debugger?
<wrl> i'm still just zig-curious, haven't used it for any projects yet ;)
<ifreund> well, you'll get a better backtrace if you run it in gdb in a nested session
<ifreund> but a debug build should still print something useful
<ifreund> wrl: e.g. this output from the bug dnkl just found that I fixed: https://0x0.st/-4TY.txt
<novakane> elshize: I don't have any use case to have 10 tags at the same time, 5 is probably the most I use
<ifreund> elshize: I only use 9 currently, may use a special one if I start using some scratchpad like thing in the future
<ifreund> river supports 32 tags mostly because I don't see any reason to make that configureable and 32 should be enough for anyone
<ifreund> also the wayland protocol uses 32 bit integers so that's nice
<novakane> ifreund: you use 9 tags with things on it at the same time?
<novakane> I can use 9 tags plus one scratchpad, but I don't really use more than 4 or 5 at the same time
<ifreund> I'm usually only using 3-5 but may use 7-9 if I have a lot of stuff going on at once
<dagle> I pretty much only use 5 with 6-7 for temp suff on some days, because I have to swap hands on my split keyboard.
<ifreund> not using a numpad on one half of the split on a layer?
<ifreund> (I'm not either yet, but plan to when I have the time to tweak things again)
<dagle> Not really, I have a bind for it but unless somebody tells me to do numbers for hours it's not worth it.
<ifreund> I don't have a dedicated number row on my keyboard so they need to go on a layer regardless
<ifreund> it's a corne, so 3x6 + 3 thumb keys
<ifreund> (on each half)
<novakane> browser on 1, editor on 2 and 3 at the same time, with an other term on 3 and weeachat on 5, my goto small screen setup :P
<ifreund> I do firefox on 3 weechat on 7 spotify on 9 and various terminals everywhere else, mostly on 1 and 2
<ifreund> I often have separate firefox windows as well for different tasks
<novakane> yeah I start the day with 2 terminal but then you know these things reproduce quickly and go everywhere after :P
<elshize> novakane: ifreund: I don't really need more than 9 I currently have. just wondering, I'm always trying to improve my workflow, so I get these random thoughts somethimes like "what if I do this..." ;)
<elshize> I use tmux for my programming sessions at work, but if I didn't, I can see how I could run out of tags because I can have up to 4 or 5 projects open at a time
* dnkl couldn't find any wlr-output-power-management clients and wrote one himself
<ifreund> there's also one in the wlroots repo in the examples/ directory iirc
<dnkl> ah, thanks
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<wrl> hm. firefox in river displays client side decorations (with the default init) but in sway it does not
<wrl> i would prefer it not display any
<wrl> is there some river config i'm missing?
<novakane> wrl: the titlebar?
<wrl> novakane: yep
<wrl> i do not like it
<wrl> oh good
<wrl> well
<wrl> i guess we'll see what gtk does about it!
<wrl> novakane: thanks :)
<novakane> yep, we'll see, at least we have a solution for firefox which is almost the only gtk app I use daily
<wrl> yeah same
<wrl> already disabled the title bar there
<wrl> alright now to look into attach attach before/after modes
<wrl> presumably the attach that i'm looking for happens in view.map()?
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<novakane> wrl: the `riverctl attach-mode [top|bottom]` command? In View.zig and view_stack.zig yeah
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<dnkl> leon-p: how do you feel about this patch, for wlopm? https://0x0.st/-4AF.patch
<dnkl> CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" make fails with "# warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE requires compiling with optimization (-O)"
<dnkl> that's the default CPPFLAGS in Arch's makepkg
<dnkl> it also sets CFLAGS to include -O2, but the Makefile (without the patch) overwrites it
<dnkl> without the wlopm.c fix, -O2 compile fails with "new_node may be used uninitialized..."
<dnkl> sorry about the spam...
<leon-p> dnkl: seems fine, you can send it as a patch, I'll clear my inbox in a few hours and can apply it then
<dnkl> leon-p: I'm off the computer for the night, but will mail you a proper patch tomorrow, or later in the week.
<dnkl> 46
<dnkl> oops
<snakedye> leon-p: how did you do rounded rectangles with lavalauncher? Was it all done by cairo?
<leon-p> snakedye: yes, cairo cairo_arc()
<leon-p> I recommend you look at the docs, it's not trivial to know what all the parameters do just from a code example
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<leon-p> you'll have to click yourself around, there are a lot of different pages that all seem unrelated
<leon-p> you will have to pick out the information from all of them
<leon-p> it's a bit of a mess
<snakedye> Thanks :)
<elshize> leon-p: I've been using stacktile, and I really like it so far!
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<leon-p> elshize: nice!
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