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<pablo_escoberg> Is there an easy way of telling if a transient symbol consists entirely of numbers?  I've tried a few things, but before resorting to `chop` etc, I thought I'd ask.
<abu[7]> The best way is 'format"
<abu[7]> (format "123")
<pablo_escoberg> awesome, I'll look into it.  Thanks!
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<fbytez> pablo_escoberg, How about something like: `(fully '((C) (and (>= C "0") (<= C "9"))) (chop "12345"))`
<fbytez> `format` permits leading sign and embedded "."
<abu[7]> True
<abu[7]> Then (fully format (chop Str))
<abu[7]> Or, a bit simpler (fully '((C) (>= "9" C "0")) (chop ...
<abu[7]> Calling a Lisp function is a lot slower than a built-in like 'format' though
<fbytez> I like this from abu[7]: `(>= "9" C "0")`
<fbytez> abu[7], What are your thoughts about why `fully` returns `T` when scanning an empty list / NIL?
<abu[7]> yes, 'fully' is optimal
<abu[7]> Would you return something diffent?
<fbytez> Without any deep thought, I would've expected NIL because nothing has been matched.
<abu[7]> yeah, it is just for the meaning of the English word "fully"
<fbytez> Like, to me, it reads as "all elements of the list are ASCII digits", which doesn't really make sense if there were no digits due the list being empty.
<abu[7]> I
<abu[7]> understand
<fbytez> Do you know anything of "newlisp"? I came across it today. I know almost nothing about it's implementation, but it seemed to me to be very close to pil.
<abu[7]> The fully thing is also for the double negation of 'find'
<fbytez> I'm not sure what you mean by that.
<abu[7]> I once looked at newLisp
<abu[7]> I think it is not really a Lisp
<fbytez> Oh really? Why so?
<abu[7]> (doc 'fully) -> (not (find '((X) (not (foo X)) ...
<fbytez> Right.
<abu[7]> It has no garbage collection and uses strange internal structures
<abu[7]> Can we postpone this a little? I'm walking the City ,)
<fbytez> Of course, no pressure from me, sir.
<abu[7]> Cool :)
<abu[7]> Now I'm in the train back home.
<abu[7]> I looked at NewLisp. You are right, it has indeed many features similar to Pil.
<abu[7]> But is has no cons pairs, and Reference Only memory management
<abu[7]> Because of this, it lacks what makes up for *me* a Lisp
<abu[7]> Same goes for me with Clojure
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