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<abu[7]> Hey Guys! I think I go the radical way :)
<abu[7]> I'll give up using (line) in the concerned functions
<abu[7]> Instead, use (key) directly
<abu[7]> This will introduce a minor change in the UI
<abu[7]> As before, <enter> can be used to step through the cases
<abu[7]> But to stop, ESC is needed
<isaneran> hm?
<isaneran> Ah is this about readline?
<abu[7]> Yep
<abu[7]> The functions are 'more', '?' / 'query', 'select' and 'bt'
<abu[7]> So in summary, ESC stops, and any other key (<enter>, but also <space> are useful) continues
<abu[7]> So we get rid of this compatibility mess
<abu[7]> (line) is not really needed in these cases
<abu[7]> (key) is much more logical
<beneroth> not bad
<abu[7]> I think I like it. Feels good after some experimenting.
<tankf33der> Update the ref
<abu[7]> Sure
<abu[7]> But there are many changes, I'm not done yet
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<abu[7]> I want to make all those 4 functions consistent, in terms of behavior and return value
<beneroth> and then we wait for the next issue with readline :P
<beneroth> maybe I just need to make a parser for that config file ;-)
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<abu[7]> Well, you need also to implement VI- and Emacs-mode ;)
<abu[7]> Changed all
<abu[7]> ... and released :)
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<beneroth> thanks abu[7] :)
<abu[7]> ☺
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<tankf33der> Tests passed.
<abu[7]> Thanks tankf33der!
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<beneroth> thanks tankf33der :D
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