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<tankf33der> Morning
<tankf33der> 100k co with 10% gc run for 10h without crash. Good.
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<abu[7]> Thanks tankf33der!
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<tankf33der> want to implement new test for co
<tankf33der> create 100k co, (gc), stop 100k co, repeat
<abu[7]> Good idea
<abu[7]> Tests if all i
<abu[7]> s cleaned up
<tankf33der> i will post my prototype
<abu[7]> ok
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<fbytez> No interest in cleaning up the FD leak?
<abu[7]> Hmm, as I tried to explain above, I don't consider this as an FD leak
<abu[7]> And I also see no consistent way (also see above)
<fbytez> If I were to write a patch, would it be worth my time or you have no interest at all in fixing it?
<abu[7]> How would you do it? I mean then you need to clean up more stuff
<fbytez> I haven't explored enough yet—I don't want to waste my time—to settle on exactly how.
<abu[7]> I think it would be inconsistent
<fbytez> Fine. I'll not bother.
<abu[7]> You need to clean up *all* possible resources allocated in forkLisp()
<abu[7]> Yeah, better
<abu[7]> I think it is not an issue
<fbytez> I don't agree, but it's not my decision.
<abu[7]> But thanks for the proposal!
<tankf33der> my tor machine is broken
<tankf33der> can paste only here manually via browser
<abu[7]> A leak is a repeating loss of resources, growing losses over time, finylly resulting in a system failure
<abu[7]> Here we have a single case, in an error
<abu[7]> And production applications exit on an error
<abu[7]> If forkLisp() fails, it is a fatal error
<abu[7]> If you would despite this want to clean up, you would need cleanup code after every call to (closeOnExec), as they all might throw an error
<abu[7]> So this all is a huge bunch of code, which would never be helpful as applications exit anyway
<abu[7]> tankf33der, (stack 1) is too small
<abu[7]> Stack frames keep a reserve of 1 K
<abu[7]> So nothing will run without error
<abu[7]> (stack 2) probably also is too small for anything useful
<tankf33der> it works here
<abu[7]> hmm, but very risky
<abu[7]> I think I would never go below (stack 4)
<tankf33der> i do see in top or htop heap not freed
<abu[7]> Some internal functions like string processing will use stack in unexpected situations
<abu[7]> e.g. reading data
<abu[7]> You mean heap, not stack?
<abu[7]> Stack is never freed
<fbytez> abu[7], Do you think of pil more as web framework or a general purpose language?
<abu[7]> Heap *may* be freed if you do (gc 0)
<abu[7]> fbytez: both
<tankf33der> i see the same szie
<abu[7]> Heap is freed if (gc 0) leaves one or more heap structures without *any* cell
<tankf33der> is dead
<abu[7]> oh
<tankf33der> i will switch to everywhere
<abu[7]> Good that we have pb1n
<fbytez> I was wondering actually, does pb1n belong to someone here?
<abu[7]> Unix allocates memory by increasing the "system break". malloc() then uses and frees memory from that
<abu[7]> system break may not be decreased
<abu[7]> and this is what ps shows probably
<abu[7]> fbytez, yes, tankf33der made it
<fbytez> Nice. Is it a pil app?
<abu[7]> I think so. Right tankf33der?
<tankf33der> pil app
<tankf33der> abu[7]: is code ok for testing?
<abu[7]> 'intern' is not needed
<abu[7]> just 'pack' is ok
<tankf33der> right
<abu[7]> What if you remove the co's in a random order?
<tankf33der> good
<abu[7]> (let Lst (range 1 500000) ... (shuffle Lst)
<abu[7]> 'shuffle' from @lib/simul.l
<tankf33der> too long list
<tankf33der> thinkinhg
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> (range 1 500000) is not so very big though
<tankf33der> :)
<abu[7]> also good to stress the gc a little
<abu[7]> But shuffle may take a while
<tankf33der> i do not have memory for 500K with big stack
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> Then perhaps delete coroutines with (rand 1 500000)
<tankf33der> with do ?
<abu[7]> Not sure
<abu[7]> It may not stop all
<tankf33der> but co should stop if call without body
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> (do 500000 (co (pack .. (rand ..]
<abu[7]> this stops many
<abu[7]> and then
<abu[7]> (for X (stack) (co (car X)))
<tankf33der> o
<tankf33der> !? (co 'T)
<tankf33der> Can't stop main routine
<tankf33der> :)
<abu[7]> Correct
<abu[7]> Needs a check
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> (for X ... (unless (=T ..
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<tankf33der> super slow variation
<abu[7]> yes, (stack) takes very long, it builds a list each time
<tankf33der> reimplementing
<abu[7]> Better (shuffle (stack))
<abu[7]> only once
<abu[7]> Looks good
<tankf33der> yea
<abu[7]> Why do you use pastebin and not pb1n?
<tankf33der> tor is broken from work, i must pass firewalls-proxy
<tankf33der> something happened after full upgrade
<abu[7]> ok
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<abu[7]> tankf33der: Not time critical here, but generally (head (dec (length L)) L) is not very good, because 'head' copies the list
<abu[7]> (non-destructive)
<tankf33der> eh
<abu[7]> Better is (cdr (rot L))
<abu[7]> (destructive, but OK here because (stack) builds a fresh list)
<tankf33der> done
<tankf33der> works
<abu[7]> :)
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