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<abu[7]> I'm a bit worried about Debian. It was supposed to be rather bug-free.
<abu[7]> But now I observe (in addition to the above), two other issues
<abu[7]> w3m gives a warning "Can't open history"
<abu[7]> and
<abu[7]> End-of-line handling changed somehow
<abu[7]> If you do
<abu[7]> : (line)
<abu[7]> in PicoLisp and just type <enter>, it echoes an empty line
<abu[7]> This is not right
<abu[7]> Doesn't happen in Termux (yet)
<abu[7]> And started in Debian with an update yesterday (I tested this line thing on a machine before and after apt upgrade :(
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<fbytez_> Did you also recompile after the upgrade?
<abu[7]> Yes, for both above issues
<abu[7]> (i.e. not for the w3m problem)
<fbytez_> That sure is strange. Have you tried purging all the compilation dependencies then reinstalling them before compiling?
<fbytez_> The w3m problem seems particularly odd to me. Have you been able to confirm which file it is trying to open and that it still exists with the correct permissions?
<abu[7]> You mean the case of and
<abu[7]> I did not investigate the w3m thing further
<fbytez_> Not specifically; *all* picolisp's compilation dependencies.
<abu[7]> I meant, which problem?
<abu[7]> The lib issue?
<fbytez_> The `(line)` issue.
<abu[7]> Ah
<abu[7]> yes, this is the strangest one
<abu[7]> What happens on your current system?
<fbytez_> I'm using Ubuntu with a fews day old `git pull && make`…
<fbytez_> : (line)
<fbytez_> -> NIL
<abu[7]> So without an empty line before the "->"
<fbytez_> Correct.
<abu[7]> This is the desired behavior
<abu[7]> I had this on onen machine, then upgraded, and the behavior changed
<fbytez_> Is it a server or local machine?
<abu[7]> It is a server, accessed via ssh
<fbytez_> Dedicated?
<abu[7]> Dedicated for what?
<abu[7]> It is
<abu[7]> The one where this IRC client runs on
<abu[7]> So I noticed because I get empty lines in IRC
<fbytez_> I wonder if it'd be worth doing a complete reinstall of the system to rule out possible oddities created by upgrading. Regardless, it's certainly a weird change in behaviour.
<abu[7]> yeah, too much trouble. Especially on a production system.
<abu[7]> It can be ssh, bash, tmux, libc ...
<abu[7]> Wait, I can stop tmux
<abu[7]> OK, tmux is not the culprit
<fbytez_> Oh, so you haven't even tried things like just rebooting the server or even just reconnecting to it?
<abu[7]> Not with this server
<abu[7]> But I did with my machine in my basement
<abu[7]> But always via ssh
<abu[7]> (headless server)
<fbytez_> It's possible to do a bit of testing with the basement one?
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> booting it ...
<fbytez_> I find this a bit odd: `picolisp -line -bye | hexdump -C` -> 00000000 1b 5b 3f 32 30 30 34 68 1b 5b 3f 32 30 30 34 6c |.[?2004h.[?2004l|
<fbytez_> 00000010 0d |.|
<abu[7]> This is stuff inserted by GNU readline
<abu[7]> Something with paste mode
<abu[7]> You can disable it
<abu[7]> In .inputrc with "set enable-bracketed-paste off"
<abu[7]> But it is not the cause
<abu[7]> fbytez_: You still do not see the empty line on your machine?
<fbytez_> No, not even after doing another `git pull && make`.
<abu[7]> I think the pil version does not matter
<abu[7]> It changed without recompilation, just with "apt update", but I don't remember which packages were updated
<abu[7]> I use Debian Testing, perhaps newer packages than your Ubuntu
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<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> i see the same issue with (line) + Enter -> empty line
<abu[7]> Servus tankf33der!
<abu[7]> OK
<abu[7]> Probably not on all of your machines?
<tankf33der> my readline version at home is 8.2.007
<fbytez_> Mine is .8
<fbytez_> Or just '8', rather.
<abu[7]> I have readline 8.2-3
<fbytez_> => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
<fbytez_> So, presumably you get normal / expected behaviour from `line` when not via readline, right?
<abu[7]> $ apt list readline-common
<abu[7]> readline-common/testing,unstable,now 8.2-3 all [installed]
<abu[7]> fbytez_, perhaps, but I see no way in Pil
<abu[7]> Console input is always via readline iirc
<abu[7]> hmm
<abu[7]> perhaps a pipe?
<abu[7]> $ echo |pil -line -bye
<fbytez_> Yeah. Try it. Or just reading from a file and checking the dump.
<abu[7]> Reading from file descriptors is not relevant I think
<tankf33der> i see two different behavior
<fbytez_> I'd go with `printf '\r\n'`
<fbytez_> It's definitely looking like a readline issue.
<abu[7]> tankf33der: On two different machines?
<tankf33der> arch, void, debian
<abu[7]> fbytez_, yes, or tty handling in the kernel
<tankf33der> let me try fedora
<tankf33der> (line) + Enter + Enter
<tankf33der> -> NIL
<tankf33der> so no empty line after two enters
<abu[7]> My readline was installed Nov 26
<abu[7]> Yes, it is not the newline itself
<abu[7]> It must be readline adding a newline
<abu[7]> or ssh or some terminal related stuff
<abu[7]> Not stdio or so
<abu[7]> this again talks about "bracketed paste mode,"
<abu[7]> see above
<abu[7]> I don't understand what it is
<abu[7]> I disabled it in .inputrc
<aw-> hi, sorr to jump in
<aw-> who is maintaining picolisp package for alpinelinux?
<abu[7]> Hi aw-!
<aw-> hi abu[7]
<chexum_> bracketed paste is often a terminal feature, can you try a different one?
<abu[7]> I do all in Termux only
<abu[7]> Sometimes by ssh to oher machines
<abu[7]> But it all ends up in Termux
<abu[7]> Let me try ConnectBot
<tankf33der> aw-: Celeste
<abu[7]> Same problem in ConnectBot, so it is not Termux
<abu[7]> chexum_, bracketed paste is not the problem anyway, as I tried with and without
<abu[7]> "set enable-bracketed-paste off" in .inputrc
<chexum_> I see
<abu[7]> Without this, readline outputs escape sequences when initializing
<abu[7]> (see fbytez_ hexdump above)
<tankf33der> afk in 10mins
<abu[7]> In summary, it looks like a bug in readline to me
<abu[7]> upgraded Nov 26 here
<tankf33der> i see 'can't open history' after w3m exit everywhere
<abu[7]> Interesting, I have it only on one machine
<abu[7]> And the missing and only on the newest Debian
<abu[7]> The missing libs are the nastiest part
<tankf33der> afk.
<abu[7]> I copied them manually from an older server
<abu[7]> CU!
<abu[7]> So many faults recently :(
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<tankf33der> ret
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<pablo_escoberg> has anybody successfully installed picolisp on openbsd?
<pablo_escoberg> I searched the chat history, and looks like some folks have gotten it running, but `make` gives me errors, and I'm not sure exactly what to install.
<beneroth> should work on openbsd. what make errors do you get?
<beneroth> what LLVM version do you have on openbsd?
<pablo_escoberg> let's see, when I run make, I get
<pablo_escoberg> *** Parse error in /home/evronm/bin/pil21/src: Error in archive specification: "(, 0)" (Makefile:15)
<pablo_escoberg> *** Parse error: Need an operator in 'endif' (Makefile:17)
<pablo_escoberg> gmake yields:
<pablo_escoberg> gmake: opt: No such file or directory
<pablo_escoberg> gmake: *** [Makefile:45: base.bc] Error 127
<pablo_escoberg> LLVM is version 16.0.6p8
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<abu[7]> pablo_escoberg: tankf33der is the specialist fur such things
<abu[7]> In any case, I believe that it meanwhile works on all BSDs
<pablo_escoberg> OK, I'll wait for tankf33der to show up.  I imagine it's just a case of not having the right tools installed, so I'm hoping he can just tell me what to install.
<abu[7]> T
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