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<rob_w> hey guys... wonder if i could get some simple comments from you about the following fact:
<rob_w> i see that picolisp and others like git uses a way to organise data on a filesystem in creating sub-directories in a pattern like aa ab ac etc..
<rob_w> is this a way to prevent piling up too many files in single directory ?
<abu[7]> Hi rob_w!
<abu[7]> Do you notice problems with too many files in a dir?
<rob_w> i kinda do in a project of mine .. but its not in picolisp , as its a generic question
<abu[7]> I think it is a good idea to organize it alphabetically then
<abu[7]> i.e. make a tree
<rob_w> i think so too
<rob_w> abu[7], but its snowing outside ,. dont wanna do that
<abu[7]> haha :)
<abu[7]> You are 3 km from here?
<rob_w> yes
<rob_w> but i can hardly walk these days , ripped my ankles last week :(
<abu[7]> oh
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<abu[7]> Hi all! I have a strange problem
<abu[7]> I built httpGate on a new server, but when starting it I get:
<abu[7]> " cannot open shared object file"
<abu[7]> If I look *into* bin/httpGate, it has only
<abu[7]> hmm, libssl1.1 is not installable on the new server
<beneroth> maybe another lib has a dependency on it?
<abu[7]> Looks like
<beneroth> as an easy first attempt: maybe it works if you just create a softlink from "" to the present ?
<abu[7]> Hmm, very ugly
<beneroth> true, but not too bad, if it works :)
<abu[7]> I`ll firt modify /etc/apt/soures.list
<beneroth> assuming pointer handling / security didn't change responsibility from lib to program or whatever
<beneroth> or just copy the version from another trusted computer?
<abu[7]> It is bookworm
<abu[7]> I change to pure testing as in the old system
<beneroth> I've need to go, will be back soon.
<abu[7]> ok, thanks!
<abu[7]> I think I'll fix it
<abu[7]> hmm, libssl1.1 is deprecated
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<abu[7]> What I don't understand is why httpGate wants it
<abu[7]> I did (cd src; make clean2; make)
<beneroth> back
<abu[7]> Ugly, but I simply copied and from the old server
<abu[7]> Not it works
<abu[7]> Seems that Debian is broken
<beneroth> sounds like it
<abu[7]> :(
<abu[7]> Let's see what all crashes on monday ;)
<beneroth> ^^'
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