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<user3456> Looking through picolisp source, it seems that ffi is dependent on having clang/llvm available at runtime to work
<user3456> I'm curious though, why are src/{base,lib}.bc in llvm's bitcode format? How are they generated?
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<aw-> user3456: like i said yesterday, if you want to use GCC, please use an OLDER version of picolisp
<aw-> pil21 is built specifically for LLVM
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<aw-> also no you do _not_ need clang/llvm at runtime
<aw-> you only need it at compile time
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<aw-> once you have the picolisp binary then you won't need clang/llvm
<aw-> for FFI you will however need ''
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<abu[7]> user3456: The PicoLisp distro comes with pre-build* src/s.ll files, which are then used by the LLVM backend to build the final executable for the target platform
<abu[7]> If you change sources in src/*.l then lib/llvm.l compiles them to new *.ll files
<abu[7]> s/pre-build* src/s.ll/pre-built src/*.ll/
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<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> user3456:
<tankf33der> you can download the latest picolisp compiled from link above
<tankf33der> put this file named picolisp to bin/ directory
<tankf33der> afk.
<aw-> oh yeah, i used to have a GitHub actions to automatically compile each picolisp release
<aw-> i should set that up again with mmans
<abu[7]> To which platforms does it compile?
<aw-> oh.. i didn't do it for pil21 because Bintray was killed off
<aw-> abu[7]: it was compiling for x86
<aw-> src and src64
<abu[7]> I see
<abu[7]> Which Bintray was killed off, and why?
<aw-> they shut down the service for hosting open source binaries
<abu[7]> ok
<aw-> haven't bothered to find an alternative
<aw-> i mean.. i could always put an SSH key and give it sftp access to a server somewhere
<aw-> i'll wait for beneroth's return, maybe he can provide some assistance
<aw-> if i have a place to upload the compiled binaries, i can adjust this script pretty quickly for building pil21
<aw-> and even target other platforms such as windows and/or macos (if possible?)
<abu[7]> I did not think that it is useful to provide binaries, as it is platform-specific
<aw-> well it's not hurtful
<aw-> and it's not a hassle
<aw-> is picolisp officially in Ubuntu?
<abu[7]> yes, inherited from Debian (a bit old)
<aw-> ok
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<user3456> I ended up building llvm from source, but now `cd pil21/src; make` gives "llvm-link: lib.bc:1:1: error: expected top-level entity"
<user3456> Ignore above, problem was caused by me trying to use gcc and using a fresh copy of pil21 worked
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