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<abu[7]> I think 'ext:Base64' works in both directions. Encode and decode.
<abu[7]> (let S (chop "aGVpc2UuZGU=") (input (++ S) (while (ext:Base64) (prin (char @)))) (prinl))
<abu[7]> More examples in @test/src/ext.l
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<tankf33der> one post on hacker's news, reddit, gives us one subscriber on mailing list
<abu[7]> good
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<gahr> tankf33der: that's my story, too :)
<gahr> so I've been reading a lot on picolisp, and it makes me feel uncomfortable: I am starting to question my assumed belief that static scoping the way scheme does it is the only true way.
<gahr> I need to re-wire my brain
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<aw-> gahr: re-wire to accept that there is no true way
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<danisanti> Hi everyone
<danisanti> First of all, I want to say great work!, for making a Lisp Machine, with PilOS :-)
<danisanti> I am looking to have such OS in my computer.
<danisanti> is there some warning that I should know, before trying PilOS?
<abu[7]> Hi danisanti! Thanks!
<abu[7]> PilOS is rather outdated, not maintained, and was never completed ;)
<abu[7]> The problem are the drivers
<abu[7]> PilOS was written for standard BIOS, but modern machines don't such a BIOS any more
<danisanti> abu[7]: so PilOS replaces the BIOS?
<abu[7]> No, it *uses* it to access the hardware. Screen, Disk, Keyboard etc.
<danisanti> ok
<abu[7]> Standard BIOS calls
<danisanti> so the drivers are the problem.... is there a Lisp Machine that you may suggest?
<abu[7]> I don't know of any doing that
<danisanti> PilOS can work like a Lisp Machine, in some way...
<abu[7]> Right, that was the purpose
<abu[7]> So you need drivers for your specific hardware
<danisanti> yes... those bastard drivers :-)
<abu[7]> :)
<danisanti> ohhh well. There is still GNU/Linux-Libre I guess
<danisanti> I would like no support for compiled languages, because of no stack overflow.
<danisanti> picolisp, still looks interesting
<abu[7]> You could run PilBox on Android
<abu[7]> it is a kind of Lisp machine ;)
<danisanti> PilBox is an app that you install, or is an OS?
<abu[7]> An Android APP
<danisanti> ok
<danisanti> I might
<danisanti> but looking to focusing on my computer first
<abu[7]> ok
<danisanti> s/focusing/focus/
<danisanti> that is still good to know
<danisanti> the books about picolisp are big! is there any small book or website to begin to learn about picolisp?
<danisanti> I know few emacs lisp, and few common lisp...
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<abu[7]> and of course
<danisanti> maybe i'll stick with . The website doesn't look promising.
<danisanti> I want to learn the basics. Small basic stuff
<abu[7]> There are references and tutorials in the PicoLisp distribution
<danisanti> ok
<abu[7]> or do apt install picolisp
<danisanti> thanks
<danisanti> I do pacman
<abu[7]> welcome :)
<pablo_escoberg> `apt install picolisp` install an old version, IIRC.  I think I had to do a compile install, and that was quite recently.
<abu[7]> With apt install you get the version from end of June this year
<tankf33der> Aur has picolisp inside
<danisanti> tankf33der: yes, I noticed
<danisanti> thanks
<danisanti> it is such a pain to have to compile stuff.... if only everything was interpreted...
<abu[7]> Have you checked the above install? Comwile is just (cd src; make)
<danisanti> there could be a machine that would even not need to compile the interpreter; that everything was interpreted on the circuits
<abu[7]> yeah
<danisanti> abu[7]: yeah, I know.... is a pain
<abu[7]> Why a pain?
<abu[7]> just "make"?
<danisanti> the infrastructure that is needed to have compiled packages, is non-sense. everything should be just interpreted Lisp
<danisanti> compiling the Linux-Libre kernel, at some point is also just "make"...
<danisanti> you know what I mean?
<danisanti> it is a pain...
<pablo_escoberg> It is indeed a pain, but having learned it very recently, I feel compelled to comment that the picolisp compile/install process is the easiest I've run into, and in fact not at all a pain.  This is an exception, though.  As a rule I wholeheartedly agree with you.
<danisanti> it takes time, it wastes energy, you have to trust the repo of compiled packages, if it does not work you may not be able to figure out what is wrong.
<danisanti> yes, I will have picolisp on my machine. It is easy, Just trizen -S picolisp
<danisanti> but things could have evolved for the better, instead of this drawbacks of compiled software. It is this that I am talking about.
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<abu[7]> o
<danisanti> A Lisp Machine would be better than today's mainstream computers.
<abu[7]> danisanti, complain less, and just do it ;)
<danisanti> ahahaah
<danisanti> :-)
<danisanti> I will be printing books about the CONS Lisp Machine. I am very curious about Lisp Machines.
<danisanti> for me to read
<danisanti> much smaller books than the picolisp books...!
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<pablo_escoberg> Responding to tankf33der from a few hours back about HN et al:  Have you ever tried publishing your work to these sites?  I would upvote a link to your directory of cryptographic primitives in a second, as would many others.  And as you say, it does seem to bring in new users.
<danisanti> newbie questions: what am I doing wrong? ('(+ A 1) 2)
<danisanti> I want to add 1 to 2
<danisanti> without a "de"
<abu[7]> ('((A) (+ A 1)) 2)
<danisanti> ok
<danisanti> I am gonna try it
<abu[7]> ok
<danisanti> the argument list comes first, then the body of the function. Thanks abu[7]
<abu[7]> T
<danisanti> I must say that what has brought me here, was that in the wikipedia's page about Lisp Machine, it says that you have one Lisp Machine. PilMCU.
<danisanti> but now I have figured it out that PilMCU is dead, and that what is alive instead is PilOS; to only then, know that also PilOS is abandoned and outdated.
<danisanti> you guys could try to keep alive either PilMCU or PilOS.
<danisanti> Wikipedia having a quote on you guys is great advertisement, you should leverage that.
<danisanti> this is the page:
<abu[7]> I see, yeah, PilMCU seems not continued
<danisanti> thank you abu[7] and pablo_escoberg . I am gonna try PicoLisp, but without PilMCU or PilOS, I think I won't be giving to much effort into it.
<abu[7]> ok
<danisanti> I'll keep on following you guys on your mailing list. Have a great time. Enjoy; always.
danisanti has left #picolisp [see ya!]
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<danisanti> does anyone know how to create an TAGS file (using etags) with the declarations of (de ...) ? etags does detect the *.l files but it creates no entries, because it is looking for defun and defvar lisp tags...
<danisanti> or defcons... it should also look for the picolisp's "de".
<danisanti> I mean, defconst
<danisanti> instead of defcons
<danisanti> I have made a patch on etags that detects picolisp's "de". It works now!
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