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<tankf33der> parsing a line
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der
<abu[7]> with 'read'?
<abu[7]> (read "_")
<abu[7]> The ^ might give trouble
<tankf33der> yea :)
<abu[7]> Can't you use another char?
<abu[7]> eg **
<abu[7]> Otherwise it needs to be escaped
<tankf33der> must be ^
<tankf33der> parsing output from programm
<abu[7]> I just tried, no problem
<tankf33der> show me
<abu[7]> "\^" is a single char
<abu[7]> just 'print'ed escaped
<tankf33der> aaa, ok
<abu[7]> BTW, my last fix to coroutines was not right :(
<abu[7]> I think I fixed now, but not sure yet
<tankf33der> released?
<abu[7]> Not yet
<tankf33der> let me know when to test then
<abu[7]> I also noticed I have to handle ErrFrames and CtlFrames in 'yield'
<abu[7]> And still another issue is 'inwut' and 'output'. They are also not correct if
<abu[7]> catch/throw happens in between
<tankf33der> do you have new test code for this combination?
<tankf33der> i can add
<abu[7]> This crashes:
<tankf33der> will add.
<abu[7]> But a fix is not released because I also need to handle (err ...) and (ctl ..) first
<abu[7]> Good
<abu[7]> We never really used nested coroutines
<abu[7]> (co started inside another co)
<abu[7]> And 'input' and 'output' must be redesigned internally
<abu[7]> I did not think about catch, throw and yield in input/output :(
<tankf33der> never used input-output
<abu[7]> Crashes 100%
<tankf33der> yea
<abu[7]> Also handling of returning to a coroutine which terminated meanwhile needs to be improved
<abu[7]> Lotts of things! Coroutines are really the most difficult part of Pil
<abu[7]> In the moment it silently returns to the main T routine
<abu[7]> I think I better throw an error
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<abu[7]> I think I can release the coroutine fixes now
<abu[7]> Will re-think input/output later
<abu[7]> Released. tankf33der, can you test again?
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<tankf33der> doing
<tankf33der> all passed.
<abu[7]> Perfect, thanks!
<tankf33der> reference does not cover call co with T
<tankf33der> i do not remember what does it mean
<tankf33der> afk.
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<Anderson93> Hi pil-ers! I'm trying to get pil installed on my m1 mac but I'm running into the issue of "string.h" file not found.. Anyone else encountered this?
<tankf33der> Macos under brew?
<tankf33der> I am using this Makefile
<abu[7]> T is nothing special here. It is just a 'prg'
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<abu[7]> He did not say thanks
<abu[7]> Anyway, tankf33der, so (co) shows the current coroutine, (co 'a) stops 'a', and (co 'a anything ..) continues it
<tankf33der> This i know.
<abu[7]> yeah
<abu[7]> Just for the records :)
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<Anderson93> Fixed by changing all the paths to /opt/homebrew/opt - :) cheers
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<abu[7]> oops
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