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<aw-> abu[7]: here?
<abu[7]> yes
<aw-> hi
<abu[7]> ☺/
<aw-> is there a way to interrupt a running pil process and drop into the repl?
<abu[7]> Ctrl-C, but the handler is set up only if the REPL runs first
<aw-> yeah i knew that one
<abu[7]> Otherwise it is the default (= terminate)
<aw-> mine is a #!/usr/bin/env pil ; # script
<abu[7]> then invoke it directly
<abu[7]> pil +
<abu[7]> (load "myScript")
<abu[7]> in this way the REPL is initialized
<abu[7]> BTW, why do you use #!/usr/bin/env ? What is the advantage over #!/usr/bin/pil ?
<abu[7]> or #!/home/app/pil21/pil
<aw-> i think it's a relic from the late 90s
<aw-> i can't remember doing anything other than #!/usr/bin/env whatever at the top of my scripts
<abu[7]> Hashbang allows only a single arg
<abu[7]> so you lose the ability to pass an arg to pil
<abu[7]> and the startup is slower
<abu[7]> (first the Unix kernel starts 'env', then this one starts 'pil')
<aw-> no, i dont
<aw-> i have a bunch of scripts which i pass multiple arguments
<abu[7]> I see, ok, then env takes care to parse the args
<aw-> probably
<aw-> i dont care lol
<aw-> why change things that have always worked?
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> There must be (or have been) an advantage
<aw-> you are the same as me ;)
<abu[7]> sure :)
<aw-> if i remember, i was working at a company that did that in all their scripts, and i adopted the practice without questioning it
<aw-> more than 20 years ago i think
<abu[7]> Was it also for normal shell scripts?
<abu[7]> bash etc. ?
<aw-> yeah like #!/usr/bin/env bash
<abu[7]> Strange
<aw-> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<aw-> oh yeah
<aw-> i used to work a lot with BSD systems
<abu[7]> Anyway, does loading the script from a repl help?
<aw-> and linux
<aw-> same scripts on both
<aw-> original script creators did a lot of hacks for portability
<abu[7]> So 'env' helps?
<aw-> probably? like i said, i havent questioned the usefulness because it's never been problematic for me
<abu[7]> The idea of hashbang is to pass a path to the interpreter, so pil can be called directly
<aw-> ok
<abu[7]> It may make sense for interpreters that don't treat "#" as a comment perhaps
<aw-> anyways, yes the script loading works, i was hoping to avoid restarting the process but it's fine
<aw-> thanks
<abu[7]> great
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