if you replace std::uint8_t& with std::uint8_t it optimizes it all out, business as usual
which is definitely something you should do, using references there is dumb
kaichiuchi: the register in the c++ are in a different order than in the C case
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I think we're all wrong
I mean yes you're right
but apparently there's still a bug
yes, i saw #llvm
although calling this a bug may be a bit rich
optimizers can have limits too
I have to use a reference there because I need `reg.bc = 0xF00D;` to work like `reg.b = 0xF0; reg.c = 0x0D;`, because I'm using `reg.b` and `reg.c` as well
is gameboy?
kaichiuchi: clang is bad at optimizing out unused variables in structs.
yay gameboy
wait a minute I know you
aren't you from the gameboy discord?
I was on the emudev one for a bit
that's where
zid is from the femboy discord
I can't stand beware so no gb discord
ah, we're on the same page.
You'd think he'd chill out in 15 years but nope
is he the emudev heat
but yeah, I'm just trying things out at the moment
I made the mistake of thinking operator overloading might be the "C++ solution" to just doing it the C way
kaichiuchi: what is the point of defining the register pairs as references to other class variables?
I didn't even bother with the regpair stuff in mine because I hadn't benched it, and I assume it might actually just cause contention
i.e lots of code using c and d as different registers might prefer c and d to not be on the same l1 tag or something, who knows
err b and c*
and ryzen 2 and 4's memory renamer might not like mixing word and byte accesses
because then, `reg.bc = 0xABCD;` will be `reg.b = 0xAB;` and `reg.c = 0xBD;`, and I need to access two 8-bit bytes sometimes as 1 16-bit register
so I just left it alone as a macro that recombines them
if the memory layout ends up 'correct' it can optimize it to a short, but if not I am not worried
I see what you're saying
set_BC(0x1234); for reg.b = 0x12; reg.c = 0x34;, rather than punning BC to char[2] constantly, and the compiler is free to turn that back into a *((short *)) if it *wants to*
if I wanted mega-top speed it'd be a dynarec anyway
I'm really just micro-optimizing at this point how I want to handle the registers
clearly the solution is
zid: if it's a union then the compiler knows the alignment is right. Not relevant for x86 but for other archs.
kaichiuchi: you are missing a lot of constexpr and const correctness
char register B asm("bh"); char register C asm("bl"); short register BC asm("bx");
in every TU
that's all well and good
but it was supposed to be a demonstration
frankly I'm torn between writing this in C or C++
zid, totally, JITing would be the best
kaichiuchi, have you considered
kaichiuchi: also the gcc code is only this short because you example is so limited.
kaichiuchi: a real use of the cpu struct will use all the regs and then you get the long code clang produces.
the point being, *for this particular example*, clang was generating crap
in the real world, yes, you're right
tbh a gb emulator is tiny, it's 99% figuring out which testcases you fail etc, rather than masses of code, you could probably maintain both
your fault for not constexpring
pretty trivially
and make a cool blogpost about having done so
zid: you see, I want to port this to my eval board
kaichiuchi: compilers aren't optimized for stupid made up examples. So who cares?
then I have no idea why we even use godbolt
otherwise I'd just dump the entirety of my code on there and call it a day
but no one does that, because that's not the point
well, this example is silly because you're expecting the compiler to see through a bunch of C++ and hope it optimizes everything out
kaichiuchi: it's fine to try out minimal test case. Just don't complain when some made up case doesn't quite do what you want.
That's what C++'s for heat
gcc saw through it
seeing how much boilerplate you can get the compiler to eliminate
with your sufficiently clever compiler
+1 for zid
so, I'm not really sure what the point of that was
without actually gaining any compile time encapsulation in exchange
i guarantee you your gameboy emulator is not going to have CPU c; c.reg = rand(); printf("%x", c.reg);
yes, I can guarantee it as well
Mine does
kaichiuchi: you need to make the Registers abstraction zero-cost by writing it right.
you see my pushf; pop <> rant is valid because 1) I'm the one ranting; 2) this is actually a problem in real codegen
there are no zero-cost abstractions
heat: less bitching, more adding sound or a schd to my emu
i don't write weird birds
except for the emu war
mrvn: thanks, but again, this wasn't at all a "standard" version
this was "hey I noticed something odd"
besides, no one can write C++ right
kaichiuchi: just saying. If you add a bunch of references you store in the class then it's not too surprising the compiler will initialize them all in the constructor as you specified.
there are 50 million ways to do things and none of them are right
twitter: <zhuowei> fuck "rust". everything i write is unsafe. raw pointers without the bounds. no, i will NOT check for overflow. string dot h. i live for this
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I've written some almost-100% unsafe code rust recently... wasn't too bad
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strcpy() ftw, enforced safety is overrated
Probably wildly unsound, should have used C++ via FFI for those bits...
and once again it shows that is a language has some bad feature it will be used
transmute() ftw
I prefer to use strncpy but just guess that n should be
or set it to MAX_INT to keep my options open
n = str.len, screw multibyte chars
strncpy might be even worse. It suggests safety but: "If there is no null byte among the first n bytes of src, the string placed in dest will not be null-terminated." So totaly broken.
you always have to pass one less than the size to strn*
You rather want BSDs strlcpy()
system("shutdown -h now")
guaranteed safer than using a standard library for handling C strings
with open("/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq") as FD: FD.write("b")
mrvn: access denied
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good morning people of the development systems that use resources of the computer to operate on the system
what about the rest of us?
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Re: safe strcpys, I know it’s not a goal here but I do wonder how much of a performance loss (or gain) it is to use the length terminated ones over a plain stripy, assuming fully optimized versions per arch
main issue isn't the n check it's the strlen you have to do to generate it if you lost the n somewhere
A single strlen() call will make up for the tiny loss in speed on having to check the extra length word.
just length prefix strings
then again, if you're using strcpy, you already know the upper bound, and that's good enough
zid: if you have to do strlen then using strn* or strl* is a bit pointless.
exact n is memcpy, strncpy is bounded strcpy I guess
strn* is for when you know the amount of space you have, not the length of the string.
a lisp OS? in your CV? you're about to get hired by the FSF to work on emacs
ah, it's froggey
i've been following mezzano os with keen interest
yo netbsduser`
I need your expertise as a netbsd user
evening heat, i should be glad to oblige
how do python shebangs work if apparently netbsd doesn't have /bin/python3
the usual approach is #!/usr/bin/env python3
i wanna go home
most people will not change the default package directory from `/usr/pkg` so you could just do `/usr/pkg/bin/python3` but this way is hopefully portable
well, the thing is that apparently python3 isn't a thing in netbsd python3 packages/ports/whatever
which is, you know, something I'm kind of doubting but this dude came to edk2 and said netbsd didn't have a python3 binary anywhere? which is fucking crazy
oh, that's a fair point, do most linuxes have python = python2?
that would be distressing
arch has python = python3 since forever, and removed python2 from the repos a few months ago
brb gotta reboot
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the heat is off
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* heat
googles how to install a package in $BSD_VARIANT for the 300th time
i can't think of an immediately good answer to the shebang problem, i have `python3.10` and a symlink `python` to it
it would be tempting to say just `/usr/bin/env python` would be fine but no doubt there exist many OSes where that is going to be python 2
so you don't have a python3 at all?
as in /usr/bin/python3 or whatever
unfortunately not, if it's common on other systems then i could suggest to pkgsrc maintainers to make that symlink
so, again, how does any shebang work at all?
if you don't have a common name to call $PYTHON_INTERP
like, /usr/bin/env python3 doesn't solve this, because there's no python3 anywhere
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pkgsrc includes a lot of scripts, among which are those that translate shebangs intended for other systems to fit with pkgsrc (usually replace `/bin/cmd` with `/usr/bin/env cmd`)
for python they do the needful according to the package description's preferred python version
what the actual fuck
freebsd doesn't have python nor python3 either
so like, you can't use anything that hasn't been sed'ed to hell by pkgsrc?
well, in practice i think a lot of people will just make a symlink themselves
something something sane by default
hmm...is there some LFS or whatever filesystem layout that "conforming" systems adhere to? i mean, not taking a side, but hard for me to see anything but conventions here
^^^ is there any standard?
or is it all ad hoc? what guarantees anyone ship python?
everyone disagrees on the filesystem layout
every filesystem layout is objectively wrong
shut up im right everyone who disagrees is wrong
netbsduser`: linuxes generally don't have any python anymore (RH, centos, alma, debian, ubuntu, ...)
that's right
netbsduser`: They used to have a python + python3 but python got renamed to python2 so you always specify the version you need
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python3 is explicitly provided by cpython itself. BSD systems reject it for $REASON
I guess they want to be able to install multiple pythons? but what a fucking chaos that is
then what do they call python3?
you only have python3.specific-version
this is insane
heat: so they call it python3.x. stupid but ok.
right. how does a script invoke python3?
don't they have alternatives or default versions for a release?
apparently nto
must be fun to upgrade
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should i use musl
gog, i dunno musl for what
my userspace
your OS? or your actual installed operating system
heat: maybe they have a binfmt-misc that detects the python shebang and starts the python3.x instead?
my os
erm, sure
what if i wrote my own libc instead
it's a solid libc. a bit too linux centric so you need to hack around that, but solid
oh what's a not linux centric
heat: that's interesting, if it makes such a symlink in its own install process it would be removed by pkgsrc because it might conflict with multiple python3 versions being installed at once
but it seems like a good reason to have pkgsrc maintain a symlink
netbsduser`: that's what Debian has alternatives for
probably not comparable...but a long time ago in a ports release far away, there were seemingly-similar things re: which "java" command to run (whether built from source, or binaries) ...i believe there was just a "java" wrapper script, and if you didn't like the default, set an environment variable which version of jdk/jre to use is that a good idea? i don't know, just throwing it out there
gog: i used mlibc which i found to be a delight
netbsduser`: every deb provides the alternative with a priority and the system creates the symlink and the user can change priorities
*IIRC you just set an env var
* gog
tips fedora
it's from the managarm project, but they ported it to Linux to work on debugging it then span it off into an independent library
netbsduser`: an alternative solution is to have a meta package python3 with just the symlink and a dependency on one python3.x
mrvn: i like debian's alternatives system but the latter is the more idiomatic approach in pkgsrc
i think it would be reasonable if i sent a PR for the latest python3 to make a python and python3 symlink
netbsduser`: alternatives are for when the alternatives are interchangable. python3.x versions rarely are.
tech-pkg.netbsd.narkive.com: Installing symlink from /usr/pkg/bin/python to preferred version...
like, python may be controversial, sure. python3 is a nobrainer
heat, what's your question?
The change from python to python2 was rather stupid. Just breaks existing systems for 0 gain.
sortie, not much, we were just discussing the BSDs not having a python3 symlink to python-$VERSION
heat, yeah you just need a port of python 1
which is depressingly stupid
heat, yeah you gotta have those
No dash tho
At least python3
he manes python-3.x, not python-3
sorry, I meant python3.VERSION
this is absolutely insane, how do you ever invoke python3 in a script that wasn't sedded to shit by pkgsrc?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
The portable magic invocation
with env you can't pass options
mrvn, don't do that in shebang
Or in Sortix: #!python
And all the options you could ever want
Cus awesome.
sortie: your shebangs search PATH for relative paths?
I laugh at your #! not searching PATH
mrvn, same as shell rules, PATH search if no /
sortie: for LD_LIBRARY_PATH too?
I don't have shared libraries
But LD_LIBRARY_PATH has nothing to do with #!
no, but it's the other thing in unix that doesn't search it's PATH
e.g. on dlopen
that whole RPATH mess
+sortie on one hand i feel this is trivial...yet important...yet low hanging fruit for an enterprising osdever to provide something else/in addition
sortie actually did something, sortie wins by default
sortie is the true enterprising osdever
gog, glibc is not linux centric
glibc is a lot tho
a lot of what?
it's a lot
glibc is a bit thicc yes, but you don't need to support it all
it's just like musl
although admittedly a bit larger
my first musl port supported, what, 3 or 4 syscalls? the basics to make it to int main(){}
my advice for porting $LIBC: just make it compile and link, and then make it work step-by-step
find out what syscalls are missing and implement those that are *actually* needed
GNU/gog sounds sweet to me
copyleft gog huh
gnew slash gawg, or as i've recently taken to call it, gnew plus gawg
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gawg is not an operating system onto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning gnew system made useful by the gnew corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by pawsix
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In true AmigaOS fashion I have an exec.library
mmm, is the gawg libraries prefixed with a.gog?
and the file searcher is goggle?
the catgirl operating specification
operating system
awwwperating system cause it's cute
system health reports your system is running purrfectly
no the file searcher is bing because bing best
you are banned from my operating system you will never log in every login prompt will have a captcha that everybody but heat can solve
lemme guess
"onyx sucks"
does not go through his keyboard, does it
i agree
try typing it man
trying to log into my terminal will send a push authentication request to Elon's phone
i got elon on speed dial
anything you wanna ask just prod me
can you fix freebsd's shitty python3 scheme
thank you
soon as he finds some people who know how to code
mjg is elon
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sbalmos: oh but it's okay he hired geohot,
replies weren't loading properly because they switched that part to freebsd
you fault for using python
tell them to stop writing the whole build system in python
'Artosis meets his salt-equal' by Artosis Broodwar Clips (00:07:41)
a middle-aged man acts as a teenager
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according to that thing, openvms is now unix-like, and so is fuchsia
also all the BSDs are AT&T derived
USL v BSDi be damned
isn't anything with a libc unix-like?
i'm unix-like
are you too on a mission from Glod?
I'm setting up ARMv8 page tables for identity mapping, and am getting a Prefetch Abort on the next instruction; is there a good way to debug this in QEMU?
not that I know of, without adding printfs / rebuilding qemu
but I suppose your page table is incorrect, the ESR should tell you which level is wrong
Eric S Raymond can tell me what's wrong with my arm?
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github.com: arm/monitor: Add support for 'info tlb' command · patchew-project/qemu@0d06a04 · GitHub
single step it till it loads the table and then print the memory mapping
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mrvn: yeah, there's no command to do "print the whole memory mapping" other than just reading the bytes back; and they are what I expect
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indeed. there's no 'info mem' or 'info tlb' on arm on qemu
and tbh, even on x86 it's lacking
can help here though if you have question
bochs is the tool with the good one
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i am still playing with docker
I find it cool somehow
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I find it to be a stupid solution that sidesteps solving the actual issue
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and allows the degradation of every other software env to continue unabated
"I wrote all this shit in python and javascript and it breaks on anything but python so now it's impossible to ship" "just ship the entire operating system with those packages manually installed" "okay"
correct solution: Shoot that person in the face
pastebin.com: FROM --platform=linux/amd64 ubuntu:22.04RUN apt updateRUN apt install wget s - Pastebin.com
and it Just Works
I can give you a windows version and it'll just work
at least with that pastebin, boom, I have an environment that I completely trust with the versions of shit that I care about
Yes but I am an idealist
so am I
do I think this is the MOST correct solution? nope
So in the ideal world, docker wouldn't have to exist, because it'd just work regardless
you'd send me the binary or source and that'd be just as good
yes, your source code may be fully C/C++ standard compliant, and it should just work on any compiler
in a better world webdevs would not create docker images
but how can I trust that your compiler is sane?
why would that be any care of yours
if we're doing the 'ship all the things', imo guix/nix solves the problem better than docker
how can you trust my cpu is sane?
it's reductive and stupid
I care because I: a) want the user to have a good experience, and b) I don't want them to bitch to me in case something goes wrong if they're somehow stuck with g++ 4.2.0
I'll give you something that is *guaranteed to work*
again, keep in mind that I fully agree with you in that Docker isn't an ideal solution
>it's reductive and stupid
How can you trust my cpu?
I can only go so far
it's nice that I can toss a Dockerfile to you, and you run two commands and it works
might work*
if it's a "might", then the Dockerfile is invalid
or someone *reaaaaally* fucked up
nah I just clocked my ram to 2GHz this morning, good luck
one thing I will say is environment shit is annoying in general
it'd be nice if I could just grab your code, do `something build;` and it just works fucking _everywhere_
That's why we have distros, to tailor generic packages to the specific environment they've designed
yes and look how that turned out
not everybody wants generic debian 4
28374923472934 distros
take the one that can be trusted.
why would I want to 'trust' a distro
well, for my use case anyway
trust them do to what?
trust them not to completely break anything
er, everything*
man I come from a world where doing pacman -Syyu kills the whole system on reboot
and then people hail linux distributions as better than sliced bread
fuck that
so does deltree /y C:/windows/system32
i rest my case.
that didn't help your argument at all
what argument?
I wasn't arguing anything
well, oops
I asked you what i needed to trust them to do
and you had a rant and I still didn't understand so I basically ignored it, then you said a funny command so I gave a different funny command
imma get a drink
heh takes a whie to tune into zids particular style of anarchy
that's okay
am excite! i should get replacement RIFA caps any time now when UPS shows up
then i have a bunch of power supplies to fix
"it'd be nice if I could just grab your code, do `something build;` and it just works fucking _everywhere_" yes, yes...i call this the tree of corpses who sought the grail of portability (java, c89, c99, c++, next, ...) <motions to tree> "they weren't good enough" </excalibur 1981, golden boy to percival IIRC>
everyone wants that grail...
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i was gonna point out BASIC, but then nope. in the basic programs in the magazines there was always the appendix part where you patched it for your particular micro
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c is there because people probably want threads nowadays and whatever else they expect in a standard library...leading to posix.....add .net ....
eh, my definition of portable is "someone wrote the unportable parts"
so i am not saying it is not a worthy goal, just many contenders
or maybe there is 2 ways to achieve portability 1) write those parts 2) try to get people using the same hardware/etc.
crm is now known as orthoplex64
geist: aren't RIFAs just some rolled up paper? Didn't want to roll your own?
ok finally got the `info tlb'-for-aarch64 patch working... and it confirms that I have a page table entry that's as I expect (identity-mapping the low 1GiB), but `x 0' in QEMU says "Cannot access memory" and I get a Prefetch Abort when continuing to execute
check the permissions?
whats the ESR?
RW, no PXN; 0x21
(for the high bits, I mean)
and what address is the pc? doesnt qemu exec around 0x4000000
(not the right number of 0s)
yeah; PC is 0x402005ec when it faults
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I load at 0x40200000; I think I'm avoiding the devicetree? don't remember entirely
that's past the first 1GiB right?
(Im just confused by the `x 0`)
ah wait I was off by a zero :/
will try adding a second page; `x 0' being unhappy is still a mystery tho
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and I assume 'x 0x40200000' doesnt work either?