clever: first rule of rec0overing a damaged FS: make a copy
mrvn: yep, and i was operating on that copy in a read-only manner at nearly all steps
clever: I like to make a snapshot (of the copy) and work on the snapshot.
i did use qemu-img to create a qcow2 snapshot of it
and then ran a debug build of qemu against that
so i could modify zfs and attempt to debug the corruption
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qemu was mainly to limit the state loss every time the kernel null-pointered
mrvn: i also discovered that my build of memtest is faulty, for the second time
switching to another build, stops it from hanging hard
but now all 4 sticks pass memtest fully, even when ran for 4+ hours
plan b, is to just remove half the ram, and keep using the system
faulty memtest is very :(
the last time memtest was faulty, it was reporting false positives at a fixed addr
memtest rarely detects errors unless your ram is totaly screwed. sequential access without any other load is far less taxing than normal operations.
at first i trusted it, and moved to another machine
then it was dead there too
then things got freaky, when a laptop from a totally different cpu generation, had the same fault....
it shared nothing in common (other then the memtest build) and had the identical fault, lol
mrvn: that would imply memtest is defective, and should be doing random access
and i'm fairly certain i saw random in one of its tests
clever: add a hair dryer to heat the ram and noisy magnetic fields
sup fuckers
mrvn: ehh, simpler to just go back to using half the ram for a week, and see if its happy or not
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clever: removing and inserting the ram might remove oxidation from contacts and fix the problem :)
mrvn: already done that a dozen times, while trying to memtest which stick was causing memtest to hang
memtest hanging sounds like the problem is in the memory region memtest gets loaded into
switching to a different memtest build entirely got rid of the hanging
which implies the build was bad, and all of that stick swapping was a waste of time
or now the bad bit is in some code that's not critical or padding.
but the test should have covered that region
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which implies that there is no faults that memtest can find
only if the test pattern produces the error
maybe it only flips when you only read the region over and over
except reads on dram are destructive, and it has to refresh it every time you close the row
How big is memtest nowadays? Does it fit inot L3 cache?
.oO(and does it checksum itself?)
oh, and one problem with the last build i grabbed, its an efi binary
and in efi mode, it cant do SMP tests at all
if it's a very specific line that's failing memtest you can mark it out in grub or whatnot (assuming you're using linux)
32bit or 64bit?
but it still teases you by leaving them in the menu :P
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i have one 64k block on one of my machines marked out and it seems to be okay
obviously i wont trust it to anything serious but it seems to be a well behaved bad stick
geist: the efi build of memtest never found any faults, after 4+ hours of searching
there are multiple ones now, and iirc the old memtset86 just got revived
mrvn: all of them 1.3 to 1.4mb
geist: i wound up on the comercial memtest site by accident, and used that one last
and it found it?
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V10 is efi only, and they say to use V5 if you want non-efi support
V10 of the comercial build found nothing
and something did eventually?
the legacy build of memtest that nixos ships, locks up solid
at the same address, no matter what stick is being tested
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but i am observing effects like this: {"active":false,"audible":false,"autoDiscardable":tvue
the 0x04 bit was set in the middle of a json true, in a 5mb blob
TIL that on bash at least `ctrl-x *` expands the current glob
oh, neat
in zsh it's just <tab>
yeah the function is `glob-expand-word`
so you can find if something is bound to it with `bind -p`
oh, that leads into something i do with a lot of games
it had never occurred to me that there was a way to do it and then suddenly came to be that surely there is
immediately go into the keybind setup, and read it all
but now i can do the same to bash, lol, just `bind -p`
heh same, i immediatley go in and find Invert-Y axis
some games do that for you in the tutorial
one nice feature playstation has is it saves it per account and most games auto pick that up
"�": self-insert
"�": self-insert
"�": self-insert
that's a lot of strange bindings
geist: oh, you have a concusion, can you follow my finger
looks like it reports everything not bound as self-insert
and then it asks you if you want to invert y, and try again
mrvn: yeah may be basically 'insert the character into the command line'
which kinda makes sense
geist: that's how I read it too
geist: ive also seen one game, that ends the tutorial with an unbeatable mini-boss, and uses how long you last to tune the difficulty level
so that's an obvious way to screw up someone. unbind enter key or something on bash
geist: bind backspace to return :))
rebind all the keys so it acts like dvorak
clever: why would you need to rebind anything for that?
mrvn: to mess with people
no, I mean the keyboard already is dvorak
it acts like qwerty in one window, but dvorak in another
then it will act like an even more scrambled dvorak :P
yeah could be a way to type dvorak on a qwerty keyboard, at least in the shell
clever: bind every key to something that changes some key
mrvn: oh, ive done that in teamspeak before, lol
heh can you build a Enigma out of it
it supports multiple hotkey profiles, and a hotkey can be bound to change hotkey profiles
so you can create a kind of menu system with it
to navigate with fewer buttons
clever: no, too predictable. Make it swap every key with the one before
but there is no audible feedback, so you need to navigate it blind
>i immediatley go in and find Invert-Y axis
are you sure you're a human?
heat: moving the mouse up should turn the camera up!
any game that doesnt do that, is just wrong
EXCEPT on planes
invert y for lyfe!
shooters are just little planes
heat: ive got a proper flight yoke :P
heat: what about space ships?
space ships are just alien planes
do you *not* make little plane sounds when you play doom?
i thought everyone did
geist: no, but everyone makes pew pew pew sounds firing lasers in space.
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of course
do you also invert X?
or is your mind only wired backwards on the Y axis?
it's just plane stuff. i play enough flight sims, or st least did, that it's all wired the same for me
if it's fps in any sort of way, then invert y
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that reminds me of a weird story
so that there's not a disconnect between fps and flight sims
i had a joystick hooked up to my pc for some gaming, and when i was done it went on the floor and stayed there for weeks
since to me fundamentally it's the same neural pathway
one day the computer crashed in a weird way, and the joystick began jumping around
i didnt even know it had force feedback, lol
force feedback?
mrvn: surprise force feedback, i didnt know it even had that
now you have to figure out how do do it again
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i've never heard of anyone reversing X but i could imagine if you reversed both there could be a reasonable mental model that you're basically driving a telescope or whatnot
ie, you push it left to look to the right, etc
like it's a little weird, but i could see that making some sort of sense
geist: or just hold the controller upsidedown
oh that's true. not sure that's feasuble much with newer controllers, but in the snes era i've heard of folks doing that
thatll invert both axis
i meant more the telescope controller
mine only had 4 working buttons
put the stick in a vice and use the base as a food pedal.
oh i as tinkign if you wanted to hold the controller upside down legitimately, yo umight tell the game to reverse the axis to correct it
or if you have a heads up display with the image mirrored so everything is x invertged
i guess the real question which is where it all originates from is precisley when/where did it become standard for airplane control yokes to work the way they do
ie, pulling back raising the elevator to try to point up, etc
there is a guy on YT that converted a 2 eye HUD, into a 1 eye HUD
and it was a major pain in the ass
i'm sure it's way back because i dont think there's a fundamentl reason for it, except that'st probably just how the control linkages were wired up
geist: because the wires weren't crossed
its constantly polling temp sensors on both displays, to shut off if it overheats
because the oled dies permanently at some temp
oh wait, no, they have to be crossed
but if you unplug one display, it errors, and just turns off entirely
but he then found, if you just short the i2c bus from both eyes together, it works perfectly fine
yeah dunno. maybe because you get more strength out of pulling towards you and it's more common in mechanically linked airplaes to pull 'up' like that?
though i guess that's not necessarily true, pushing away on the stick is also fairly good strength wise, i guess
geist: strength is probably the reason I would say.
www.reddit.com: ELI5 - Why do airplane yokes have inverted control? : explainlikeimfive
the movement of the plane also doesn't increase the push/pull on the stick so it's not feeding itself.
well, in the aerly days, when this was getting standardized, it might very well
as in it's mechanical linkage, so the control surfaces would definitely give you direct feedback
mrvn: that reminds me of an episode of the expanse, when the ship engine was running so hard, the pilot couldnt lift his arm to hit the kill switch
geist: you can connect the wires as an = or X. easy to reverse Y mechanical.
the feedback on the mechanical linkages will just push it back to center no matter which way you pushed it, nothing to care about how the yoke is held
clever: exactly. You don't want that.
geist: i think mrvn meant, the g forces of the plane turning, causing you to pull the controls in the reverse direction, and that oscilates out of control
or worse, pulling in the same direction, amplifying it
\Test_User: or at least to whatever the most neutral (ie, least amount of pressure on the control surfaces) is for that surface
if you were in a flat spin or something it might end up slamming all over the place
But it really feels natural on a plane. Think of having a little plane model at the top of the stick. When you pull it back the nose of the model airplane goes up. So does the real one.
yeah thats the first comment in the reddit. makes sense to me
invert X gang
so i'm sold. anyway, long story short that's why i invert Y. i think of the mouse as being a little joystick because i used to and still do play flight sims
and used to fly a lot of model airplanes
In a helicopter you have a bar you have to pull up to change the tilt of the rotor. The more you pull it up the more the lift increases and the helicopter goes up. same thing.
crazy idea: switch X and Y
yah the collective. also you twist it
geist: why is that inverting y? Your screen has Y inverted.
make the mouse/joystick Y axis control the X axis, and vice-versa
geist: ask any mathematician which direction Y positive goes
that's their problem, not mine
heat: turn the joystick sideways and go back to using it
coordinate systems of the graphics are an implementation detail
geist: implemting the math goes all screwy if you mix up left and right handed coordinate systems. All the examples will be wrong.
ive gotten stride mixed up before, the hardware expects it in bytes, but some data structures store it in pixels
clever: does RPi support a paletted or 16bit mode?
bit 31-30: palette size. 0=1bpp. 1=2bpp. 2=4bpp. 3=8bpp
correction, not the full range
So no 16bpp plaette
palette_table is fixed to 256 entries too
yeah, 16bit is just 4444, 555, 5551, or 565, no 16bit palette
palette size limits it to being 1/4/16/256
bits 11-0: palette base address in context memory
bit 26: palette order 1= Pixels are ordered left-to-right as LSB to MSB, 0 = Pixels are ordered left to right as MSB to LSB
i think those limits, are to ensure a pixel doesnt span multiple bytes
> Yes, context memory (for display list) is embedded SRAM. It can do one pixel per cycle for palettised formats (compared to 4 pixels per cycle for unscaled, and 2 pixels per cycle scaled).
so, you load a description of every image into the display list sram
each image has its own xywh and image format
and you also load the palette itself into that display list sram
the hardware then dynamically composes it into some internal FIFO ram, racing the (virtual) electron beam
h-flip just inverts the draw order on the internal FIFO
v-flip causes it to addr -= stride; rather then +=
so you must give it the address of the last line in the image
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huh my ryzen 5x says it supports INVPCID but not PCID
i guess that's feasible because you can still use the 'flush everything' feature of the instruction
would let you invalidate all or all + global without doing any CR3 or CR4 shenanigans i guess
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tonight's beer: okanagan spring brewery
first up a pale ale that... is really more of an amber
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on x86 shl + shr: "[...] all other IA-32 processors (starting with the Intel 286 processor) do mask the shift count to 5 bits, resulting in a maximum count of 31."
shl %eax, $32 -> shl %rax, $0
erm, shl %eax, $0
i probably got the opcode argument ordering wrong, don't care
which is fine cus C says >32 shifts are UB anyway so how could you possibly find out that information
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It's so coold today wtf heat
heat broke
CPU barely getting warm shit, forgot I undervolted it
new cpus should also follow C UB
null deref? blows up
Is your CPU also your heater? :P
its a xeon so definitely
it used to be
then I undervolted it
now it's a shitty i3
oh apparently it's still using 180W, just took a while for the cooler to heat p