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<InPhase> teepee: Nicely played on the composition of tutorial 10. :)
<InPhase> That brought the prior items together in a way that reflects the obviously careful planning. ;)
<InPhase> J24k34: And the last stage of tutorial 12 is aesthetically beautiful.
<gbruno> [github] ochafik pushed 1 modifications (Pin wasm build to last working version) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/commit/0489edff66717abcd02af1fa8c5a7c6161d7878e
<gbruno> [github] ochafik pushed 1 modifications (Update Makefile) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/commit/a8c7ba90ca5c7e597a8198cc35fbf620d373c276
<gbruno> [github] ochafik opened pull request #61 (Pin wasm) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/pull/61
<gbruno> [github] ochafik edited pull request #61 (Pin wasm build version (latest snapshots broken in playground)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/pull/61
<gbruno> [github] ochafik closed pull request #61 (Pin wasm build version (latest snapshots broken in playground)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/pull/61
<gbruno> [github] ochafik pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #61 from openscad/pin-wasm Pin wasm) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/commit/a8736a1c41f1a72955917a6c244843e64f007efb
<gbruno> [github] ochafik edited pull request #61 (Pin wasm build version (latest snapshots broken in playground)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/pull/61
<InPhase> teepee: Crap... We can't define modules inside of if. :(
<InPhase> I guess I will have to define N different modules to do this incrementally.
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<InPhase> Tutorial 13 is done. Will push in like 30 minutes.
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<kintel> pca006132 I was trying to understand how Manifold uses Clipper2 differently from OpenSCAD's usage of Clipper1, and this is my understanding:
<kintel> Both Clipper1 and Clipper2 operate in quantized 64-bit integer space
<kintel> Manifold quantizes global space in to units sized 10^-8
<kintel> OpenSCAD quantizes the space occupied by the bounding box of the operands of any function so that 31-bit space is used for the bbox.
<kintel> The latter is obviously far more precise, but we also run into the issue of losing precision when converting to double-prevision world space, causing occasional topology changes during conversion
<kintel> * not actually 10^8 but its nearest power of twp
<kintel> I'm considering aligning OpenSCAD with Manifold on this one, but it could also make sense to make this configurable in Manifold
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<InPhase> J24k71: Is Tutorial 12 complete? I put Tutorial 13 in place on Day 18, but it can be moved to day 17 and we could swap tutorial numbers if yours is not ready.
<InPhase> J24k71: Although it looked ready at a glance, it just wasn't in the index and readme.
<InPhase> J24k71: Ours have no interdependencies that require any specific ordering.
<InPhase> J24k71: I'm done pushing, and shutting down for sleep and then work, so if you need to swap and need more time, go ahead.
<pca006132> kintel: where is that 10^8 coming from?
<pca006132> oh, cross section
<pca006132> I was thinking about 3D
<pca006132> to be honest, we did not spent too much time working on clipper2 integration, it was worked on by one contributor a year or two ago, in a short amount of time without too much testing
<pca006132> our tests were relatively simple, with small polygons where the coordinates are quite small, so we are not anywhere close to the precision limit
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<J24k71> inPhase Tutorial has 8 steps and is complete (not checked nor gif made)
<J24k71> teepee now i understand replacing colors with size - well done! .. (strangely i didn't got a github mail for the update)
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<teepee> J24k71: yeah, I never got mail notifications for the private repo either
<teepee> changing to translate([i,i]) makes it a bit more obvious what's going on for steps 1-3 I think
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<J24k71> f0lkert did this look right for you in povray export https://bpa.st/2F7Q
<J24k71> teepee can you please check part 14 (day 19) and part 12 for tomorrow (day 17)
<teepee> I had a look at part 12 already, looks nice. as mentioned above, I'll probably move the cubes around a bit so it's clearly visible there are multiple cubes in step 1 and make it a bit easier for the animation generator
<teepee> like adding -1 to the list and dropping 10 so it does not need to zoom out as much
<J24k71> ok feel free .. it is just a proposal
<teepee> it's great, we almost made it, that leaves only 2 slots? one tutorial and the big 24 door
<J24k71> i am more worried that part 14 is too complex
<teepee> I'd say it's "advanced" week now, so it's fine even though I have not looked at it yet :)
<teepee> if we integrate it into the app and/or maybe get a web version, we can always extend/modify/add more details
<J24k71> it's about polyhedron and  i think it would be easier to use 9 points for an n=8 gon  - but i used 8
<J24k71> because you don't need to warp (modulo) around for the last face
<J24k71> i assume that is super confusing for new user
<teepee> we can check with InPhase later, his teaching experience can probably give some advise
<J24k71> so is you box ( https://pads.domainepublic.net/p/scadavent-2024_c5283e0a-99cc ) something you like to make?
<J24k71> 20 21 24 are open
<teepee> the box was really just a random idea, can be anything really.
<teepee> I don't have any ideas ready to go yet
<teepee> if we can think of another tips&tricks or advanced tutorial, that's totally fine too
<teepee> my rough idea was maybe showing some more multi-part assembly stuff as tutorial part
<teepee> like I use for my models via customizer for print arrangement single parts and assembly with other stuff like PCBs and displays and so on
<J24k71> stacking linear_extrusions with changing twist has nice results but  something like PCB or text on a path could be interessting
<J24k71> a box can also be created as folded preview
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<Guest0101> Hi, how would I make this cone hollow with a 4mm wall ?
<Guest0101> cylinder(h = 30, r1 = 30, r2 = 17);
<Guest0101> more like a funnel than a cone
<J24k71> Guest0101 hi
<J24k71> a difference would work if you remove a second cylinder (r1=30-4,r2=
<J24k71> 17-4);
<Guest0101> J24k71: that seems alot simpler than the github method
<J24k71> but this will have a 4mm wall on a xy plane .. not perpendicular
<J24k71> Guest0101 an option for that is   rotate_extrude() translate([13,0])rotate(-20)square([4,30]);
<InPhase> Guest0101: $fa=1; $fs=0.4; linear_extrude(height=30, scale=17/30) difference() { circle(30); circle(30-4/cos(13/30)); }
<J24k71> you can add an intersection to make bottom and top flat
<J24k71> InPhase - scale of an linear extrusion will change the wall thickness
<InPhase> Oh, hmm. Scale actually narrows the top for this.
<InPhase> Yes.
<J24k71> Ü
<Guest0101> thanks for the info :)
<J24k71> rotate(-atan((30-17)/30))  would give you the angle of your example
<InPhase> $fa=1; $fs=0.4; rotate_extrude() intersection() { square(30); translate([30, 0]) rotate(atan2(13, 30)) translate([-4, 0]) square([4, 60]); }
<J24k71> That is the way!
<InPhase> Guest0101: When seeking to understand something like that, peel it off from the right, and run the pieces separately, adding things onto the left until the combination of things makes sense to you.
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<J24k71> difference(){ cylinder(h = 30, r1 = 30, r2 = 17); translate([0,0,-.005])cylinder(h = 30.01, r1 = 30-cos(13/30)*4, r2 = 17-cos(13/30)*4);}
<J24k71> should also be valid
<J24k71> nope the change is 4*(1/cos(atan(13/30)))
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<Guest0101> InPhase: makes sense
<InPhase> J24k71: Yeah. That expanded enough to get it right that nested cylinders is almost simpler here, except for the nuance of handling the epsilon exactly if you wanted exactly 4mm width.
<J24k71> InPhase - if you have time, have a look at day 19 and if that can be improved pedagogically .. thought about calculation an ngon with n+1 points instead
<gbruno> [github] Maldus512 opened issue #5497 ("GLEW Error: Unknown error" and black window) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5497
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<linext> is there a good way to convert a SVG / DXF into a series of line segments?
<linext> i'm trying to set up a lathe and need something like this: https://i.ibb.co/zGTBMPc/image.png
<InPhase> J24k71: Ok. You good on lecture 12 for tonight?
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<J24k71> inPhase always open but should be ok (spell checks always welcome too) .. let teepee make the gif so they all look same
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 modifications (Move projection implementation into ClipperUtils) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/272a30b2afb46cb203078954d907e32d0a6c943c
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5498 (Move projection implementation into ClipperUtils) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5498
<kintel> pca006132 Ah, thanks for the clarification on the cross section history. Not sure what the best solution is in terms of precision, but I'll start by implementing the same precision as Manifold in OpenSCAD, then run all our tests and see what happens
<teepee> J24k71: yep, I'll run formatter and gif script later
<kintel> Of course, to make things fun, the core operators in OpenSCAD use one precision, svg import uses another, and roof uses yet another. Fun times..
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 modifications (Experiment with Clipper2's double API) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/96eeec5a08f7a9d10880f5578200a8e271603aaa
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 7 modifications (Minor interface change to prefer Polygon2d over Geometry) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/e026e3befb63568f6efeb9dca61231ba41153b87
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5498 (Move projection implementation into ClipperUtils) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5498
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #5498 (Move projection implementation into ClipperUtils) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5498
<InPhase> teepee: I made my own snowflake gif, because it has randomness. So I ran it a bunch of times until the "representative results" looked pretty in the way I wanted. ;)
<InPhase> But I had found your script this time, and used it. Although switching the background scheme so that the white snowflake stood out better.
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<teepee> J24k71: gif is generated now
<teepee> note that the README is generated by scripts/generate-readme.sh from the index.js file, so it's always overwritten (except the header)
<J24k71> +
<J24k71> index.js was the one that needs to be changed .. i am sure i forget this till next year - Ü
<teepee> just look in the scripts folder :-)
<teepee> you don't need to run them, but they show what's automated
<teepee> last one got me the "render aborted warning", so I added a note about that too
<teepee> whew, and daily update posted even before the next door opens ;-)
<teepee> that ALT text really takes a lot of time and I'm sure the result is not exactly good. but I'm trying
<teepee> also I still have not found a way to actually get normal notifications. The only thing that works is the setting in the repo, but that's an admin config with a list of mail addresses
<J24k71> hmm looks even better with less round edges https://imgur.com/a/4QDQpvQ
<J24k71> that normalized tree thing is only in preview - F6 solves that
<J24k71> ALT text?
<teepee> oh, nice, that looks very good
<teepee> mastodon traditionally tries to always have ALTernative text for images for vision imparied people and/or for additional context
<J24k71> or more twist and color change https://imgur.com/a/HincEaO
<teepee> bluesky seems to trend into that direction too
<J24k71> yes .. bit late since GPT the ALT text becomes useless .. but why does that take so much more time?
<teepee> ahhh, forgot my cucumber salad at dinner. I guess it's a good night snack now :D
<teepee> a single image is work, we have sometime 8 images as animation
<teepee> at least for nighthawks I could grab some help from wikipedia
<J24k71> oh you need to do this for every image in a gif? .. or do you just post them because  gif is not suported?
<teepee> need to do it, no, it's not techincally mandatory
<J24k71> they should offer an GPT autotext suggestion
<teepee> but sepecially with some vision impaired people using openscad (and mastodon) it seems like a good idea
<J24k71> seems bsky has no animation .. gifs are jpg
<teepee> yeah, technology is fun. I can't use gif directly on mastodon, but if I upload an mp4 it marks it as "GIF" in the web gui
<teepee> an bsky, I can direcly upload the gif
<J24k71> when i open it there is no animation
<J24k71> static
<teepee> wtf, it plays in preview :/
<teepee> note to self... going forward also use the mp4 for bsky
<teepee> maybe generate it directly from the images too, instead of via the gif, hmm...
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Does OpenScad take advantage of the NVida GPU / CUDA?
<teepee> no
<J24k71> manifold uses multiple CPU cores though
<teepee> and cuda was *removed* from manifold as it did not bring much improvement if at all
<UltimateCodeWarr> I was looking a lot of OpenCV, DarkNet, FFMPeg Libraries, and you can download them and compile them with CUDA for a 2000x boost
<teepee> also cuda is not happening anyway, freaking proprietary nonsense
<teepee> image is very different from 3D CSG
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<UltimateCodeWarr> Are there any "Rendering Benchmarks" with OpenSCAD that show various Computer Configurations (AMD vs Intel etc) to get the best benchmarks?
<teepee> I have not seen any
<teepee> in general a fast memory interface is a big win
<J24k71> i think i have seen some complex test scripts